Open Carry, TX. style

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Van Taylor has confirmed that A9 will NOT prevent cops from currently allowed "consensual" stops. Whitmire is now changing the argument.
What's a consensual stop? I assume that's not applicable to a traffic situation, but rather an Officer Friendly asking if you'd please show him your papers as you pass him on the street.

Seriously, Huffman? "I think... we need.... a... lot... more substantive... ...debate" :banghead::banghead:

They are now voting for adoption of Amendment 9 (not a vote on tabling). 19 ayes, 12 nays. Amendment 9 is adopted.
Burn those phone lines down people; the fix is now in, and they have their means to run the clock out.

Unless of course I'm missing something :eek:

Estes moves to table A11. Still debating the Amendment.

Can somebody else do play by play? I'm going to eat while I listen. :)
I'm trying to remember the history here; wasn't the 'cause' amendment (or something similar to it) already added, then removed? Or was that the House bill?

I've got a beer in hand; I'll try my hand at announcing for a bit :D

25 Aye, 6 Nay, motion is tabled
New motion: Amendment 12 Huffman (again) :barf:

"I don't want to belabor the debate" :banghead:
Intentionally or knowingly carrying w/o a license is a felony (again, still). This time with slightly-reduced penalties! least we're making progress :rolleyes:

Moving now for a third reading

Don't worry; Rodney Ellis was not trying to kill this bill by voting on the amendment, even though his crap NRA rating is a badge of honor :rolleyes:. At least his heart's in the right place (or something).

"This has been the strangest bed I have ever seen" (as in strange bedfellows)
"thank you senator and you made that strangeness happen"

Well, I'm satisfied :D

Move to suspend 3 Day rule (not yet final passage): 26-5 rule suspended, third reading commences

So many redundant parliamentary votes even the senators don't know what they are voting for :p

Call your reps! I fully believe a few of these fools truly believe the bill has already passed & become law

Alright, I ain't sitting through any more of Huffman's garbage --peace.

Whew... HB910 Passed! I'll leave it to others to explain where we go from here.

If my memory survived the inane discussions, only Amendment 9 passed.
I believe so, which means it is basically vulnerable to conference committee filibuster at this point when it comes back. And one of the opposition has clearly stated on record he intends to do so in order to kill the bill (even though it seems he is aware some of his own party will suffer some very real heat as a result; I would suggest the 'supportive' Republicans recently elected to specifically pass this bill may feel even more heat than the Democrats trying to play both sides)

Well considering the house already passed the bill with amendment 9 in the bill, it was only stripped in committee, not officially. shouldn't it go right to the governor?

9 was stripped in committee... which isnt official.
For you lazy letter-writers' benefit; ;)

It appears the Senate bill to make legal the open holster carry of pistols finally passed that body, but with an amendment. There is great worry that this additional maneuver will delay the passage of Open Carry long enough to render it vulnerable to filibuster at the end of the current legislative session. I implore you to do what you can to support, encourage, and motivate your colleagues to resolve this bill as quickly as possible without further modification, which has to this point served solely to impede its passage.

The amendment was ostensibly added to clarify when police officers are justified in stopping a person observed with an openly carried handgun in order to inquire about their license status. It is already a crime to wield or carry a gun recklessly with the intention of causing fear or distress, and a crime to carry a handgun in any manner without a license. The amendment changes neither of these, and federal case law for the 4th Amendment is already clear that police may not stop someone solely by virtue of their performing a legal act. Be it driving in accordance with the law, or carrying a handgun in accordance with the law.

I hope I can count on your assistance and support for the final, ultimate passage of this bill onto the Governor's Office. Thank you for your service to my district and the great state of Texas.

Summary: The amendment passed, slowing things down dangerously close to the finish line. The amendment does nothing, removing it now will do nothing; get the stupid package on Abbot's desk ASA-GD-MF'n-P! :cuss:

Don't send them the summary :neener:

"Well considering the house already passed the bill with amendment 9 in the bill, it was only stripped in committee, not officially. shouldn't it go right to the governor?

9 was stripped in committee... which isnt official."

Wait; I thought the whole point of committee was to resolve issues before the general vote to expedite the process & reduce the need for amendments. What's the purpose of a committee action after the body has ruled? I need a Schoolhouse Rock video for Texans :(


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