I misspoke, I had the PT745. Same gun just a single stack.
I cant put my finger on it exactly, But the gun didn't feel "special". It didn't make me say "Oooooh"
I also disliked the Trigger alot, It was just too weird.
It was everything im looking for again, But im not so impressed with Taurus quality as i first was. I my EDC 1911 is the PT1911 and i wont give it up for nothing. But its no Dan Wesson.
But the PT1911 does have character, And now ive worn mine for almost a year it has tons of wear from carrying it.
Right now im looking hard at the CW45 and G30/36 as those 2 may be my only local .45 options in a subcompact.
Im also going back on my word and looking at subcompact .40's also.
Its not the exact caliber i want, But i can live with it. But if i go that route it better be small and light.
My local store has these options.
The SA XD SC .40 $399
G27 $499
S&W M&P C .40 $499 $50 MIR
Sig 250 SC .40 $519
Those are against these:
CW45 $429
G30/36 $549
ATM im in confusion, AS ill be buying something tomorrow and i HATE not have a plan when i go in.
PLS visit this thread if you have a comment on the .40's
I wanna seperate the .45 and .40 thread so i have no confusion and im pretty much set on which .45's i need to choose from at the store.