Police shoot-out in Hamburg

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Feb 19, 2003
A small police station out in the German countrysi

Wild shoot-out in Hamburg: two killed, four injured

Iranian kills his girlfriend and himself after police chase - reason unclear - wounded officers are in stable condition

by André Zand-Vakili

Hamburg - A man and a woman were killed and four police officers were seriously wounded in a gunfight in Hamburg last sunday night. The suspect, a 37 year-old bouncer, shot his 30 year-old girlfriend and then killed himself. The situation started when a vehicle stop after a suspected license plate theft got out of control. First it looked like a routine situation for the police. Several officers stopped a car with four persons in Hamburg-Dulsberg, a neighbourhood which is known as a high-crime area. A citizen had alerted the police that three men and a woman had removed license plates from a parking car. When the police stopped and questioned the suspects, they found that the 37 year-old Syamak Z. had indeed replaced the old, invalid license plates on his car with new ones. Because he couldn't reasonably explain the situation the officers decided to take him to the station. "At this point the woman stepped between the suspect and the officers," Captain Karina Sadowsky explains. A fight ensued, during which Syamak Z drew a 9mm handgun from a concealed holster and fired at a plain-clothes officer. The officer was hit in the stomach and went down. In the following firefight another officer was hit in the stomach and a third received two grazing shots. A female officer was also hit but the bullet bounced off her holster.

Syamak Z. and his girlfriend Peggy Sch. fled on foot through the populated neighbourhood, shooting in all directions. He reloaded his gun several times. Numerous bullets passed through windows in the adjoining houses. One projectile hit a wall just above a cradle. Several cars were also hit. The police eventually managed to corner the suspect. Officers witnessed how the shooter exchanged some words with his girlfriend. Then he put his gun to her head and pulled the trigger. Peggy Sch. died on the spot. The Iranian citizen (who also wore a ballistic vest and carried a knife) then committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.

It is still unclear why the suspect went on a shooting spree. Having only been arrested for shop-lifting and assault before, the 37 year-old had not been known as a hardened criminal. The police did not confirm rumours that the young woman suffered from cancer and that she and her boyfriend had seen no other way out. The four wounded officers are in stable conditions by now.
Um, is it really a "shootout" when there is no mention in the story of the cops even getting a single shot off? :rolleyes:

I guess that's what happens when even the cops allow themselves to believe the idiotic pap that "since the gun laws are strict, the insane criminals simply won't be able to obtain and have them." So they go around with a pollyanna attitude that no one can hurt them, perhaps? They are coddled into a false sense of security by their useless gun laws, until they get shot in the gut.

Actually they did shoot back (obviously with no result). I don't know if they simply missed they guy or hit his vest.

It's common knowledge that some perps do carry guns over here, no matter how strict the gun laws are. It has been my experience that especially older officers are kinda careless in that respect, maybe because they still remember the old times when suspects were much less inclined to put up forceful resistance against police officers. Young folks who are fresh from the academy these days have received a type of training that is much more realistic. In general they tend to take a "sharper" approach to situations like that.

The police did not confirm rumours that the young woman suffered from cancer and that she and her boyfriend had seen no other way out.

Rarely am I speechless. But I will try.
Presstitutes are disgusting.
...and the shooter being Iranian means pretty much that there was next to no violent crime in my hometown of Hamburg like this when I grew up there.
That had been before the wave of immigration of criminal refugees from all nations.
People that get deported from the US, even being residents or naturalized citizens, for similiar offenses, do not even get jail time in Germany.
Jails in Germany are often nicer than their parent's homes, anyway. Poland had offered to incarcerate non-Germans for a discounted rate.

A few weeks ago a policeman got stabbed at a subway station in Hamburg, by another foreigner. Look at the German crime statistics and you might understand what he means by "Iranian". Or look at AMW and the US crime statistics.

Under Hitler political correctness was different than now, but it was always about not speaking your mind, being afraid to say what you think.
And tweaking facts.
Interesting story. Glad the Police sound like they will recover ok.

