Ohio, Summer carry weapon needed.

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Don't overlook the Kahr CW 45 as well. I love mine and find both my 9mm and 45cal CW series battling with my j frame airweight for carry duty. Love both of the CW's as both are 100% reliable from the get, and more than accurate enough for CC. My issue with the PM series is it is too short in the grip for my large hands ( I am around the same build as you), and the CW 45 feels as if it was made for my hands!
The CW45 isn't a bad option, Especially in the price dept. Honestly ive not seen a PM45 in person so im not so sure just how much smaller it is.
There is a point were size versus price ratio can be a deal breaker.
I know the CW9 ive seen was small even for a 9mm.

Forget OC, I have my CCW and i plan on keeping on using it.
I draw enough attention with my size, Tattoo's and my flat top hair cut i usually wear. I dont need a gun on my side drawing even more attention.
But i do support those who do OC, And would attend a support rally if given the chance. Its just not for me while in public.

I do OC at the range tho as i can get hot while shooting and want to take my jacket off. And ive been known to be in my yard and getting the mail with my 1911 in an OWB holster with no cover. But lets not turn this into an OC discussion tho pls.

I didn't know they made a G29sf, They make that in the G30 also? Or is that just the G36?
Im not so happy with the G36 and Sig p250sc both only having 6 rounds.

Any Kahr CW45/PM45 and Sig P250SC .45 owners have any comments on these guns?
Mainly trigger pull length and weight and whats available to adjust them to the owners likings?

Are the 4th gen Glocks out? If not when they due?
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My issue is my growing gut and receding backside make pants not want to stay up for long.

Like you even my gunbelt wasn't working I added suspenders and problem solved 1911 full size or compact stay put as do my pants .
Im not ready for suspenders just yet. I think they make people look old and being ready to turn 40 is hard enough as it is.

I put in my request for a loan today to buy my gun hopefully tomorrow.
So far the selection isnt the greatest from the biggest local store.

No Sig 250 .45 in stock.
Kahr CW45 is in stock at $479
G30sf 3rdGen in stock at $549
SA 3" 1911 A1 GI in stock at $569
No G29's in stock

Ill have to do some calling around as id prefer a 4th Gen Glock in a Sf, or the Sig 250 in .45 if i can find one.
I gotta handle the CW45 again as i know its smallish, But possibly not as small as i want. I can look up specs tonight tho.
I really would like to lean towards the G29, 10mm just makes me happy in the pants. I will practice with it, But it isnt like ill be shooting it constantly so ammo costs arent that big an issue.
Plus i wanna hold the Sig 250 as i never have.

Pls if you have any comments pls post them now! As i fully expect to be at a shop by noon and walking out with a gun by 1pm if i dont get delayed as usual. Idiots delay me all the time even tho i have my CHL. Drives me freaken nutz!
Choose the gun over convenience and fashion.

Small guns are difficult to fight with. At least get something that has a full grip.

1) Check out the S&W M&P 45 Compact. It's the same size as a Glock 19 (height and slide length), which makes it very concealable. 8+1 capacity and it takes the full sized 10 round mags. Add Apex Tactical parts and it will have an excellent trigger.



2) The Springfield XD 45 Compact is of similar size, but is wider. It holds 10+1 rounds.

3) SIG makes their P220 Compact.


It will probably need a trigger job.

4) If you're going for a 1911, look at a "CCO" type gun. These guns usually have a 4 1/4" barrel (minimum for reliability in the platform) and an "Officers" length grip. I had bad luck with a 1911 with 3" barrel.

Dan Wesson makes this:

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Choose the gun over convenience and fashion.
Small guns are difficult to fight with. At least get something that has a full grip.
I did its called my full sized 1911. I need something for those days i absolutely cant carry a large gun and actually a mouse gun is more fitting. But i don't want a mouse gun and feel under gunned. 6 rounds of .45 is much better than 10 9mm imo.
And that being the case ill pay for it in extra size and a higher price for the gun for my hard headedness.

While those are all nice compacts, They are not sub compacts.
For me to give up my 1911 and carry something else it better be small and light, And in a 10mm or .45 its not gonna be easy.
Actually it is easy if i can just find the stupid gun in stock somewhere locally.

