PETA and gun control

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They got issues...

They do this on a regular basis:


Now, if she could just give up the PETA politics and show me her tiger stripe outfit in private... ;)
They're just bullies with a cause.

I tolerated them when they would pass around petitions and peacefully protested against unnecessary animal testing. Once they graduated to tossing paint on old ladies and other disruptive behavior, I lost all respect I had for them. They're not much better than the ELF these days.

Why can't the ATF work for good instead of evil? They could do us all a favor and raid them in a search for shoulder-fired paint rockets. :)

Mostly blissninnies in this neck of the woods. The real hard core are a hoot, one made a statement that he would rather his son die of a cancer than to have the cancer cured by the use of lab animals, a truly stupid statement to my way of thinking.
I had REALLY hoped...

... that someone would comment on that "PETA Commandoes" thing. Oh, well... guess it's my job...

That peice appeared in The Onion... a satirical paper that's quite a hoot to read. However, it's relationship to reality is similar to Sarah Brady's...

As for PETA: remember them coming to the dog shows my parents go to, to try and release those "poor, mistreated animals". :banghead: :cuss:
We once held an informal ranch rodeo, to raise money for Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation.

PeTA came, one of them crawled in the pen to ride the nice horses out of there....he got tossed over the fence and landed wrong, broke both arms(what a shame). If I can find the tiny article that the local rag wrote, I'll scan it and post it here.

Haven't seen them at a rodeo since......

I thought at one point in time the feds were watching them for domestic terrorism reasons, this was years ago though. Supposedly they were in the same category as Green Peace and the like. Personally I really can't stand a lot of people who say they belong to PeTA, yet still own leather and the like. I've actually called a member on this before. Its truely pathetic. But I don't mind seeing the naked women that they have strut around every year dressed like animals. I guess they know how much most people really care for their organization, and have sunk to the level of tv to get more people interested, i.e. sex and violence.
I recall one female IPSC shooter and police trainer who was in downtown Boston, dressed in a long fur coat when a local PETA member spotted her. He pulled out a spray paint can and moved to spray her. She spotted him (condition yellow) and removed her coat and handed it to a friend of hers. Of course, that revealed the rest of her outfit, leather boots, tight jeans, a white turtle neck sweater, and a full size .45 in a shoulder holster.

He turned pale and fled, calling the police. The attending officer wasn't impressed with him....
not only do i enjoy eating tasty animals, my spiders do too. the larger ones enjoy baby mice, called 'pinkies', cause they are hairless and pink, and their eyes are still sealed shut. them little buggers squeal quite loudly when getting perforated with 1/2 inch fangs loaded with paralyzing venom. its kinda funny to watch the venom take effect. one side of their body will quit moving but the other is still trying to gain an escape.

learned the hard way that the emporer scorpions really like having one pinky each to themselves. they fight over them otherwise, and the poor widdle pinky gets all pinched and stretched as they have a 'tug-of-war' over their dinner.
I keep my PETA membership card in my wallet right next to my membership card for my shooting range. Let's see: No, I don't hunt; yes, I believe in the second amendment. No, I don't eat animals; yes, I believe there is a time and a place for violence. No, I don't wear leather; yes, I wear a gi and teach young girls how to break elbows.

Call it what you will. I think factory farming is an abomination and I think every woman should be capable--in terms of mindset and equipment--of shooting an attacker in the chest. Contradictory? I don't think so at all, but either way, I'm very comfortable with it.
No, I don't hunt
And you are a member of an organization that would see that no one else ever does either. How is that pro-freedom again?

- Gabe
Dropping the "F" word as a kneejerk reaction doesn't make it more meaningful; it makes it a cliche, and I think you'd agree it shouldn't be.

Lots of perfectly good organizations are *against* things. Doesn't mean they're against freedom.
Shmacky said:

"I keep my PETA membership card in my wallet right next to my membership card for my shooting range."

So you therefore contribute money to an organization that openly sponsors terrorist organizations such as the Earth Liberation Front and the Animal Liberation Front. Both groups have committed murder, arson and other crimes in the name of their "religion". Is that correct? Please disprove my statement. Provide evidence. Tell us that the FBI doesn't say that PETA sponsors terrorism. Please say that here, in public.

