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Mar 31, 2004
Usually when panhandlers start following me, I just walk faster and ignore them. Most of the time this works. Sometimes they will follow me for several blocks. What really irks me is when they attempt to put their hands in my pockets.

Once these people make physical contact with me, would it be justified for me to push/hit/pepper spray them?
:what: HELL YES!!!

That’s Simple Battery in Georgia unwanted contact of ANY type is totally prohibited.

I’d pepper spray before I pummeled the old bag into the ground but you do what you must do.

Also the going into the pockets thing is actually borderline strong-arm robbery.

The only reason I say borderline is because it must be by force or by snatching in Georgia. Consult the law in your state, ask the cops etc…
I would definetly see someone putting thier hands in my pocket as assault. If I was carrying pepper spray at the time I wouldn't hesitate to give them a spray. If I didn't have spray I would give them a very healthy push.
Yep I would not think it would be out of line to spray them. I would not push them just because I would not want to touch them :what:. Now I might put a boot in their _____ if I did not have pepper spray. I have yet to have a problem with them so if they go their way I will go mine.
My favored response:
1)No;I have no spare change.

2)No;you can't have what I do.

3)Yes,if you screw with me I'll beat you until you change shape.

Most times ;I'm pretty polite.Most times so are they. Hell, I evenlike the honesty of one who told me he wanted to go buy a coulple of short dogs(wine) so he could catch a buzz& feel a little better.I still drank myself then,and I actually tossed him the half pint of Meyers that I happened to have on me. It was cold ,and I figured he needed it more than me at that point.I've also been known to point them in the direction of the wet and dry shelters in Lowell Ma or Nashua NH( Catholoic Charities and Pine Strteet);but my reponse depends on the manner of the approach. Threaten me?That gets one reaction.Ask me (without merely running interference for a set up) nicely and I just might reply in kind.
Being aggressive,insulting,hostile threatening AND filthy?Damn right they don't like my reaction then.
agressive panhandlers

on agressive panhandlers


I've used pepper spray on em in Frisco to great effect! ...I used to live in North Beach SF near a bunch of bars & strip clubs,tons of drunks,wannabe thugs,real thugs,and agressive "homeless" jerks.
At the first hint of aggression I would hose em down with spray (the big can used for grizzly bears) while yelling "get your hands off me,leave me alone,help" etc,you know the stuff sheep yell when they're in fear.
Witnesses allways told the cops I was trying to get away,yelling for help-worked like a charm!
gunsmith's method is the best way. We have tons here in SF, but the smarter ones know when you're ignoring them and they generally give up. Sometimes you do encounter an aggressive, cracked out guy looking for his next fix though, and that's where the spray comes in.
If some "panhandler" tries putting a hand in MY pocket, he/she just became a mugger and WILL get a dose of appropriate force. I know a few ways to take somebody to the deck and have done so while working as a security Officer at the local Greyhound station.

"Counter-joint pressure" is your friend. :evil:

I do sometimes give money to beggars. And I once gave an Indian some leftover pizza and a can of Coke just because of the way he asked me for help. But if I say "no" then by heck I mean "NO!"
I have lived, and travled all over the world for years, and have never been approached by a panhandler, I have given money to people in need on the street, but I approached them. guess it strange, go figure. Arc-Lite
I have lived, and travled all over the world for years, and have never been approached by a panhandler,

Me neither, dont understand what do I have the plague?

Maybe you look poor to them? Just kidding. I don't like panhandlers, especially aggressive ones. I think Liddy's advice of "aim for the head" applies...only with a closed fist. ;)
At the first hint of aggression I would hose em down with spray (the big can used for grizzly bears) while yelling "get your hands off me,leave me alone,help" etc,you know the stuff sheep yell when they're in fear.

Great strategy! Make sure the witnesses see and hear what you want them to see and hear. :evil:
I like gunsmith's method. No fuss, no muss, no cops, no reports, just go on your merry way. :cool:
I was downtown with the wife. Some urban outdoorsman must have noticed my watch. I saw him following us for a block and made sure my coat sleeve was over it. He finally caught up to us at the next cross walk. "Excuse me sir do you have the time?" "I'm sorry, but I don't have a watch on. What time do you have honey?"

