Opinion Polls

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Jan 25, 2004
I routinely see opinion polls posted, which we rush to vote on. Recently its been about the AWB, most of the time it is 2nd Amendment related.

While I am not condemning the practice I wonder if we aren't just spinning our collective wheels. My point is why aren't we attacking the validity of the polls? For instance I avoid the liberal media like the plague. It is not likely that I will ever see one of these polls unless directed to it by a THR member. These polls are no more valid than a " should we castrate all non capitolists and communists: yes or no, that was run in the Wall Street Journal. These polls are flawed, of course the response from the readers of the Wall Street Journal are going to be hostile to non capitolists. What does that say? Our little political segment all agree and think the way we do. SO WHAT!!!! Your poll is bogus, it was usually designed to bogus and rigged from the beginning.

I suggest we run a poll on the AWB through the NRA and the GOA membership, then we will have a:

98% of Americans surveyed oppose the renewal of the AWB.

A statistic no less or more valid than the wave of garbage I have seen recently.
Some points re: online polls.

1) When their owners want them to reflect a certain result, THEY DO. (Yes, I am in a position to know.)

2) They're completely invalid, as polls per se, and nothing more than a reflection of their constituents. Compare non 2a polls put up by fox vs cnn. They're pretty much divided along ideological lines, and aren't representative of America as a whole

3) The ARE public relations, and Do have somewhat of an impact on public perception. Accordingly, I deem voting dilligently in them (NOT "poll stuffing" via script or what have you) to be legitimate public advocacy for our side and our issue.
a reasonable solution for all

I got the answer...

You can have your polls, and I'll keep my guns !
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