What some companies call a compact is what a compact was 20 years ago in some cases.
Ive owned a Taurus PT745 .45 single stack and i know what recoil from that gun. But ive tried to stay away from Taurus in these recent days.
What do you mean in saying the PT145, "had no character?" On paper it fits the bill of what you're looking for pretty much to a T.
I misspoke, I had the PT745. Same gun just a single stack.
I cant put my finger on it exactly, But the gun didn't feel "special". It didn't make me say "Oooooh"
I also disliked the Trigger alot, It was just too weird.
It was everything im looking for again, But im not so impressed with Taurus quality as i first was. I my EDC 1911 is the PT1911 and i wont give it up for nothing. But its no Dan Wesson.
But the PT1911 does have character, And now ive worn mine for almost a year it has tons of wear from carrying it.

Right now im looking hard at the CW45 and G30/36 as those 2 may be my only local .45 options in a subcompact.
Im also going back on my word and looking at subcompact .40's also.
Its not the exact caliber i want, But i can live with it. But if i go that route it better be small and light.

My local store has these options.

The SA XD SC .40 $399
G27 $499
S&W M&P C .40 $499 $50 MIR
Sig 250 SC .40 $519

Those are against these:
CW45 $429
G30/36 $549

ATM im in confusion, AS ill be buying something tomorrow and i HATE not have a plan when i go in.

PLS visit this thread if you have a comment on the .40's

I wanna seperate the .45 and .40 thread so i have no confusion and im pretty much set on which .45's i need to choose from at the store.
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Ohio is an open carry state too, so much less drama if it is exposed or not perfectly hidden, or better yet, not hidden at all.
Tell that to the various poor folk who have been spread-eagled for OC here. Legal doesn't remove the "man with a gun" hassles.
It's also legal for women to walk around topless in Columbus OH, but I'd only advise it at COMFEST (June 25-27). :D
It's also legal for women to walk around topless in Columbus OH, but I'd only advise it at COMFEST (June 25-27).
That should be renamed "Naked Weed Fest" after i was told about it when my x-wife took my daughter there 3-4 years ago. I wasn't happy at all. Because she took the kids of course, Id go myself with no issues.

If anyone missed it i made a .4tay thread to include those to expand my choices. The XD SC at $399 won that thread.
Now it can be added to this list of .45's ill have to choose from.
CW45 $429
G30/36 $549
XD SC .40 $399
SA GI 3" 1911 $569

And what ever i find used in a .45 compact. They do have the SA GI 3" 1911 on sale at $569 but its one heavy chunk of steel and not exactly the most suitable except in size. Granted size is more important than weight in most cases.

Its gonna be a tough choice and i need to stay focused on small,light and thin when possible. In a .45 thin isnt much of an option except the CW45 and G36 do ok there. But i like the capacity of the G30.

What ever i choose should have good triggers out of the box as i dont like reworked triggers on carry guns.
Shop around and get a G29 with Pearce pinky extension. Amazing finish, few parts, uber reliable, no manual safeties.
Guy's im gonna call this thread officially dead as a gun was purchased and it was a SA XD SC .40 for many reasons.
Those reasons i posted in the other thread with my name on it, I kept it separate so i didn't have a .40 vs .45/10mm fight and it seemed to work well and i bought a gun that fits my needs.

But had the shop had a single G29 or G30 in stock it may have ended differant. My only choices in big bore was a G36 and a CW45.
I didnt feel the G36 was thin enough to justify loosing 3 rounds, I would have rather had the 29/30 and the little extra width.
The CW45 did have about the best trigger of the day, Thats the truth and i handled 6-8 guns. But my issue was the single stack made the grip so long i felt like the gun wasn't much smaller than my 1911.
Who knows, When cooler weather sets in i may retire the 1911 from carry work and buy the CW45 as its lightness and capacity with such a low price makes it a gun to be reckoned with.
Why more people dont buy that gun ill never know.

Anyhow the XD SC .40 won out due to small everything except width which was on par with everyone else. But it does so many other things so well and such a low price of $429 for the full boat accessories package i couldn't pass it up.
I added an pierce pinky extension and along with the high capacity mag i see this gun quickly becoming well loved.

I still want a G29, But don't tell anyone as they may think i have issues....
Nice choice for a double stack ccw! I also like the preformance and size of the 40s&w cartridge. If the width does not bother you that is an exellent choice for carry, Congrats and cant wait to hear a range report.
Thank you,
I had a hard time deciding single stack or double stack in such a small gun as a single stack really limits your round count in such a short grip. In a holster i don't find the XD any thicker than my 1911, But i can tell a big difference in height,length and weight. 3 out of 4 aint bad.
Im heading to the range in about an hour.
Im gonna be torn there as ive been on a big kick of shooting my new CZ 452 Ultra Lux .22 that shots like a laser at 50 yards. But i also cant carry the XD until i test it first.
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