Please tell me a bit about Fred Thompson

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Lobotomy Boy

Feb 16, 2004
Fred Thompson looks to be a viable candidate. I believe that if he runs he could wipe the floor with Romni, Giuliani, and McCain in the primaries, and I think he'd whoop Clinton or Obama in the general election.

But I don't really know where he stands on the issues. Right now there are three issues that matter to me: the war in Iraq, RKBA, and taxes. Since Thompson is a Republican, I suspect we are in agreement on taxes. But he is also an actor with Hollywood ties, so I don't know where he stands on gun-control issues. And regarding the war in Iraq, I am completely convinced that this our involvement there is the single most idiotic and destructive thing that has ever happened to our country. Period. I can't support someone who will continue pursuing Bush's disasterous policies in the Middle East. So far one candidate is with me 100 percent--Ron Paul--but he's highly unlikely to be on the ticket come November, and one candidate is with me on two of the three issues--Bill Richardson. If I had to compromise, I'd pay higher taxes to end the war and preserve Second Amendment rights, so I can live with Richardson.

But if Thompson is someone with whom I agree on all three issues, I could get behind his candidacy.
Work on your "Google Fu" grasshopper....there are at least a dozen threads on Fred on THR alone.
I'm in agreement with camacho on this one. If it comes down to Giuliani or Romney, I'd rather have Hillary or Hussein win, because if I'm going to lose my second amendment rights, I'd rather have it happen with the Democrats in power than the Republicans.
I'm still skeptical. I want to see what he has done, not what he has said.

Done so far
--Supported McCain-Feingold
Ahoooga, ahoooga. Danger Will Robinson
--Member American Enterprise Institute===aka "Neo-Con U."
Ahoooga, ahoooga. Danger Will Robinson
More wishful thinking.

I am not too sure Fred could beat Hillary or Obama in the general election. Hillary will get the womens vote 2-1 over Thompson. Plus she will get the minority vote(hispanic), which is very powerful these days, and does swing elections. I don't see Thompson doing well outside the small rightwing conservatives group. Liberal Republicans and indepedents will probably stay home and or vote for Hillary.

I don't know where to start with your assertions, but let these suffice:

1)I don't personally know any one woman who would vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton.

2) Don't dismiss Hispanics.

3) Fred Thompson's appeal will be much broader than you assume.
I don't personally know any one woman who would vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton.

I can say just the opposite in that I don't know a women who will not vote for Hillary. It Depends where you live but the general belief is that nationaly women will vote for Hillary over a man. You can google for real data.

Don't dismiss Hispanics

70% of Hispanics vote Democrat.

90% of Blacks vote Democrat.

Fred Thompson's appeal will be much broader than you assume.

I doubt it since he is very conservative on most issues, which make Independent nervous. This country had taken a left turn since 2004, mostly because of the "war on terrorism". I hate to say it but the Republicans are goint to suffer big for their support of this war.

Thompson 2008 = Dole 1996. He is nothing more than a token canidate that will be defeated by the Democrat.
I'm still skeptical. I want to see what he has done, not what he has said.
For his votes in the Senate on the most important issues, see here:

Unless things go terribly wrong for the Republicans (which is possible due to W. mishandling of everything he touches), Fred Thompson will run over Hillary like the Napoleon Army. Let me tell you something guys, my wife's family are all from NY (not that this is scientific) and liberals to the core (some of them even S. Francisco type liberals) and nobody is voting for Hillary at this point in time. They can't stand her.

Hilary's got big personality and credibility issues. Barack is a different thing, however, I do not thing the country will elect someone whose major public experience equals few years in the Senate. In a debate with Fred, Obama does not stand a chance.

Fred is the panacea for the next presidential election.
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