"Let's see:"

"No, I don't hunt;"

So you admit that you are not part of Gaia's natural plan for the Earth. Gaia, our Mother Earth, designed and implemented hunting, the predator/prey cycle. You openly admit that you are part of the problem - the distancing of humans from the natural way of things.

"No, I don't eat animals"

But since you are a member of PETA, therefore you adhere to the pseudo-religious belief that those of us who do follow the natural cycle of life and death are somehow inferior and you must STOP US. This, friend, is the New Bigotry. You and your urbanized kind are The New KKK. Good people will not permit you to be so discriminatory. Its against the law, after all.

"yes, I wear a gi and teach young girls how to break elbows."

And this relates to the topic in what way? I am a life long martial artist. I have studied nearly a dozen different martial arts in depth for several decades. I teach women's self defense. So what? Why did you include this gratuitous reference to Woman Power here? It makes no sense whatsoever, other than perhaps a feeble attempt at ingratiating yourself with the female population. They are smarter than you realize, I think.

"Call it what you will. I think factory farming is an abomination and I think every woman should be
capable--in terms of mindset and equipment--of shooting an attacker in the chest."

Help me here. Factory farming relates to women's self defense in what way? Mods, should this thread be moved to the Fantasy Thread?

"Contradictory? I don't think so at all, but either way, I'm very comfortable with it."

Ummm, no. Not contradictory. Perhaps drunken ranting...

What you fail to realize is that you Urbanized liberal types have promoted Tolerance for quite a long time now. Its become a mainstream legal topic. Hunting is my lifestyle and my belief. Your attempt to end my beliefs is bigotry, and therefore, is a violation of federal law. What you espouse is a "Hate Crime". You people invented it, now you have to live with it.

I heartily look forward to the day when I convince the ACLU that you are discriminating against my civil rights and they sue the pants off you.

Isn't it interesting that your signature seals your fate?

"The religion of one age is the literary entertainment of the next."

Generations to come will mock your downfall. New Agers never win. They look good until they get hungry. Then they come to us.
Shmackey, Okie, I don't care about vegetarians, half my family are Vegan Quakers. So, the Bhuddism don't bother either, got one in the family also.

Shmackey, What does bother me is when people like PETA try to tell me what to do with my life. And yes, that is anti-freedom. I don't tell my vegan family to eat meat, I just bring my own to family affairs. Of course they try to convince me to vote dem, eat more veggies, and not carry those nasty guns. Why the difference? PETA doesn't care a whit about animals at its higher levels, it cares about power. Some of the followers think it's about animals, but such double purpose is always an element of a political power movement. If Peta knew about animal care and compassion they would endorse responsible hunting to manage game. Instead they prefer to trap, traumatize, and relocate animals, introduce birth control into the food chain, etc. Your PETA membership is to me a sign that you would impose your will on my life if you had the chance. No thanks, you can keep your anti-freedom crap.
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Here's a link to an interesting little petition that I hope one day actually gets off the ground...

Petition to revoke PeTA's tax exempt status

PeTA is anti-freedom and hypocrasy at its finest. I also see them as an organization that is out to destroy my way of life and doesn't care one whit for the pain it may caue me or others like me. I ain't got any use for such folks. :fire:
One thing for sure: Ingrid Newkirk came up with a pretty good shtick to ensure a comfortable living. I dunno if she really believes that "A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy", but it surely sells among the immature of mind.

When a group calls for laws against eating meat, against owning pets and against owning/using farm animals, I find it rather difficult to believe that any member can honestly claim not to be against one's freedom to believe otherwise. One claiming to be in favor of individual freedom of thought and opinion cannot at the same time be a member of a group wishing to outlaw such, without being hypocritical.

None of which has anything to do with "food factories". Regardless of my own dislike of them, however, with a predominantly urban and mobile society I know of no other way for 300 million people to enjoy some equivalent of an Egg McMuffin.

:D, Art
Okie, there is nothing wrong with being a vegetarian. I promise you that I will never attempt to legislate your lifestyle (and choice for dinner) out of existance.

Heck, some of my best friends are vegetarian. :cool:

None of my friends are members of the terrorist group, PETA. :fire:
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