Postponed Elections?

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Voting is done at the county level, all survivors that are registered to vote, go vote anywhere in the county. If the county is destroyed, the vote is a non-issue.
It's like the weather on a much grander scale. Lotsa rain equals low voter turnout, but the show goes on anyway.

I'm against moving the election date. I'm also saddened by the fact that the "wicked witch of the west" agrees with me. I must review my thinking for errors.

All survivors vote. The voter will have already done their homework. If one of or both "principles" die, there are other candidates. The electoral college decides on who, and they must vote. Atleast I think they must vote as they are not necessarily committed to vote for a dead candidate.

We could end up with a stripper in the white house.
Or has that been done already?

John Hicks

From what I read (and heard on radio news), it sounds more like they only want to move the election if there's an attack. I have no problem with that.
And what if they want to move the election until after the war on terror is won?
Bill St. Clair

My favorite quote about the possiblity of delayed elections follows. I won't say who wrote it, but it wasn't me.

There will be a vote on November 2nd.

Either in the polling booth, or from the rooftops.

Their choice ...
I wish that there would be greater danger from within for those who would seek to postpone the elections than there ever would be from without; but in this society -- brain numbed by television and fearful thoughts that they might miss tonight's rerun of "Married, With Children" -- I hold little hope for the Republic under the watch of such people.

Ignorance is bliss and they choose to be blissful.

"And what if they want to move the election until after the war on terror is won?"

And what if we keep asking "what if" for all sorts of vaguely possible but ultimately absurd "what if's"?

We could end up "what iffing" ourselves into a state of paranoid hysteria.
And how many people actually bother to vote? Perhaps voter turnout would be above 50% after such an event. Could enrage lots of people that otherwise would not have cared. Kind of like 9/11.
We could end up "what iffing" ourselves into a state of paranoid hysteria.
If the Fed gets to play "what if", I don't see why we can't, either.
Besides, I think that with 225+ years of elections under our belt, with zero delays before now, we should be suspicious if they actually decide to delay them, now.
(Being suspicious of contingency plans being developed is a little excessive. But using them is a completely different matter.)
Very good point, jkominek. If this contingency were being explored by a Democratic administration, many of the Republicans here would have already stroked out.

~G. Fink

“As long as it’s my guy, then it’s okay.â€
And if something so stupendous were to happen under this Administration and there were no contingency plans explored, then the Demowackos would be banging their pots and pans and shrieking to the high heavens asking: "But why didn't you plan when you had all the chatter indicating something drastic was going to happen!!! WHY OH WHY???"


(you can't please all the people)
Members of the esteemed forum are forgetting one little factor driving the look-see at delaying and election.

There is only one terror group the ruling class and taxpaying class truly fear. Al Qaeda and associated hangers-on are a tribe of punks. No, real terror and its surgical application is the perview American Trial Lawyers. Leaders of the trial lawyer industry claim to be the true fourth estate not the press. 911 payouts to survivers of the attacks hit the asinine level simply because Tort Terrorists were cleaning their weapons and sharpening knives. It would be far cheaper to cut a deal with truly outlandish payouts than it would be to go to trial.

Fast forward to November 2004. At some point in the late run up to the election or during the voting punk terrs set off a bomb or 6 in certain highly contested precincts. Because of damage the poll area is closed while the mess is investigated and cleaned.

The election is now over. The losers begin employing platoons of attorney (just like Florida 2000) whose sole purpose is to gum up the election process and ultimately inlfuence its outcome. Is there anyone on this forum who doubts my scenario? Do we really want to look at a bear trap then willingly and knowingly step into it? It there anyone on the forum that expects either party to take the high road and voluntarily lay aside what is considered to be a legitimate tool of politics. We can wax poetic over 225+ years of interupted elections. We can look to history to predict the future. We can also be dead wrong. The US is fighting a war on two fronts. One front is against islamofascist terrormongers who seek to destroy us from the outside. The second front is from elements of the bar who perceive themselves above the law and who are greedy beyond measure. We would be quite foolish to fail to prepare for attacks from either front.
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