One of my kids got killed this week.

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My condolences.

I do hope they find the coward assassins. CA now has some serious gang enhancements.... not that premeditated murder charges aren't serious enough. :(

I'll have another good cry tonight for this young man. It'll be the same cry I have every time I think of the thousands of lives lost on 09/11/2001 for the lack of a few armed citizens on board some airplanes, or the lack of a few armed citizens attending a college class, or in an Amish school, or ...

This loss is no less tragic. Though Jamiel might not have been armed anyway, the very atmosphere of law abiding people being disarmed as a general rule gives license and impunity to the law breachers. An innocent person killed by a criminal is no less despicable than an innocent person killed by a tyrannical dictator, for both those murderers do so with that impunity. Ignoring the law is no less vile than being above the law, for the end result is the same.

My condolences to you, your family, and to Jamiel's family, friends, and other loved ones.


God gave us guns for a reason. It wasn't so we could lament the lack of them when we need them. B.E. Wood
We hear so much about the ones who rob someone and get killed so many times we sometimes forget there are good innocent kids out there that get caught in the crossfire. Thanks for reminding us of the good kids. So sorry for your and his family's loss. You and they are in my family's prayers.
Yes this was sad to hear. I hate to think what could have been. One who strives hard to succeed only to have been robbed of the ability to show others what could be accomplished when facing adversities.

I detest those who take and give nothing back like the cowards who killed him. I want nothing more than to find that those who knew this young man will carry his spirit and honor each day and double their efforts to walk a righteous path.

I try to live a little each day for someone I knew couldn't or didn't. Another coward(s) decided to crash a jetliner into the WTC's...I lost a friend that day and know what happens. You go numb, you cry, you rage, you get tired and cry and rage some more. You eventually pull yourself up and out of that place and realize what you can do to make his life not become a page 3 story.

Each day we waste is 1 less that we live.

I'm very sorry Silver for you, who likely helped develop a young mind and had to experience the loss of having that bond extinguished.
I read about this on Fox News earlier this week. It really is a shame to have a young man with lots of potential have his life taken away for something as stupid as someone wanting to know what gang he was in...if any.

But let me ask this question "was he dressed like a gangster?" You know what they say "If it looks like a duck then it's a duck." Kids nowadays, think it's cool to dress all ghetto and like gangsters. Well, a real gangster isn't going to bother ask you if you are a poser or a real gang member.

BTW, I may be wrong, but didn't he commit early to play football at University of Southern Cal (USC)?
Mac Attack said:
But let me ask this question "was he dressed like a gangster?" You know what they say "If it looks like a duck then it's a duck." Kids nowadays, think it's cool to dress all ghetto and like gangsters. Well, a real gangster isn't going to bother ask you if you are a poser or a real gang member.

Does not make it right, but I kind of see where you are going with this...

I (hate to admit) used to think I was a ""Gangsta" and used to dress the part... Looking back on it, I got in many of fights and was harassed by the police many many times mostly for my choice of attire...

Stupidly, durring H.S. and for a short period after was running around with a handful of Crips and Disciples and got into plenty of crap... I was never the one commiting any of the crimes, but I wasn't far removed...

Somehow I figured out it was a dead end road as all of my so called friends were either going to jail or their own funerals....

So I slowly stopped associating with them got a job and started hanging out with my dad and uncles, hunting and target shooting since I had always like shooting... I think I'm a bit better off for it....
A true tragedy, and one that happens far too often in our society. My condolences are with you and this fine young man's families. My wife is a teacher, and I understand how your students become "your kids"...they are truly a part of you, and will be missed nearly as much as if they were your own child. The sad part is that they are just that - children that die for complete stupidity. :(

That being said, I hope they find the cowards that did this and put them somewhere that they can never hurt anyone again. :fire:
cassandrasdaddy is right -- somewhere, somehow, fathers are failing.

peace and healing to all involved.
God that's horrible. I'm really sorry to hear about this. I don't know what else to say except that it's so unfair that such a good person die so young. :(
I am very sorry to hear about this. It ages you a little bit, and there's no going back to "before".

