Old men rule!!!

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Most of us older guys want to help the young ones because we grew up with guns. And we'd hate to see the tradition die. When I was a kid everyone had a gun, and we didn't use it on each other. It was nothing to go to school on a city bus with a rifle case and then keep it in your locker until it was time for rifle team practice. It was normal. And I'd like to see it be normal again. So the more young guys I can help get into the hobby the better.
On the way, he told me "if you get into a discussion with one of the old farts, be careful about getting sucked into any arguments because you could find yourself arguing with a retired rocket scientist with nothing but time on his hands".

My favoritestest quote so far...

This is a noteworthy thread.

The respect that goes both ways between the generations is also tied to the shooting sports in general. Father taught son (who listened) and neighbor talked to neighbor to share and learn from experience. That tradition is more evident at the 'range' than most other places.

Ever play golf? You won't find a lot of these good folks to talk to.

Maybe it should be mandatory to get a gun and go the range, and especially that gun shop with the back room.

You could go further than that. I firmly believe that every kid should be given a reloading press and a banjo at birth. That way the "back rooms" of America will always be full. If for no other reason than the banjo players ran everyone out of the "front room".
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