Oleg pics .. in new magazine.

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Moderator Emeritus
Jan 3, 2003
South PA, and a bit West of center!
Just got a sample of the new ''Concealed Carry magazine'' ... as soon as I saw it I thought .. hey ... there's Betty (''Runt'') on the cover! Mind you, they'd cheated a bit and flipped the image!

Inside tho, other pics of Oleg's - and the pic .. page 10. Great pic of Oleg's SO and superb depth of field Oleg ... nice. But - educate me here ... what is that gun? High cylinder .. firing from bottom chamber etc ... I need input!
I never noticed she was left handed before and is that a Portsider she's holding? :)


Inside tho, other pics of Oleg's - and the pic .. page 10. Great pic of Oleg's SO and superb depth of field Oleg ... nice. But - educate me here ... what is that gun? High cylinder .. firing from bottom chamber etc ... I need input!

Funny, that's the only other picture they have on their website. It is a Mateba. I don't know much about it, but here is their website: http://www.mateba-arms.com/page2.html
They have since hired a real designer, so the look of the publication should improve. I'll have another article in the next issue as well, on techniques of converting fence-sitters.
What are you talking about? You've never seen a left handed 1911 before?
I have!!! Once. A Randall I think. IIRC, they went out of business when I was really little, and long before LDA's...
What it has is very few sponsors...

And the way it will get them is by showing potential sponsors a large subscriber list.

I just got my trial copy in the mail today and am favorably impressed. I'm going to subscribe.

I must admit it was kind of neat to see a familiar face on the cover.
Left handed 45s.

Now the Falcon portsider is one left handed 45 that I don't have. I've got Randalls & SafariArms (Oly).
I wish these folks the best of luck, but $40/yr. it's bi-monthly and only about 25 pages (or so) ain't gonna work. There are way too many gun rags out there that send 12 issues a yr. for $10-15 that aren't worth it. Unless somebody can't point out some compelling reason to donate $40 bucks to this cause I'll leave my altruism to other endeavors.
40 bucks for only 6 issues. Whatever is in that rag had best be golden.
I wish these folks the best of luck, but $40/yr. it's bi-monthly and only about 25 pages (or so) ain't gonna work.
It's a matter of perception, I suppose.

For example, let us examine the merits of these particular periodicals: Cycle World versus Motorcycle Consumer News .

The former is a newsstand glossy that is absolutely choked with advertising copy. Writing styles vary with the author: from dry and technical (but not beyond the reach of the attentive layman) to hyperbolic-ridden pap that is a waste of the printer's ink. However, the aforementioned ads subsidize Cycle World to the extent that returning subscribers enjoy a renewal rate of just $10.00 for 12 issues.

The latter represents everything that the former is not: advertisement- (and color-) free, with excellent writing and analysis. Also, a substantial subscription fee accompanys this publication. Its quality, however, is beyond question. It obviously serves a specific market - one which will carry the costs that a specialized product brings with it. With cost comes reward.

I've not yet read Concealed Carry Magazine , so at this time I cannot pass judgement on the rewards (i.e., quality of writing and analysis) that it may offer. That said, I'm thinking that this product could serve the niche market that is sick and tired of the sheer volume of detritus that one sometimes encounters in the pages of (insert mass market gun magazine title here.)

so how about ya'll that have the magazine scan the pertinent pages for us who cant find it in our bookstores?

i was pleased however to find that our Barnes & Noble stocks SWAT magazine.
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