Police See Uptick in High-Caliber Guns...

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Feb 13, 2006
In the land of make believe.
Police See Uptick in High-Caliber Guns

Posted: Friday, December 18, 2009
Updated: December 18th, 2009 08:21 AM EDT


Criminals increasingly are choosing high-powered firearms such as assault weapons, a new survey of 166 U.S. police agencies shows.

Nearly 40% of the departments reported an uptick in the use of assault weapons, according to the Police Executive Research Forum, a law enforcement think tank. In addition, half reported increases in the use of 9mm, .40-caliber and 10mm handguns in crimes -- among the same types of weapons that police use. The survey offers one of the broadest indications of officers' concerns about the armed threat from criminals involved in murder, assault and other weapons-related offenses.

Among problems cited by police officials in interviews about the survey:

*Chicago. Seizures of assault weapons are up, from 264 in 2008 to 313 in 2009. Overall, 7,785 weapons were recovered this year, up from 6,963 in 2008. Chicago Police Superintendent Jody Weis says there is evidence that more weapons are being used per shooting and more shots are being fired.

*Milwaukee. Semiautomatic 9mm and .40-caliber handguns were used in the non-fatal shootings of six city police officers over a 21-month period, ending Sept. 30. "The quality of weapons (used by criminals) has changed dramatically in the past decade," Police Chief Edward Flynn says.

*Louisville. Weapons-related arrests are on pace to rise in 2009 for the second consecutive year. "We're seeing higher-caliber weapons, a lot more automatic weapons," Police Chief Robert White says. "The criminals know you don't take a bow-and-arrow to a gunfight."

National Rifle Association spokesman Andrew Arulanandam says officers' concerns are largely misplaced: "The real issue is the high-caliber criminal, not the high-caliber firearms." He says repeat offenders are overwhelming the system and could increase as states send fewer to prison to cut costs.

Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, says the high-powered weapons endanger officers. If police say there's a problem, "public officials should be listening."

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Just wanted to pass this along.
No offense but what does this dumbass, non-factual article have to do with RKBA and legal issues? We could fill the forum with dumb anti news articles if we posted everyone we came across.
9mm and .40 S&W pistols are not high caliber weapons. If anything they are medium caliber. The 9mm cartridge's performance is little different from that of .38 Special +P; Corbon 110 grain JHP comes to mind. If we were talking about criminals using weapons chambered in .454 casull or .50 AE that would be high caliber. Assault weapons are a non issue. They are merely semi-automatic firearms which have the appearance of their select fire cousins. Looks can be deceiving.

Regardless, it is the same nonsense, time and time again. Firearms are machines which do the bidding of their owners. Put them in the hands of the peaceable and upright and lives will be saved. Put them in the hands of sociopaths and career criminals and lives will be lost. Guns are morally neutral since they can be used for both good and evil.

The real problem is two fold: first, a public which considers real crime (murder, sexual assault, robbery, theft etc) to be less and less repulsive and in many cases something to be commended and emulated. Crimes which would have been shocking and drawn universal condemnation fifty years ago are now seen as a matter of course. Too many otherwise good people have thrown up their hands, said "What can I do?" and walked away. Second, we coddle hard core criminals. Release violent sexual predators, kidnappers, armed robbers and arsonists from prison and no reasonable person can be surpised when they reoffend and do so horrifically. Certain crimes demand that you never spend another day breathing free air. Murderers who kill intentionally and with premeditation should be executed without exception. If we can find room to continue incarcerating people for simply possessing marijuana, cocaine and heroin we can certainly find room for the above listed monsters. If guns in the hands of the law abiding don't deter them prison and the executioner must immobilize them permanently. About 1% of criminals commit the majority of crimes. Isolate or execute them and predatory crime will be greatly reduced. Almost all of the men and women who murder or attempt to murder policeman are predicate felons; they've offended before and under serious circumstances. Controlling crime means controlling criminals not the law abiding.
*Chicago. Seizures of assault weapons are up, from 264 in 2008 to 313 in 2009. Overall, 7,785 weapons were recovered this year, up from 6,963 in 2008. Chicago Police Superintendent Jody Weis says there is evidence that more weapons are being used per shooting and more shots are being fired.

Recovered weapon count for Chicago includes gun buy back/turn in and accounts for the majority the weapons.
The criminal who killed 4 Washington state officers used a .38 revolver. Not exactly the weapon that comes to mind when you think of assault weapons.
05FLHT said:
Article said:
Chicago. Seizures of assault weapons are up, from 264 in 2008 to 313 in 2009. Overall, 7,785 weapons were recovered this year, up from 6,963 in 2008. Chicago Police Superintendent Jody Weis says there is evidence that more weapons are being used per shooting and more shots are being fired.

Recovered weapon count for Chicago includes gun buy back/turn in and accounts for the majority the weapons.

Glad I'm not the only one that thought that...

But seriously...so...if those are high caliber....does that make .22LR a medium caliber?

...What the heck's small caliber in this case?
Glad I'm not the only one that thought that...

But seriously...so...if those are high caliber....does that make .22LR a medium caliber?

...What the heck's small caliber in this case?
I guess that would make a pellet/bb gun the small caliber. 9mm and .40 are two of the most popular and affordable guns sold, so it makes sense that both the good and bad guys would have them. That doesn't make them high caliber.
Compared to 22,25, 32, and 380, and 38 special, the 9mm is a "high caliber".

AHSA talking points.
It means don't waste your time trying to figure out what they meant. They will make up whatever they need to suit their agenda.
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