Organizing Indiana RKBA

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According to Dispatch, open carry is legal as long as it's holstered or inside the waistband/clothing.

That's what any patrol officer asking will also be told.

We've open carried in a couple of buffets and such when wearing T shirts, and drive to the gun show with EBRs showing in the passenger window. No problem.

I've actually been stopped for a headlight out and had an officer ask, "Is that fanny pack a holster? What are you carrying? A .45? No, I don't need to see your license, just checking."

I've had it lying on the seat when pulled over.

I've had an off duty cop pick me up in his patrol car, heave the bag of potting soil into the back, and take me, my holster and a gas can to get gas and never mentioned it. I was also sweaty and needing a shave after doing some hauling that morning, driving an 18 year old ruster.

Indy has some problems, but hassle over firearms isn't one of them.

Oh, yeah--I found a guy walking down the street with my stolen guitar. We both wound up going downtown. 24 hours later I was out, and I got both the guitar and gun back. I hadn't had my CCW card with me.

The legal officer from the ISP told me, regarding carry of knives (and I quote exactly): "Shoot, you can strap a machete on your hip for all we give a damn."

I'm still trying to figure out why, if I can carry a suppressed, open bolt full auto Uzi under a trench coat, I can't carry a switchblade or throwing star.:confused:

But apart from that our laws aren't bad.
Ponderosa is about two streets west of Lafayette Square. It's just west of Moller Road, on the south side of 38th Street. It's in the same complex with a Kroger.
madmike said:
I'm still trying to figure out why, if I can carry a suppressed, open bolt full auto Uzi under a trench coat, I can't carry a switchblade or throwing star.:confused:

But apart from that our laws aren't bad.

Whats the big deal about the throwing stars? Back in Iowa, you could get em at Paul's discount, order them mailorder, whatever. .. I had no idea they are illegal here, glad I'm not a Ninja!! I'll stick with the firearms! :evil:

As for Saturday, I will be there with my wife, but not to the lunch deal.
It's looking like the weather will be sort of stinkeroo for shooting Sat. :( But they've been wrong about that before. There's always hope!

Barring the unforseen, I will be at both the lunch and the meeting.

I've got set-up duty at church in Greenwood starting at 12:30 so I'm not going to be able to make it.

Have fun, folks.
open carry

Herself said:
I wonder if anyone carries openly in Indianapolis? I hate to admit it, but the city is considerably to the Left of the surrounding state. I'm considering it....

Hi, I've been carrying openly here in Indy for over 8 years and haven't had anyone say anything.
HB 1176 needs a hearing in the senate. Indiana

Met with a few folks today. As I thought some of us have differences of opinion in some areas. We all showed up and there where many who could not for many different reasons. I have been somewhat discouraged in some ways as I have heard very apathetic responces and the excuse:
Thanks, but I get all of the info I need from NRA and ISRPA.

I have spoken to NRA-ILA grass roots co-ordinator about the fact that there are bills in the IN legislature above and beyond hb 1028. She did not have an answer except that the NRA lobbiest in Indiana may not have comminicated beyond the tunnel focus of Castle Doctrine legislation they braught a copy of from FL. Does not seem to matter to the NRA that we in Indiana may have a lifetime liscense in the works. I am speaking of HB 1176.
I made a search on line for isrpa and found something in Italy so I added Indiana to the search and still no direct links to the organization or anything to do with legislative updates.
Copied from email:
I just had a phone conversation with Rep. Woodruff and Sen. Nugent about HB 1176. It has not been scheduled for a hearing on the senate side yet.

Sen. Nugent tells me that the Chairman, Sen. Long, is troubled with the "lifetime" language. He seems to be concerned what would happen if someone has a lifetime permit and does something to have it revoked, how would it be done. Well, it would be the same procedure if someone just received their four year permit and a week later does something wrong. There's no difference.

I've told you before that I'm not too fond of Sen. Long when it comes to standing strong for gun owners. What you all must do and I sincerely hope you will and that is call Sen. Long's office Monday and politely request that he give HB 1176 a hearing. Again the number is 1-800-382-9467, ask the operator to put you into his office. I don't care what state you live in just call him. This bill needs to get a hearing in the senate in the next few days.

Long has given HB 1028 a hearing which is unbelievable. That's Rep. Koch's bill that would allow a citizen to use deadly force like Florida's Castle Doctrine law. Yet Sen. Long has a problem with honest law abiding citizens having a lifetime carry permit to exercise their Constitutional right.

Rep. Woodruff told that me tonight that he has a few more moves if the senate doesn't co-operate, but it would be a whole lot better if they would.

If this becomes law it would be the first in the nation. Every legislator whose name is associated with this will benefit from it. You would think that would occur to Sen. Long.

There are about 130 recipients on this e-mail list. I hope that everyone one of them and their spouse and their friends will call Sen. Long's office, too. Especially everyone in the Ft. Wayne, IN area needs to make the call.

HB 1028, Rep, Koch's bill, I'm told, was a (NRA Bill). HB 1176 is an American citizen gun owner bill. IT'S YOUR BILL. HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT? Do you want the hassle every 4 years from local law enforcement agencies who try to make it a hardship for you to even apply for a permit? Maybe they don't want you to own a gun. Maybe they don't like the medication you have prescribed. Maybe it's just the way you look that doesn't appeal to them. There's countless reasons why they might imagine that you ought not be allowed to exercise your right to keep and bear arms. But a lifetime permit would put a lot of this aggravation behind you.


Jim and Margie
2nd Amendment Patriots
Group name?

I am going to agree with something said on Sat. The name 2nd Amendment Patriots
may not be as big a claim to Indiana as something else could. How about "Indiana
Gun Owners" or "IGO" for the folks who like the initials better. Maybe we can
communicate this : "Indiana Gun Owners" in cooperation with 2nd Amendment
Patriots, GOA, NRA, JPFO, SAF or just those groups we find responsive as well as
Whatya think?
Shuriken are illegal because of blissninnies watching too many ninja movies with quotes like, "The angle of the blade is precise to allow it to enter the eye socket and pierce the brain," and "A master can slice the jugular vein from over 100 yards away." (holding up shuriken)

:barf: :fire: :banghead:

Switchblades are banned many places because of too many James Dean movies. The 1958 Switchblade Act was pushed through by concerned mothers, who wanted to ban these "preferred weapons of street gangs." Sound familiar?

:barf: :fire: :banghead:

But hey! Good news in IN! So when do we start lobbying for VT style?:D
But hey! Good news in IN! So when do we start lobbying for VT style?
I'd be careful of Vermont style carry. They have more restrictions than Indiana currently has on where you can and can't carry concealed. Considering how inexpensive the Indiana carry permit is, I wouldn't complain much. We have to pay $105.00 for a 5 year permit here in Michigan. I got to tell you, that sucks. Even renewals are $105.00!
The goal would be our current rules and no license required.

Hey, the only way to win against restrictions is to go on the offensive.

We start by demanding nukes and "Reasonably" settle for no permit.

Next time, we demand nukes and "reasonably" settle for dropping the transfer fee on suppressors.

Then we "reasonably" settle for new autos.

That's how our rights were taken away. By "reasonable" compromise over things our opponents didn't have.
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