Pa. black caucus: No gun laws, no budget

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Does anyone have any misgivings about the impact of limited firearms sales? If the politicos get limits placed on firearms purchases, the gunshop owners will slowly go bankrupt. Bankrupt stores go out of business. No businesses selling firearms, no firearms.

Limited sales = no more firearms!
Politicians only care about "some" businesses. Remember, their "business" is government...and it's a monopoly.

BTW, most of the pressure in PA stems from Ed Rendell (current governor, former mayor of Philadelphia). Rendell was one of the architects behind the lawsuits against gun manufacturers a few years ago.
Rendell (when he was mayor) also refused to join in the NRA's Project Exile (a crime commited when using a gun = jail debate). So...he has no real interest in reducing crime. Project Exile worked pretty good, if I recall correctly.
And, all those other representatives are just his lackeys...
When ramped crime and poverty is present as a result of government hand outs, slap on the wrist prison sentences, and drug prohibition, blame the problems on innatament objects and racism. :barf:
Charity isn't the only thing that begins at home. If they don't like their city they should do something about it. After all, it is their home, children, neighbors, and constituencies.
Employing blackmail(no pun intended) and extortion in order to bulldoze their anti liberty agenda, eh?

These "legislators" are really just aspiring despots!
HaoleSS: Well you would have to understand that the majority of African Americans in this country are the descendants of slaves. And that they cannot trace their lineage back to their country, tribe, or whatever social structure. Can white people? Usually. So they banded together because for the majority of American history white people would mistreat black people.

So why dont you start a white political caucus instead of whining about the fact their is a black one?
Actually Doubleleg racism is very prevalent today. It is just not as open as it once was. A study by the U of Wisconsin found that potential employers were more likely to give callbacks and interviews to white people with felony records than black people with no felony records. If you give me a day I can probably pull up the article

There are many examples of racism like this.
I do understand that most black people were decendents of slaves.

Do you understand that it was not the white man that made them slaves? Do you understand that it was their own tribes and villages that sold them to the white man?
Do you understand that they were slaves for their own people long before they came to America?
Do you understand that the white man abolished slavery with the 13th amendment and the Emancipation Proclamation?
Do you understand that there is still slavery going on in Africa to this day?

I just want people to stop blaming white america for everyone elses problems.

And I would like you Tecumseh, to admit that having a Congressional Black Caucus in our Government does nothing but continue to promote separation when So many have fought long and hard for Equality.
If you can't admit that, then these Caucus's (the govt voice of black americans) are saying that the black people in America do NOT want Equality.
Why are you discounting the fact that it was white people who bought slaves. THis suggests they condoned it. I do know that the slaves whom were bought were captives of tribal warfare. And the Congress, not the white man as a whole, abolished slavery. Did you forget that Jim Crowe laws lasted a long long time?

What about groups like the World Church of the Creator, the KKK, Hammer Skins, and other white supremacist groups? They are a lot worse than a black caucus yet you do not seem so concerned with them? What about the Alabama "Free Militia" that was planning on killing Mexicans?

By the way what does the SS stand for in your name?
If Philly's pols are serious about reducing crime, they need to fund their own increase in the PD and put more cops on the streets, like foot patrols, not in patrol cars, and undercover, not in administrative positions.
Yes, the white man did condone it at the time of purchase. So did the Africans that sold them. We did not make them slaves, they were bought that way. Blacks should start blaming their Ancestry for their enslavement and issues they blame on it still today. Captives of tribal warefare huh? I guess before they lost a battle and became slaves....they never once won a battle and took slaves/prisoners of their own huh? Nah, that would never happen.
Yes i am aware that Congress abolished slavery. Who was in congress at the time? Wasn't it all white?

And thanks for proving my point exactly. I asked you previously to name some all White groups that are NOT considered Racist. I knew you couldnt, I just wanted to see you try.
I'll say again, only white people can be racist....for all others its just showing ethnic pride.

Haole means "white". It is what people from Hawai'i called me. I lived there for 6 years. Its a racial slur, not flattering to white people visiting the islands. The SS is for the 00' Camaro SS I drove for 5 years.