But in the larger sense, it sounds like "Reconquista":

Racist Mexican Gangs "Ethnic Cleansing" Blacks In L.A.
Latino thugs indiscriminately murder blacks regardless of gang membership, genocidal purge aligns with radical Aztlan theology

Prison Planet | January 22, 2007
Paul Joseph Watson

Racist Mexican gangs are indiscriminately targeting blacks who aren't even involved in gang culture, as part of an orchestrated ethnic cleansing program that is forcing black people to flee Los Angeles. The culprit of the carnage is the radical Neo-Nazi liberation theology known as La Raza, which calls for the extermination of all races in America besides Latinos, and is being bankrolled by some of the biggest Globalists in the U.S.

A story carried on the liberal website Alternet , charts an explosion in brutal murders of blacks by Hispanic street gangs in L.A. Far from being gang on gang violence, the Latinos are targeting innocent blacks in accordance with a concerted ethnic cleansing campaign that seeks to eradicate all blacks from Hispanic neighborhoods
ive watched it happen over and over again, and i always hear all the sob stories about how he was such a good kid, and he was always nice etc... but the reality of the inner city is that everyone that lives there knows that this kind of thing is more than possible... and yet all of the hardworking, decent families that live there refuse to either leave, or stand up and refuse to be victims any more...

only about 15% of the people in those areas are true scumbags, but the rest of the community just flat out refuses to take a stand... 50+ years ago, they would have marched down the street, torches in hand and made damn sure that those people that saw fit to be murderous thugs weren't welcome in the community... now, they cry, moan and complain on the news about how someone should have done something...

some of the finest leaders in the last century came from inner city areas and very hard lives... and they succeeded... so there is no excuse for anyone else to not do the same...

sure, i feel for the families of those that lost their loved ones... but as someone that has lived in areas like this, i know that there are ways to change things...

i firmly believe that the ability to succeed in live is something that is inherent in each and every one... but sadly a majority just see fit to sit idly by and complain as to how unfair the world is...

i know that this sounds cold and calloused, but frankly im tired of hearing how all of these people are victims, when the decent people in the community refuse to stand up and not be victims any more...
so, mekender. what exactly have you changed?

a beautiful life was lost. what is your point?

again, my deepest condolences to those involved.
so, mekender. what exactly have you changed?

well, i am a father of 3, one of which isnt even my own DNA, but hes my son anyways... i teach them responsibility, self sufficiency and pride... i teach them that they can succeed if they work hard enough and that their problems are never someone else's fault... im no rocket scientist, im not a fabulous orator... so instead, i work on making sure that my family gets every opportunity that i can possibly give them...

and sure a life was lost, as i said above, i feel for the families of all that loose lives so young... but how many more lives like this have to be lost in the inner city before the citizens say "no more!"?

how is it that we as a nation have relegated ourselves to the belief that the government and the police will take care of all of the bad people in the world? how many more people will have to die before people wake up and realize that these problems can only be stopped when the general populace stands up and demands "no more!"

it is obvious that the government and police are inept at stopping the problem, even the good officers are merely bubble gum in the leaks of a dam... sooner or later, the people will have to realize that the words of the declaration of independence do still mean something....

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

people keep complaining that nothing changes in the inner city, that crime doesn't go away, that things dont get better... they are quick to blame the government for their problems... but those same people are quick to reelect those same inept politicians... sooner or later, the families of those that are killed senselessly by rampant thugs that care nothing for the rule of law, will have to rise up and demand "no more!"

sadly, im afraid that it will be several more generations before this happens
its been said so many times in this thread, and too many times in life. a good and decent man, a productive member of society have been taken from us by those who have been found wanting.... my condolences
Silverlance, I'm really sorry to hearb about this. I am 21, several of my friends no longer inhabit the Earth, and this post has struck a chord with me. I'm not sure what involvement you have with your kids, but please keep it up, you and your colleagues are needed badly.
Honestly and really sorry for the young victim.

... I do, however , seriously doubt the murder was committed by 2 white kids from suburbia.
I've read the responses on this thread. I may have missed a few comments in my groggy state (just woke up) but I get the gist of it.

It goes without saying that you have my condolences, Silverlance. Furthermore, my heart goes out to this child's family, and for the soul of this kid.