In Barcelona last summer I got tag teamed by 2 teenagers, with my wife again. Got to love my deep pocket North Face pants and zippered pockets. It's a strange feeling when someone is assaulting you. I have to admit I froze for a second and then chuckled when they came up dry and moved off--someof you may have had the same feeling. Their technique was creative but in need of practice. When we were in high risk areas I had the camera bag on the wife, along with her purse, over her shoulders and around her head so I would have my hands free if the SHTF.
I have lived, and traveled all over the world for years, and have never been approached by a panhandler

You have never been to a Detroit Red Wings game then. It is nearly impossible to leave there without a begger or 2 in your face.
Some panhandlers are more aggressive than others....

So your tactics have to be adjusted accordingly. In the USA, I don't let them get all that close to me UNLESS I have already decided to provide a corner "sign holder" with a freebie hamburger or some french fries from my drive-thru results.

You're better off avoiding contact if possible. If contact is not avoidable, the use of strong verbal commands is next on the 'force continuum'. Then I'd consider a "defensive" use of a shove (if they initiate contact) or perhaps a chemical spray.

Realize your tactical situaton too. Most pandhandlers "work alone" but some travel in groups for safety and may have others approaching you as one of them has you distracted.

Use common sense, avoid the problem if possible, and make the use of the least amount of force necessary to protect yourself -- and it at all possible MOVE ON OUT OF THE AREA.
I'm the exact opposite of WA. I am the one they always zero in on -- maybe because I am warm and fuzzy, or maybe just because I look stupid????

I usually say, "Sorry, but I can't help you." Most of the time this is enough, but other times, I have had to use 'command' voice to make them stop. Only had to pepper spray one (she started pawing me, looking for my wallet I suppose), and she was so drugged out, I don't think anything short of that would have stopped her.

I especially hate the ones with the elaborate sob story -- I would much rather they just tell me that they need some money for their drug of choice, and let it go at that. :)
The trick with panhandlers (if you know they are panhandlers) is to ask them for money first.

I used to tell this as a joke but then I tried it a few times. Works like a charm, they look confused, they say no, and leave you alone.
up here for years and years there was this panhandler that didnt quite have all his marbles, wasnt the violent slasher kind, but the happy-jumping-on-the-sidewalk-for-8-hours-a-day kind.
he would hold up a sign that said "Give money to Floyd". and people would give him money. not just pennies, but dollars. he wasnt homeless, he lived off state help, recieved money from the state because of his disabilities, and though he was loopy, he wasnt a complete idiot.
he even got a business license to panhandle. everyone in anchorage knew him and everyone had given him some money at some point, just cause he was such a happy guy. wouldnt hassle people though, even if you just honked your horn at him he'd smile a big toothless grin and wave.

he died this last year, and those that have taken his place dont have the charm floyd had. they hold the sign that says on one side "homeless, need help, god bless", and on the other side says "why lie? i need a drink".
these ones actually are homeless, but its by choice. the state of alaska has so many programs available that no one has to be without a roof over their head or three square meals a day. the only catch is that those who make use of such help must be sobered up.

therefore, i feel no pity for the homeless panhandlers. theres plenty of work, if they are willing. plenty of beds, if they can stay sober. plenty of food, etc.

a misconception people have though, and i hear it repeated all the time, is that in anchorage, theres a lot of homeless natives that have been 'cast out' of their village homes because they were not 'fitting the norm'. that may have happened a couple times, but its not widespread, and even then, i know of plenty of villages that let thier residents get away with anything, because its 'the native way', which is fancy talk for "the exact opposite of whatever the white man has set in place". so they harbor fugitives, rapists, murderers, child molestors, wife beaters, etc, as their way of thumbing their nose at the white mans laws.

if they're willing to do that, they certainly wouldnt kick out a kinsman simply for being a drunken a-hole.
When I lived in Boulder Co. there were a whole bunch of hippies panhandling on the Pearl St. Mall.

"Hey brother can you spare some small change?"


"Dude, got any small change?"

Since the spiel always included the phrase "small change" I was tempted to get some oversized pennies and nickles from a novelty supply store and when approched for small change I would take those out of my pocket and say "I'm sorry, all I have is large change."

Never did though.

I was hoping to include a link to the type of thing I am talking about but no luck, alas.
Whenever I know that I'm going to be "on the ground" in the vecinity of so-called "street people" I make it a point to carry a heavy wooden cane for my "bad back". A moment of eye contact and a firm grip on the cane usually solves the situation. Here in the PRC its damned near impossible to get a carry permit so one has to improvise.
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