Lemme guess Tecumseh, you were going to assume that the SS was something Nazi. If not, I apologize for assuming.
Why are you discounting the fact that it was white people who bought slaves. THis suggests they condoned it. I do know that the slaves whom were bought were captives of tribal warfare. And the Congress, not the white man as a whole, abolished slavery. Did you forget that Jim Crowe laws lasted a long long time?

And this has what, exactly, to do with the PA black caucas? Stuff that happened, beyond our control 140+ years ago is water under the damn bridge. Whinning about it in 2007 doesnt change it. And I thought you were a Libertarian, but sometimes you talk like a 'progressive'.

What about groups like the World Church of the Creator, the KKK, Hammer Skins, and other white supremacist groups? They are a lot worse than a black caucus yet you do not seem so concerned with them? What about the Alabama "Free Militia" that was planning on killing Mexicans?

These fringe groups do not pass bills to limit our gun rights. They make gun owners look bad when they use guns in crimes. And the KKK? Dont make me laugh. There is no longer a 'KKK national' and hasnt been since about 1940.
Jawing about who done what to whom as to slavery ain't a subject for THR.

What has permeated such groups as the NAACP and the various Black Caucuses of both Congress and state legislatures is a 180-degree reversal of opinion from thirty years ago.

Back then, these groups strongly supported the right of blacks to be able to defend themselves. They saw gun control as racist. (Discussion of anti "Saturday Night Specials", etc., with the Congressional Black Caucus speaking out against some Ted Kennedy-type nonsense.)

Anyhow, stay with the subject of the opening post. I suggest re-reading and then staying focussed...

:), Art
Well, I see no budget agreement in Harrisburg. Looks like they may lay off up 30000 state employees.

One thing is noticably absent (in what I read) was any action concerning the black caucus relating to guns or anything else, for that matter.

However, all you Pennsylvanians keep a close eye out for backdoor deals, and not just talking about the black caucus either
In general most politicians will pull for the richest, most influential people in their districts. In most poor districts that is gangs and drug dealers.
Gun issue won't stall budget
Pa.'s black caucus leader met with the NRA. He sees progress.

By Amy Worden
Inquirer Harrisburg Bureau

HARRISBURG - The president of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus said yesterday that after meeting with House Democratic leaders and the National Rifle Association, he would not seek to hold up the state budget over gun-control legislation.

"They have made a commitment to doing something, maybe not today or next week, but next month," said Rep. Thaddeus Kirkland (D., Delaware), chairman of the 17-member group.

Kirkland said late yesterday that he had yet to discuss the results of the meeting with the members of his caucus and did not know if they stood with him on his budget pledge.

Last week, Kirkland and other members of the caucus forced a floor debate on gun violence, threatening to withhold critical votes on the budget unless the chamber took action on gun-control bills.

But yesterday, with budget negotiations at a standstill two days into the new fiscal year, Kirkland said he was satisfied with the progress made during yesterday's unusual meeting with the NRA, the powerful interest group that has stood firmly on the opposite side of gun-control measures.

With 250,000 members in Pennsylvania, the NRA enjoys widespread bipartisan support among state lawmakers.

"It was positive," Kirkland said of the meeting. "We look forward to hearing their proposals."

The NRA's Pennsylvania lobbyist agreed.

"We both want the same results; we want to attack crime in Pennsylvania, particularly in Philadelphia," said John Hohenwarter. "We are hoping to come to agreement on a package that fulfills everyone's needs."

But the most controversial bill, to limit handgun purchases to one a month, and other gun-control measures that Philadelphia lawmakers and Gov. Rendell believe can have the greatest impact on gun violence were not part of the discussion.

Hohenwarter called one-handgun-a-month laws a "fraud" and contended they had failed in states where they had been tried. Instead, he said, lawmakers should find ways to provide more funding for law enforcement, investigation and prosecution.

"They should not pass legislation just to grab headlines," he said.