But I did want to address a couple lines of thought. I'm not addressing the person-- but rather the thought. After all, a person may have voiced them, but the thought is nothing new-- we've all had them at some point.

Originally Posted by Mac Attack
But let me ask this question "was he dressed like a gangster?" You know what they say "If it looks like a duck then it's a duck." Kids nowadays, think it's cool to dress all ghetto and like gangsters. Well, a real gangster isn't going to bother ask you if you are a poser or a real gang member.

and this response...

Does not make it right, but I kind of see where you are going with this...

I (hate to admit) used to think I was a ""Gangsta" and used to dress the part... Looking back on it, I got in many of fights and was harassed by the police many many times mostly for my choice of attire...

Stupidly, durring H.S. and for a short period after was running around with a handful of Crips and Disciples and got into plenty of crap... I was never the one commiting any of the crimes, but I wasn't far removed...

Somehow I figured out it was a dead end road as all of my so called friends were either going to jail or their own funerals....

So I slowly stopped associating with them got a job and started hanging out with my dad and uncles, hunting and target shooting since I had always like shooting... I think I'm a bit better off for it....

Let's face it. High school is about being cool. God help us if we can't pull that off every second of the day. Our lives would crumble if it were ever preceived that we were not on top of our game. What other's think and what image we present are more important than anything else during that period of time.

Yeah, its silly-- but it's there. Hell, I looked like freaking Jon Bon Jovi in high school in the 80's. (Sadly, I am not joking). Incidently, today I look like a skinhead (not by choice-- I set my head on fire while burning leaves on Friday)

But I digress.

I had an image in HS. Parents of the girls I dated didn't really care for it. Some were convinced that I was a drug dealer. I wasn't, and never did drugs-- but I had an uncomfortable look to them. Fortunately, they knew I came from a decent family and gave me the benefit of the doubt. But I DID portray a certain image.

The difference here, however, is that mine was essentially harmless. It just wasn't like it is today back then. Today, it seems that the colors you wear are your "uniform" in a war. Everyone in the area is assumed to be a "soldier" in that war.

And people get killed in that war.

All because they wanted to be cool.

So what's the answer?

If you presented the option of dressing in any way other than what is "trendy" to any teenager I know today, they'd tell you that you may as well just shoot them-- since their life would be over (drama anyone?) But guess what? We would have said the EXACT same thing when I was a teenager as well.

The "looks like a duck, must be a duck" line of thinking has flaws. But that doesn't make it any less prevailent as a mode of categorizing people. Adults (who just don't get it) use this thinking and catch grief, are accused of stereotyping, etc. But then we see the same categorization being made by those of HS contemporary age-- but then its simply a case of mistaken identity.

Forget about what is right or wrong with the "Looks like a Duck, Must Be a Duck" logic. I don't think that anyone would pretend to support it in the light of such tragedies as this. But let's not pretend for a moment that it isn't a mode of identification used both by adults AND fellow kids.

I don't know what the answer is. I do know that we pick our clothing as a method of picking the image we wish to portray. Once, I used to say that we CHOSE to present such images.

But do we really?

Media and Society picks the images for us. All we do is decide on what category we are to be placed in.

For instance, I'd REALLY prefer to wear jeans and a polo shirt to work. However, more often than not, I am in a suit and tie. That suit does not magically make me a better worker, smarter, or more social. In fact, I'd probably get more done if I were comfortable. But it does portray an image that others see.

Today, kids are saturated with "Gangsta" images in media. Should we even question why that is the "cool" way to dress? You think that a kid will dress otherwise considering it may mean social "suicide?"

But what if "Gangsta" wasn't the trendy way to dress? What if "Gangstas" wore polo shirts with little embroidried men riding horses on them? Well, I suspect that the color of that little man on a horse would start to mean something, and the war would start up again.

It isn't a symptom of the clothing or the image. People are ALWAYS going to want to be trendy-- even if they are not in a "gang."

The problem is society.

I may take heat for saying this, but I DO see it this way...

The problem is that there are TOO many kids growing up with no nuclear family. There are TOO many kids growing up with more intereaction with media and video games than they have with a father. There are TOO many messages that not only excuse-- but actually applaude-- the gang or sociopathic lifestyle.

As a consequence, many kids are not being instilled with a moral compass, a respect for human life, or empathy for others.

