NRA to expand lobbying to other conservative causes

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Dec 29, 2002
Saw a banner on CNN this morning, that the NRA is expanding their lobbying effort to embrace other conservative causes.

I, for one, question this decision. The left/Democrats are already characterizing the NRA as a branch of the Republican party. I'm not sure we won't reduce our effectiveness at lobbying for pro-2nd Amendment legislation by embracing other conservative causes and alienating some of the pro-gun Democrats that support us now. :scrutiny:

Let's try to stick to the issue, and not devolve into an NRA-bashing thread! :uhoh:
It would seem that the powers that be at the NRA are now branching out to push their own interests/agenda.
Can't be good.
While a banner on an editorial channel is hardly a credible source, and as such I will suspend judgement on this, but yeah. I can't say I would be terribly surprised if it proved true.
So, will donors' money go to things other than a pro-gun agenda? Will members be able to control where their money goes and to what causes? I think that's a really bad move on the part of the NRA. Stick to one issue.
I think this looks to be overblown. They cite that Tara Mica (NRA-ILA lobbyist) is on the board of ALEC, a conservative organization that the NRA has given "major support" toward...., they think $25,000 in 2010. Ms. Mica, as a board member of a different organization than the NRA, voted to support ALEC's efforts to demand voter registration.

The other citing is a push against McCain Feingold, saying this has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment....which is only correct if one takes the view that the NRA should allow Congress to kill its sources of funding, and that securing the right to anonymously support the NRA, for many of us to whom confidentiality matters, is not a 2A issue.

They also cite a professor who says "the downward trend" in gun ownership in America is a cause for alarm for the NRA. Whaaaa?

Lastly, the cite the NRA's targeting Democrats in weak districts as openly supporting the Republican party...also nonsense! The NRA, against many of its member's wishes, has supported Harry Reid many times because he has a decent 2A voting record. Unfortunately, most Democrats are anti-private gun ownership. I've not seen the NRA, in my 25+ years of membership, pull support for pro-gun candidates, regardless of party affiliation. CNN strikes again!
I looked briefly at CNN's site, but I didn't see anything. Does anyone have a link?

Not good if true, IMO.
So, will donors' money go to things other than a pro-gun agenda? Will members be able to control where their money goes and to what causes? I think that's a really bad move on the part of the NRA. Stick to one issue.

Been an NRA member for over 50 years. i saw this one coming a few years ago. It's not good for gunowners. i stopped contributing to the ILA a few years ago because of their misinformation, distortion of the facts and dabbling in conspiracy theories.
So, will donors' money go to things other than a pro-gun agenda? Will members be able to control where their money goes and to what causes?

Arguably the biggest sticking point. But again, a ticker on an editorial isn't a good source.
OMG, not Conservative values!!! The sky is falling!!!

Glad if they are supporting Conservative values. The more good they can do the better.
From where I'm sittin' - Just the NRA looking to expand it's revenue garnering base.

Either that or they've already accomplished everything which can possibly be done in the area of protection of or reestablishment (in the case of states like California) Second Amendment rights and have boatloads of resources to throw at catch-all "conservative" issues.

Yeah, that's it... protection of gun owner's rights is a Fait Accompli so now they can dominate and alter agendas elsewhere.:banghead:
If that is true, it stands to reason their over all budget for such things will
have to be increased. Expect the "request for money" to increase sharply.
If this is true, then they will definitly get my support. If the pro-gun dems don't like it, too bad. Just think about all the non NRA conservatives that will finally get on board with us.
You should also consider pro gun Democrats leaving the NRA. You guys all assume since most antis are Democrats that all antis are Democrats which is not the case.
i could care less that the pro-gun candidate is a fire breathing Protestant preacher or a lesbian Wiccan. The pro-gunner will get my vote every time.
The only reason I'm a member now is because it's a requirement for the range I belong to. They already do to many things I don't like. Stick to one thing. I hate the whole conservative vs liberal debate to begin with. They are all the same lying politicians. And if this really is the case and they start to support any type of religious organization/cause I will be looking for another range to join.

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You should also consider pro gun Democrats leaving the NRA. You guys all assume since most antis are Democrats that all antis are Democrats which is not the case.

There are Dems that get NRA support. I don't assume they are all anti gun, but let's be real they are in the minority.
I gotta say,....if there were no NRA, we'd all be marching down to registered clubs, to our out-of-home-rented gun safes, to grab air guns to shoot at paper targets in registered matches.

Don't throw the baby out with the bath water! One of the guys behind the counter at my LGS doesn't support the NRA "because they don't spend enough in our state." I think it's because he doesn't want to spend the money. Other people don't like the phone calls and junk mail appeals. The NRA has doubled in size over the past 10-20 years. Think of the things that have happened, post-President G.H.W. Bush in 1992:

-The Assault Weapons Ban is dead
-49 States and Washington D.C. have some provision for CC
-Castle doctrine laws are becoming commonplace
-Stand your ground laws are growing in popularity
-Open carry laws are growing
-"Constitutional Carry" is the next thing
-Gun ownership is growing
-"Top Shot" and all kinds of other pro-gun images are growing on TV

I say double down! We could lose the slim 2A majority on the SCOTUS, but the more people that purchase and enjoy firearms, the harder it will be to falsely demonize them. We also have a wave of ex-military kids coming down the pipeline that will embrace these values of freedom. I do whatever I can to talk about my hobbies, my daughters' involvement, my safe and respectful treatment of weapons, etc.

Now is not the time to back off. The media hates guns, yet the statistics prove out the claims that "relaxation" of gun laws have not led to anything other than more self-reliant people.
-The Assault Weapons Ban is dead
-49 States and Washington D.C. have some provision for CC
-Castle doctrine laws are becoming commonplace
-Stand your ground laws are growing in popularity
-Open carry laws are growing
-"Constitutional Carry" is the next thing
-Gun ownership is growing
-"Top Shot" and all kinds of other pro-gun images are growing on TV

None of this happened though because of "conservative values" and the NRA becoming more and more right wing.
This happened because the right wing rhetoric has become less and less, so much so, as a matter of fact that I was even considering joining up.
But I am telling you right now:
If the NRA becomes yet another partisan shrieking voice in this televised drama we call "politics" all those great things are gonna go away very, very quick, because pro-2A middle to left wing folks like me, who are right now mildly willing to step into the organized 2A side are gonna scram really, really fast when the rhetoric against us is cranked up.

And I really, really hope that this one ticker is just another sensationalist soundbite, because if it's true, we'll be dealing a blow to all these great things that happened.
Double down, yes. On 2A. All other issues are irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.

Likely just overblown media hype. But if true, this will not be a good thing.

I am not your "majority" gun owner, but I am an adamant gun owner. Why risk alienating those like me? This is our common ground here, guys.
I won't become an NRA member until they do what they promised to do 26 years ago, challenge and defeat the Hughes Amendment which flat out bans new machine guns.
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