Is it legal for civilians to wear body armor over there?

See if you can find out what the Perp and the Police were shooting, and whether the Police hit the guy's vest.
Boy is that ever an issue for discussion here (although I'm confident that a search would turn up threads on it already): "should civilians be allowed (you know, by their governmental keepers) to wear body armor to protect themselves from injury due to violent crime?"

I mean, the police don't want us to because they want us to be vulnerable to the type of force they exert to keep us controlled, i.e. "We don't want to shoot a guy when we're fighting crime and find that it doesn't have the desired effect." But when there are criminals out there who might shoot us over the fancy sneakers we're wearing, how can the government justify telling us we are not allowed to protect ourselves.

Oh... wait a minute... They already do that in places like D.C, NYC, Chicago... where people could protect themselves by owning guns, but are not allowed to do so. :rolleyes:

European Police don't have the # of armed encounters that their American counterparts have. I guess they're catching up. :uhoh:
I hope they're doing a very, very detailed investigation into this guy's background. I wonder if he was a terrorist planning an operation? From the body armor and amount of ammo he was carrying, he wasn't your average run-of-the-mill street thug, that's for sure...
Oh, you can wear all the body armour you please in Germany. You just aren't allowed to carry firearms unless you belong to a privileged minority such as police officers, politicians or well-connected celebrities.

I'll try to find out if the officers scored some hits on the perp's vest. BTW I strongly doubt that the guy was involved in terrorist activities. All suspects in previous investigations related to islamic terrorism tried to keep a very low profile and did everything to prevent breaching the law ahead of time. A bouncer with a history of minor offenses doesn't really fit in there. And a true believer probably wouldn't take a woman (and a German infidel, too) with him on his mission.

FYI, the suspect used a Makarov.


Well, it's always good to see the racists and bigots come out here on THR whenever a post about someone from the Middle East comes up.

This guy is no more a "terrorist" because he is Iranian than most of you are Klansmen because you are white Americans.
Hmm... but I'll have to second PzGren's opinion. I'm a police officer in Germany myself, and when it comes to violent street crimes I find myself dealing with a disproportionately large share of suspects from certain ethnic minorities (Middle-Easterners and Russians).

The crime statistics published by the Bundeskriminalamt (roughly the equivalent of the FBI) indicate that my view of this issue is not distorted at all.


I originally dialed into this thread earlier today and again this afternoon.

trooper must think we Americans are the biggest bunch of "conclusion jumpers" in the universe.

(Since trooper is a LEO and from Germany it's kind of embarrassing actually)

Well, it's always good to see the racists and bigots come out here on THR whenever a post about someone from the Middle East comes up.

This guy is no more a "terrorist" because he is Iranian than most of you are Klansmen because you are white Americans.

Gee, what a wise and PC guy...

I live in Berlin Germany, and the majority of violent crime here is committed by a the turkish and arab minority. Thats FACT, not racism. The majority of people I know have experienced violence by arabs and turks, none were attacked be norwegian or japanese foreigners.

OTOH, the terrorists who did 911 were arabs AND lived in Hamburg, Germany. They got money from the German state so they could study flight engineering and construction egineering for free. The even got rooms at University for their 'prayers', and were of course welcomed and protected by nice folks like the above poster. It still pisses me off that 911 could have been preventeded had the germans taken a closer look at their 'guests'.

If you have any knowledge about Islam, you would know that the infidel (you and me) are less worth than the fidel (moslem). That's practical racism!

BTW trooper, what your name on waffen-online? I'm rudolfk.
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trooper must think we Americans are the biggest bunch of "conclusion jumpers" in the universe.

Well... people making assumptions about something they didn't personally witness based on a newspaper article they read on the internet is pretty much an international phenomenon :D

(Since trooper is a LEO and from Germany it's kind of embarrassing actually)

But this connection just escapes me...

BTW trooper, what your name on waffen-online? I'm rudolfk.

I'm Trooper (or a variation thereof) on Waffen-Online and a bunch of related forums.


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