The child that Silverlance has brought to our attention likey was not in the above situations. Everyone can bring to me examples of where a kid has all the postives in their lives, but perhaps still goes down a bad road. Does that then negate my assessment? No.

Every rule has an exception. BUT... BUT... this isn't about rules or exceptions. This is about societal interactions.

Because YOU raise YOUR kid in a positive environment does NOTHING to prevent poor values from entering their lives via interactions with the multitude of his or her peers who ARE getting poor messages from media and environment. And it does nothing to prevent a situation such as this where your kid may have a good bearing, but be adversly affected by a negative environment.

I think this is the root of why many say the things they do about inner cities.

I'll say it plainly. Everywhere I've lived in the last several years-- and its been several cities, I've always asked myself if I would ever want to raise a child there. Now that I AM trying to have a child, I feel VERY fortunate that I am back in the rural world where I was raised -- and around positive influences such as my father.

Boys and girls... society has a problem, and its getting worse. But it has nothing to do with our clothes. It has EVERYTHING to do with our messages we receive.

Does Art imitate life? Or does it influence it? This seems to always the the debate in the "freedom of expression" crowd. Sadly, I feel that they just don't get it if they are seeking ONE answer to this question.

Art DOES imitate life. People see it, and they portray it. Makes sense there.


Art does influence life. If you see a thing often enough, it DOES make that thing the norm.

And thus goes the vicious cycle of descent.

But we are too busy dealing with the politics of it all to notice what we are doing to our own kids.

If you read all of that, you have my respect. Your attention span is greater than mine.

Again, my condolences to Silverlance and to this kid's family.

-- John
You know, at 38 years of age, I feel that sometimes I have been so de-sensitized by the moral ills and total injustice that we now accept as normal in our society and culture.

But, this posting, moved me to tears. And, that is not an easy thing to do anymore.

Where do I start?

The loss of a fine young man is tragic! My prayers are with you, and his family.

When are we going to wake up?

Reading the quote from The Declaration of Independence started me crying again. I hope that my tears do not make any of you think that I am weak. I am saddened. Deeply saddened at what our country has become, that people accept this as normal. Saddened that many more people die like this every day, and that while everyone cares, they are looking to someone else to solve the problems.

Then, look at the fact that fathers in this country are failing! Men in general are failing!

You see, the right to keep and bear arms, self defense, and all of that is not so that we can be macho men, saying, "I will take you down if you come near me!" It is about HONOR! I don't mean the honor that is synonymous with pride... I am talking about the honor that we can stand up against injustice, and take action to defend the defenseless. To defend the most basic of human rights, as defined in our Declaration.

I, for one, am going to be certain to spend today with my children. I am going to spend more time with them. I will continue to teach them honor, respect, values, a love for something other than themselves, and hope beyond hope that they will help to make a difference.

I am listening to some music while writing this, and one of the songs just hit me right between the eyes... Here is part of it...

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can’t wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
bid my blood to run
(I can’t wake up)
before I come undone
(Save me)
save me from the nothing I’ve become

Bring me to life
(I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside)
Bring me to life

(The song is Evanescence's "Bring me to life" if you want to find the rest of the lyrics)

So, what are you going to do to wake up, and make the world a better place today?

Grace and peace
We are deeply saddened too learn of your sons untimely passing. Please
accept all of the sympathy and condolesences expressed by myself; and
our THR family~! We all hope and pray, that these thugs will be caught
and that justice will be swift and deliberate.
A very tragic ending to a promising life. Young inner-city black men are in tough no-win position. If this young man had been armed and had shot his two assailants, he would be going to prison, and we would all mark it off as another urban gun battle between feral young minority youths. If he had hung with friends for protection, we would likely call them a gang. If the neighborhood stuck together and had run off, or beaten the crap out of, the low life hispanic youths, we would likely see ethnic intimidation charges...and other PC BS.
IMHO what we are bearing here, is the fruit of big brother government -and they really stink at providing personal safety for the individual. That is the job of parents and community. I'm sure the civil libertarians would have a cow -but sometimes the rights of individuals (like the gang bangers) need to be severely
eroded by local neighborhood groups - and the cops need to turn a blind eye.
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