Pattern Board

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Jan 4, 2013
Western Arkansas
The value of a pattern board comes up often and we know that it is important. The best pattern board that I've seen was a piece of 4' X 4' 3/16 or 1/4 steel mounted in a 2 X 4 frame. It had a 30" circle painted along with a bullseye in the middle. They kept a bucket of dirt, a jug of water, and a cotton mop by the board. 40 yards was marked off. You mixed the water with the dirt and mopped the steel, backed off and shot. It gave a good picture and was real easy to use.
Some ranges use a white marking grease.

My club range use's a snow fence frame and light paper clipped to it.

The pattern board is the best tool for shotgun shooters. Tells you not only pattern percentages , but will tell how close your barrels are regulated.
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Our pattern plate (steel) had a bucket of the cheapest grease money could buy and a paint roller - roll it on, shoot it, look at it, smooth out the grease, repeat as often as necessary

Better than counting holes in paper
I like two posts with strings between them and attach the paper with binder clips. Count the holes and such later on the nice air conditioned, or heated, family room rug. No ricochet and not torn up boards. I shot over 3000 patterns some years ago and settled on this as the best for me.
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