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Pizza Delivery Guy Shooting Made Talk Radio

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Sep 12, 2003
Driving home from work today the topic of discussion on the Rusty Humphries show was the pizza delivery guy shooting. Seems the guy got himself a lawyer who wrote a very nasty letter to Pizza Hut to the effect that "how dare they require an employee to die for them". I just caught the end of the spiel but I believe that the guy is suing Pizza Hut for wrongful termination. Can anyone verify this?

The Host of the show put out the question of whether or not Pizza Hut should have fired the guy. All the callers I heard were emphatic that he shouldn't have been fired. The closest to anyone being on Pizza Hut's side was a caveat that Pizza Hut did have the legal right to fire him but shouldn't have.
According to a friend of mine who used to deliver for Pizza Hut (and was never without his 1911) if the Pizza companies suddenly fired everyone who carried a lot of us would have to go pick up our own pizza if we didn't want to place an order days in advance.
You should read "Special Providence," by Walter Mead. Rightists are hardly the only ones to send in the troops; Wilsonians like Clinton are perfectly willing to do so as well. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, it all depends on the issue at hand.

And before you shrug off the importance of oil, do a websearch for "Hubbert's Peak." If oil runs low, SHTF in a big way. Possibly TEOTWAWKI...
Edited out as off-thread and bad analogy; by Art.
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In a previous job, I had an employee that worked part-time as a pizza slinger. One evening, (not even dark yet, and in a [ahem] 'good area', he got car-jacked, stuffed into trunk of own car.

Was driven out into the boonies, then the 2 Bad Boys got him out of trunk, pounded him senseless, then took off in his car. Car was recovered the next day, empty of gas, and with $500 in tools and his children's Christmas gifts also gone. All glass broken in car, too.

This was in 1992, so I strongly suspect it is even worse now, 12 years later.

And I still have an open challenge to any Pizza Chain owners to try unarmed delivery for 90 nights...I choose the city.
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