Posters to address VT shooting

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Gun free zone = killing zone

Maybe you can word that a little better then me, but I think short and to the point is most effective.

We've all heard this one; An armed society is a polite society.
Bad Guy standing in the street, guns in hands. He is looking at two buildings, side by side. One is a Police Station. The other is a school with the ubiquitous "GUN FREE ZONE" sign on the front.


or just

"Which one is easier?"

Something to the effect of

You're next.

You can't shoot back
someone you don't know
won't let you have a gun
on campus.
Re ctdonath @ 4/16, 10:55

As of earlier this evening, one example of facts that haven't fully emerged is that it's possible there were 2 shooters. One in the dorm and a different one at Norris.

Also, we don't know that all victims were unarmed. School policy says no one should have been armed, but that doesn't mean that was the case on the ground.

I appreciate your prerogative to consider that you have sufficient facts now, I'm just saying there are a lot more to come out yet.
If you have read quite a bit about this you would know that there was 1 shooter ... he shot at hes girlfriend and the girlfriends boyfriend around 7ish than he disappeared and was not found because he blended in with all the other students than decided to go back out 2 hours later and continue shooting :fire:
Using Larry Hinker's quote about students feeling safer is great, but under his name, the date of the quote should be added, and after your quote about their ability to carry, the date of the massacre should be added to give a time reference to those who are "not in the know".

You're doing a great job Oleg, and I appreciate all you're doing!!
To all of you who berate others for "pushing your agenda while the bodies are still warm", note this.

Blacksburg, VA – Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, issued the following statement:

"Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the Virginia Tech University community, and to the families of the victims of what appears to be one of the worst mass shootings in American history.

"Details are still forthcoming about what motivated the shooter in this case to act, and how he was able to arm himself. It is well known, however, how easy it is for an individual to get powerful weapons in our country.

"Eight years ago this week, the young people in Littleton, Colorado suffered a horrible attack at Columbine High School, and almost exactly six months ago, five young people were killed at an Amish schoolhouse in Pennsylvania. Since these killings, we've done nothing as a country to end gun violence in our schools and communities. If anything, we've made it easier to access powerful weapons.

"We have now seen another horrible tragedy that will never be forgotten. It is long overdue for us to take some common-sense actions to prevent tragedies like this from continuing to occur."

This was issued 1 HOUR AFTER DETAILS OF THE SHOOTING WERE RELEASED. The antis know how to exploit the media - feed the dog when it hungers, AND IT WILL EAT ANYTHING. The media has been making a field day of this tragedy. "Finally! After months of nothing but Anna Nicole Smith and American Idol! We now have REAL NEWS to report! Let's milk it for all its worth!"

Those with agendas and connections WILL BE HEARD. Now is not the time for the NRA, OR ANY OF US, to sit quietly and watch the chaos. The voice of the Constitution must be heard at times like this. Has anyone read the Patriot Act? A little document that so confines our rights that 10 states refuse to honor it? Remember how the got in place? Pushed through by a deviant government and fearful representatives after 9/11. "It was only temporary..." they said. "For your protection..." they said. The government uses tragedies against the people to push its will on the people in the guise of "protecting" the people. Don't think that just because you are "taking the moral high ground" that others are. They aren't. And we and our decendants will pay the price for our inaction.

If only a grieving mother ala Cindy Sheehan would get on the news and cry and wail about how "if her child had only been able to exercise their legal license to carry a weapon on school grounds without fear of expulsion, none of this would have happened..." Maybe buy a house across from the University President and protest there day and night...but it won't happen. Because if she exists, she'll probably take the "moral high ground".

Taking "The Moral High Ground" for its own sake is a COP OUT. If you are upset, GET ANGRY! WRITE YOUR RESPECTIVE CONGRESS AND POINT THE FINGER AT THEM FOR THIS TRAGEDY! Don't plead for protection, DEMAND YOUR RIGHTS! AND DO IT NOW!

Or just quietly take the moral high ground... and do nothing but flame angry people on a forum.

"Here lies Pat Riot. He took the moral high ground. And after his (her) rights had been whittled away to nothing, they killed him."

I'm sure there were many poor souls in Auschwitz who took the moral high ground too.
one example of facts that haven't fully emerged is that it's possible there were 2 shooters.
That only one was involved has already been established at the time of your post.

Nonetheless, my point remains: even if the number of shooters was in question, or other facts emerge, it is well-established that 60 are dead or injured under established "nobody may fight back" policy.

While you quibble over propriety, the political conditions which ensured victimhood for 60 yesterday will continue to be enforced and advanced.
60 casualties in one day by one killer's hands, aided by policies that ensure victims have not the means to fight back.
Must I, by silence, facilitate continuation of such policies? and do so out of some sense of propriety?
When may I exercise my right to shout "ENOUGH! We will no longer be compulsory victims!"?
32 are dead. I am not. Must I continue to submit to the same policies that assured they would be? and do so because their temperature isn't low enough yet?
I was thinking about something having to do with sports....


"At VT, there are referees to make sure everyone playing sports is on a level playing field...

Too bad the victims did not have that chance when 32 were murdered! Let each person even the playing field for themselves!"

Then have a gun or something.
Another variation on my "bumpersticker" style piece


If anyone likes this, by all means, spread it far and wide. Permission freely granted for use, and so forth.
I just say the Honda ad in Time...

When it comes to safety,
you shouldn't have to choose.

pistol - diploma

personal security vs. job security
I just read the following post from Texasrifleman in another thread:

Yesterday, a guy in usenet told me that it was better for those 30+ people to be murdered than for one of them to shoot the murderer, because if the students armed themselves, they'd be as bad as he was...
That's the generally accepted attitude, yes.

Not sure who is teaching that crap to our kids but it's the "party line".

...and the concept of moral superiority came to mind. Just how much is moral superiority worth? I'm sure something could be built around this concept.
how about something like

gun free zones are only safe for some


Cho Seung-Hui was very safe in his gun free zone
"I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."

Cho Seung-Hui would agree
Don't have time to read all of the post right now, so sorry if someone else put something like this down, but,
CCW proves mathematician around the world wrong!!! 1+1=1
Show a student holding his(or hers) CCW License out in front of them and at their feet(facedown) is the shooter. One person + one CCW License = one dead or incapactated badman. Sorry if that's in bad taste but I am tired right now and that's what popped into my mind.
The fault of this tragedy is the anti-gun Democrats, police chiefs who do not allow citizens to carry concealed.


The fault lies squarely in the hands of the nutjob :cuss: who actually did the murdering.

Political fingerpointing is pointless. At least, at the moment.
Hope Oleg doesn't mind...

I know he gives us permission to post his posters everywhere, but I was looking through his for insperation to make one of my own when I saw this gem again. The pose, the model, and the colors just seemed perfect.

And since we don't all have access to cute blonde models to pose for our own pics... :D

If Oleg objects, I will take it down.

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