P7 PSP vs other $600 9mm pistols

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Dec 25, 2002
$589 + shipping for the P7.

Use would be range ( yes I know they P7 gets hot but I can't afford to shoot much anyway :( ) HD and zombies.

BTW, I own a Beretta 92FS and an Artillery Luger
German police trade-ins? The price highly depends on the condition of the gun, but $589 sounds good almost regardless. Just beware you will have a hard time finding spare magazines.
I don't like the gun, but that sounds like a good price and they are on their way to being collectibles.

One of the best triggers on any guns, IMO. Also one of the safest, simple, and unique mechanisms.

It's a great option for carrying, shooting extensively or collecting, and I would really like to get my hands on one. The only con will be availability of parts, but they're supposed to be quite reliable and you have other guns you can use if it needs repair.

I think the HK P7 is one of the finest 9mm pistols ever made. I have three of them, (all purchased from CDNN last year.. All "A" grades, and I paid much for for each than the price you mentioned.. And I think they are worth every penny I paid.)

Having said that, I do NOT carry a P7 as my first concealed carry choice because I'm a 3rd gen Smith nut, and I find (for my purposes) the CS9, or CS45 just "travels better" for me in a larger caliber pistol

And having said that, I always intend to keep at least one HK P7 around because the darn thing is so unique, of such high quality in construction and materials, and tremendously accurate. Those attributes alone assure I'll remain in the HK P7 stable of fans.

I'm of the opinion that a gun "nut", or "gun lover" needs to at least shoot a Colt 1911, Browning HP, HK P7 if the opportunity arises. I just consider these models as "classics" and if I were rich rather than poor I'd still have an example of each stashed away.

I DO consider the HK P7 "carry worthy" as it is very slim, and contrary to what you might read I've never had a problem cc one in a FIST IWB so the "top heavy" issue is simply not an issue to me. The "heating" issue, is not an issue to me because it takes 3-4 mags fired in rapid succession for the heat buildup to be a consideration and if I were carrying the HK P7 for personal defense I would at best have only one extra mag alone anyway.

The number one requirement I have in a self defense firearm is RELIABILITY, and the design of the HK P7 makes it one of the most reliable pistols every made, (IMO). Accuracy, capacity, all of the other stuff starts below the requirement I have for reliability, and the HK P7 has reliability in spades.

A great pistol imo, and I think (especially at the price) you will be well pleased if you pick one up.

Just personal opinion, no offense to those who might disagree.

Best Wishes,


P.S. Try and p/u a couple of extra mags when you find them. CDNN has them off and on, but their supply changes daily (by the minute?) so keep checking back if they are out when you first call.

P7s are fantastic pistols.
I've had half a dozen or so (three PSPs, one M13, two M10s).
Don't currently own one, but that is subject to change. :)
Especially at that price.
P7's are great pistols. One of the few innovative pistol designs of the last half of the 20th century. There are few flaws and much to speak good about. I can't shoot them, they bite me, but I can still appreciate them.

Were I to spend $600 on a good single-column pistol, though I'd have to lean towards the P6. Better weapon IMO. Much cheaper and cheaper mags. Spend the extra money on ammo. Of course, the P7 and P6 are not equals and there are positives to both designs.
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