Pocket carry poll: Do you pocket carry a revolver or semi?

Do you carry a revolver or semi-auto for pocket carry?

  • I primarily carry a revolver when I pocket carry

    Votes: 132 35.0%
  • I primarily carry a semi-auto when I pocket carry

    Votes: 187 49.6%
  • I switch between a revolver & semi-auto 50/50 when I pocket carry

    Votes: 52 13.8%
  • I do pocket carry, but none of the answers fit, so I will explain in the thread

    Votes: 6 1.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Feb 15, 2003
This poll is for anyone who pocket carries, at least some of the time. It doesn't have to be your primary mode of carry.

Please answer if you normally carry a revolver, semi-auto, or both 50/50 and post your gun and carry details in the thread.
For me: Alternative carry mode when I can't carry IWB. I pocket carry a S&W Model 49 in strong side front pocket in a Bianchi pocket holster.
I pocket carry snubby revolvers on a regular basis. Only rarely will I pocket carry a Seecamp auto, because I don't usually need something that small at this stage of my life, with the clothing I normally wear. I should note that I prefer my "primary" weapon to be worn at belt level.

Edited to add: I am not a revolver-only guy, and may wear an auto or revolver on the belt. I do prefer the cleaner draw sequence of a spurless or concealed-hammer revolver, from a pocket.
I carry a NAA 22lr in my front pocket all most all the time, whether I am carrying another gun or not.
on the rare occasions I can carry but can't carry IWB, I'll pocket carry a KT pf9 or p32, and very occasionally I'll carry a NAA mini revolver in .22wmr, when absolutely nothing else will work (it rides in the second magazine slot in my IWB mag carrier - for a gag - more often than it gets pocket carried, honestly)

The NAA has a custom holster for pocket, the p32 and pf9 go in generic pocket holsters but are more comfortable because they're essentially flat things in a neoprene case.


I'd imagine that among the vast majority of people who carry (and don't make it a real hobby with forum posting/reserach/poll answering/etc) that you'd get a larger percentage of "other" ... mostly derringer-type guns carried loose in pocket (I'd like to hope it is an empty pocket, at least), percentages here will be interesting, but it would be really interesting to get a segment of the harder-to-poll non-enthusiast population
A lot of the time I pocket carry because I have to take it right back off and leave it in the car.
Taurus M85, just dropped into an otherwise empty pocket. Speed strip in the other one.
I pocket carry almost exclusively. Whether it's a compact auto or revolver depends on how I'm dressed that day.
I usually carry a 638 in a front pocket. I've tried drawing with various small 9mm's and 380's from a pocket, and the J frame simply has a smoother draw. I can also get a VERY nice purchase on the J frame grips as opposed to small auto's.
Currently pocket carry a LCP, will be switching to my XDm Compact when I find a decent pocket holster for it.
Semi-Auto,alternating between the LCP and the Kahr PM9,depending on dress.
Tried the snub route and found it totally unsatisfying for carry and shooting so I sold it.
Always gun is an Airweight J frame in a Mika holster in offside front pocket.

As always, YMMV.
Seecamp .32 in an RGrizzle leather pocket holster.

I also carry a spare magazine in a customized "standard" Meco Pocket Holster magazine pouch (I had it made shorter in length than the "standard" design so I can pinch the magazine between my thumb and index finger to quickly remove the pouch.)

I've never been a fan of pocket carry - primarily because I don't like all the bulk/mass in my pocket - and especially since moving to Florida a few years ago. I experimented pocket carrying a Kahr PM-9 but it didn't work for me. I pocket carried a Beretta 20 and 21A but I found their girth uncomfortable. After much research I finally bought the Seecamp as it was the best choice for me. I throw it and the spare magazine in my pockets when I head out the door to run a quick errand.

Any other time I carry the PM-9 or a Glock 19 in a Milt Sparks Executive's Companion IWB holster - always with a spare magazine.
For pocket carry, I switched from a S&W 640 Airweight to a Kel-Tec P3AT. It's so light and flat in a pocket holster that it just disappears in my jeans or shorts. The S&W printed noticeably, even in a pocket holster, and was heavy enough to bump my leg when walking.
I own 7 S&W J-frames, and one or another of them commonly serve as my retirement CCW.

The "pocket holster" carry I use for my smallest pistols (G26/27, CS9, SW999c) doesn't work for me in my jeans/slacks, although I'll often carry them in a jacket/coat pocket in that manner.

I don't use any of the really diminutive .380/9 pistols for personal use, nor have I (Up until now) found any that I wanted to own and use for dedicated defensive weapons. While I plan to pickup a Shield in the next few months (probably in 9mm), it'll probably see use in the same manner as the subcompact Glocks, CS9, etc. Maybe in my cargo shorts.

I shoot the J's decently well (being a long time revolver owner/shooter) and prefer the DA/DAO revolvers for such roles.
Revolvers are just too bulky for pocket carry unless you have your pockets enlarged. Besides I don't care for the baggy pants thing.
442 in a Blackhawk pocket holster. My smallest auto (Glock G36) is too big and heavy for casual pocket carry.

The 442 pocket carries beautifully, easy, light and doesn't print (cargo pants or shorts).

semi for now

I always carry a full-size semi-auto IWB, with very few exceptions year-round. Depending on where I'm going and what I'm doing, if/when I can I'll prefer to also pocket-carry my little Beretta Tomcat .32acp as well. I've seen mixed reviews about this gun, I didn't go looking for it, it found me and the deal was too good to pass up. I guess I've been lucky because I have a great track record with this gun in regards to accuracy and reliability I am more than impressed. When carrying it as a backup to my primary carry, I usually prefer to have it in my Carhartt jacket-pocket. If I need to take the jacket off, I'll discretely (usually ahead of time) move it to my right-hand pants pocket. I carry it in a home-made pocket holster that has worked well for me. My parents are not gun people, not exactly anti, but they don't want to be around them. When I visit the folks, I'll either "smart-carry" the tomcat, or carry it in right-hand pants pocket, leaving my primary sidearm locked up in a safe in the trunk.

As I said the gun found me, I didn't go looking for it, and the deal was great, so it kind of decided for me. When I do have more money than I have now, I may rent and try out a few more up-to-date B.U.G. options, I am definitely interested in a S&W non-airweight J Frame, and am also definitely interested in a sub-compact 9mm.
I currently don't have a pocket pistol, but if I did it would be a semi auto. Flatter and typically a few more rounds. From what I understand, a 380 has more power in a pocket pistol than a small 38 special revolver, though I may have my facts wrong.
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