Plea To Voters:

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Welp, I'd like to make a plea to everyone disgruntled with the Republicans, everyone who is a Libertarian, and moderate to conservative Democrats: NOT TO VOTE FOR ANY Democrat RUNNING FOR NATIONAL OFFICE.

The good thing about this country is that we still have the virtual right to vote for whoever we want that is running regardless of what paid lobbyist 1 through 30000000000000000 says.

It's a TACTICAL vote. I repeat: It's a TACTICAL vote.

Voting Republican probably does make the most sense in terms of RKBA, but is a complete capitulation if you intend for the current Republicans to get a message that they have to change. Same thing for the Democrats. Only a 3rd party vote sends that message...
DBabsJr - The Time Has Past

Voting Republican probably does make the most sense in terms of RKBA, but is a complete capitulation if you intend for the current Republicans to get a message that they have to change. Same thing for the Democrats. Only a 3rd party vote sends that message...

The time to make your "protest" votes and throw the rotten incumbents out is during the primary elections, not now when the balance of power can be lost to the worse of the worst. You'll get another chance in two years, so do it then during the primaries. That is how good people are placed in a position to be elected to office. This election on Tuesday is more along the lines of assuring the balance of power stays with the least of the evils - or the best of the not-so-good if you want to look at the glass as being half full instead of half empty.

Even if you are a Libertarian, you must realize that strategy will dictate how you should vote to best protect your rights. Make your protest vote if you wish, but the least dangerous "enemy" of your worse other "enemy" could use your help. Defeating the worse enemy opens doors and clears the flanks for you to move in and take some ground. You won't be able to siphon conservatives off the Republican Party until the liberal Democrat Party is so weak that those conservatives realize the Democrats can not win and hold power with them gone from the Republican Party.

Wouldn't it be great to have a strong conservative party to the right of the Republican Party that is becoming more like a party of moderates? It can happen. You can speed up the process with your vote and take pride in knowing you helped open the door for that truly conservative party to emerge. It's what I'm doing!


If you want security, buy a gun. If you want longevity, learn how to use it. If you want freedom, carry it. There is nothing worth more than freedom you win for yourself. There is nothing more valuable than the tools of the right that make it possible. B.E.Wood
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The problem we have in Ohio is that our Republican Senator (Dewine) is actively antigun. He supports and endorses "Assault Weapons Bans" and other gun control. He is also endorsed by the Brady Campaign (which he proudly lists along with his other endorsements on his web page).

I cannot vote for this Republican and cannot vote for the Democrat.
I posted the following word for word in another thread. I'm repeating it because it fits here too.

Here's my take on this issue.
Each year, the Republicans have shifted further to the right, to the point where there's no room in the party for any true moderates any more.

1) Katherine Harris, who's running for senate in my state declared that a "vote for anyone other than a Christian is a vote for sin". I've interpreted that as, "there's no place in our party for non-Christians like yourself".

2) For years, Far-right Republicans have been telling me that the USA is really a Christian nation, and separation of church and state is irrelevant. I've interpreted that as, "there's no place in our party for non-Christians like yourself".

3) For years, Far-right Republicans have concerned themselves with what I do with my own body, who I can marry, and who I sleep with. Now they're the party of "freedom".

4) With the Patriot Act, suspension of Habeus Corpus, and such, Conservative Republicans have been steadily eroding my rights. Now they're telling me I can trust them not to violate my Second Amendment rights. Before you ask me how the Patriot Act has hurt me, ask yourself if you're absolutely certain you have never been wiretapped.

Now that there's a strong possibility that the Republicans are going to have their backsides voted out by the same people who were never important to them, they're are telling that I HAVE to vote for them. Spare me!

If your butts weren't on the line, would you care about my vote? I'll vote for who I see as best protecing ALL of my freedoms, not who you see as protecting your right to go to the shooting range. If that means you may not be able to buy 30 round mags in the future, that's the price you pay for not being smart enough to see that the majority of Americans are somewhere to the left of far-right.
Do I sound angry? I am. I have often voted Republican in the past. Do I want anti gun politicians in office, no, but Republicans have declared that there's no room for
anyone like me.

Republicans have spent the last 6 years making their bed, now they can sleep in it.
I hate to say it, But I plan on voting Democrat (were libertarian is not an option). 6 years ago I was pissed about the AWB, and the fact that the pres was a slimeball, but the country was a much more stable, economically and socially vibrant place. I hope we get a VERY slight Democrat majority so that the lawmaking process grinds to a halt when dems vote against repub bills, and bush vetoes Democrat nonsence, much like what happened with the repub majority in clintons second term.
If none of you can give me one reason to vote republican, aside from not voting Democrat, I swear to god I'll vote for the green party!

It's simple, Congress is run by committees. The most powerful men (and women) in Congress are the committe chairman.

Let me give you an example -- in the Congress of 2000, the House passed a Partial Birth Abortion Ban. It went to the Senare, where 60 Senators signed on as co-sponsors. Since there are only 100 Senators, it passed, right?

No. It never came to a vote in the Senate. The powerful committee chairmen would not let it come to the floor for a vote.

When you vote for a member of Congress, you are also voting for the leaders of his party to run the committees. Do you really want to give Nancy Pelosi, Teddy Kennedy, et all more power than they already have?
Only a 3rd party vote sends that message...

Realistically, here and now, given the small number of third-party votes cast, and the large number of whackjobs associated with third parties (rightly or wrongly), a 3rd party vote sends a simple message:

I'm really stoned.

That's not the message I wanted to send. I'm not stoned.

So, I voted for the candidates that I thought would be the best choices, among those who had a snowflake's chance in hell of actually winning the election.

I'll admit that, in California, that's not so hard, since Republicans are pro-RKBA, they're the opposition party, most of the Democrats are authoritarian socialists, and this is hardly a state in danger of being controlled by the Religious Right. Furthermore, Vern Humphrey is right on. Sometimes, if you're lost in the woods, starving, and someone offers you a granola bar but you don't really like granola bars, you eat the thing anyway and do your best to get another meal soon, rather than sulking like a spoiled little brat.

For races where there was no acceptable legitimate candidate, I voted for Clyde, Josephine, Janey and Karen. They're cuter than the candidates, they're smarter than the candidates, and they are all committed libertarians.
When you vote for a member of Congress, you are also voting for the leaders of his party to run the committees. Do you really want to give Nancy Pelosi, Teddy Kennedy, et all more power than they already have?

Thanks, Vern. That is it in a nutshell.

Also, some people have expressed a desire for gridlock - power so evenly split, that no one can do anything. In a time of relative peace and world stability, maybe so. Not now.

We have some serious challenges ahead with China, North Korea and Iran. They will be easier to deal with if they actually believe we have the spine to oppose them.
Group, I've been watching and reading and like the others I'm not sure there's an answer.
The Democrats will take our freedoms away in 10 seconds, the Republicans in 15 seconds. Either way we lose. Voting for a third party while sending a message will still have our freedoms taken in 10 seconds. Why, because it's the leadership, they want to restrict our firearms. Like it or not, that's the plan. Then the rest will fall.
Regarding the 4th and 5th amendments, well they've been under attack for 50 years. But remember, regarding the Patriot act the SCOTUS still has to rule. Same with the Tribunal issue.

Being in Ohio I'm faced with voting for a liberal, or a liberal for the Senate. If I vote for 1 liberal I lose in 10 seconds, the other 15. Call me a fool, but I'll take the extra 5 seconds of freedom in the hope that things might still change. So tomorrow, I'll hold my nose and carry a bark bag and push the button for DeWine. I never thought I'd be saying that...... G_D forgive em.
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