Rendell, amid budget negotiations last week, has remained unmoved, saying he would make the passage of gun-control legislation a priority in the fall. In Philadelphia, as of 11:59 p.m. Sunday, the death toll stood at 203 for the year.

House Majority Leader Bill DeWeese (D., Greene), a gun-rights supporter, said he was willing to continue talks and to negotiate on several bills involving penalties and sentencing that "meet the threshold of compromise."

"The House members are focused on a package of legislation dealing with gun violence, particularly in cases in urban settings," he said.

Bills to increase penalties for gun crimes and legislation to toughen mandatory sentencing requirements could come up as early as this week, said DeWeese.

Last fall, during a special House session on gun violence, proposals to limit handgun purchases to one a month, require the reporting of lost and stolen firearms, and ban assault weapons all failed by 2-1 ratios.
Thanks, Dave!

I did contact my local rep (Stan Saylor) with a request he initiate a bill that would prohibit pleading down or dropping certain charges, such as straw purchases. A person found guilty of a straw purchase would face mandatory jail time.
What we have to watch is that a gift purchase (for a relative or something of that nature...totally above board) isn't misconstrued or that the LE's don't abuse that limited authority we citizens grant them.
Pa. gov. orders partial state shutdown

By MARC LEVY and MARK SCOLFORO, Associated Press Writers

HARRISBURG, Pa. - Gov. Ed Rendell late Sunday ordered a range of state government services shut down and placed about a third of the state work force on indefinite unpaid furlough after frantic last-minute negotiations failed to break a budget stalemate.

A judge, however, ordered that the state's five slots parlors remain open, at least temporarily.

Rendell, appearing outside his Capitol office, said the shutdown would go forward but added that he was optimistic that he and legislators could come to an agreement within a day.

"Let me say to our hardworking and dedicated state employees, I'm sorry we're here. We worked as hard as we could today to get this done," Rendell said. But, he said, negotiations and serious consideration of his priorities, which he maintains must be passed along with a state spending plan, began too late.

"I sincerely hope that this will be a one-day furlough and I have reason for optimism," he said, but declined to discuss remaining areas of disagreement.

A partisan battle of wills between the Democratic governor and the Republicans who control the Senate has created a deadlock lasting eight days into the new fiscal year. With Rendell's order, 24,000 state workers not deemed critical to health and safety were furloughed without pay Monday.

Pennsylvanians will no longer be able to take driver's license tests and state-run museums will be shuttered. Highway maintenance and a range of permitting and licensing functions will be stopped or severely curtailed, and the lights illuminating the Capitol's dome were to be turned off.

A Commonwealth Court judge, however, halted the closure of slots parlors at least until a Tuesday hearing, said Doug Harbach, spokesman for the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board. State Revenue Department workers who monitor the casinos' computers were among those ordered furloughed.

Critical services — such as health care for the poor, state police patrols and prisons — will be maintained. About 52,000 state workers will remain on the job and be paid on time.

(more text on the linked page)

Looks like Pennsylvanians are going to be on the rocks real soon. I'm glad the legislators haven't backed down to the demands of the "Special-Interest groups". But for sure, Gov. Rendell is going to catch some big hell over this. I hope he knows how to tell the public just exactly who is responsible for this mess.
I hope he knows how to tell the public just exactly who is responsible for this mess.

Fast Eddie is a smooth cat. He'll know just how to tell it so it sounds like sunshine and kittens in a bottle.

Won't be true. But it'll sound good.
Oh noes. Government might shut down. The horror.

Every time some group pulls that stunt, it backfires. This is because for 98% of the people, The Government does not perform a function they need on a daily basis.

Every time some group pulls that stunt, it backfires. This is because for 98% of the people, The Government does not perform a function they need on a daily basis.


You dont own a car or drive on the road at all??? I seem to need that government built and funded highway every darn day.

Come to Pennsylvania, a.k.a. Pots-hole-vania! You won't see any government employees working on roads around here! You may seem them standing, lounging about in trucks, or other pieces of equipment, but there is no work going on.
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