Price check / value of Star .380

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AZ Heat

Oct 25, 2003
A friend of mine has a blued Star .380 Mod S that was apparently imported by Interarms (has Interarms stamped on the right side. Does anyone know what price these are selling for or what a fair purchase price on this would be? I am possibly interested in purchasing it.
I have done a few searches and came up empty handed. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

A while back. It was new-in-the-box to boot.
These are superb 380 pistols, among the best ever made, and many of 'em shoot like target pistols. Mine has never malfed a round and handles like a champ.
Guide rod question...

Is the guide rod on these things suppose to be really short? I can't tell if he's missing part of it or if that is just standard. It seems like when you're putting it back together the spring is bent all over and makes it a pain to get the slide back on.
I had one back in the 80's. Seems like i paid around $100 to $150 for it LNIB. Was a great little pistol that for some stupid reason I sold.
I think the guide rod was rather short and the spring looked all out of shape compressed, but it has been a while since I have torn one down.
If it was honestly LNIB with the original finish I would say your very low. If its really that nice you may be able to find someone to buy it for $300 or more.
I have been looking for a nice Star in 380 like the model S and I can't find one for less than $250 so I think $150 is really low. If I saw one for $150, it would be mine. Since he is your friend, I think a good price for both of you is about $200. If he tried to sell it to a dealer, he would get less than $200 and if you tried to buy it from a dealer, you would pay more than $200 so that seems to be a pretty good way of decideing what a person to person price should be. I see no reason why you should have to pay full retail of what a FFL dealer would charge since you are doing a person to person sale. This is not taking advantage of him, it is a more fair price than any other way I can think of.

Many times people have tried to sell me a used gun for full retail price and when I offered less, they said they would not take it. I see them going to the gunshop and I know they are selling for a lot less to a dealer than what I offered but people are stupid sometimes.
Got it...

Just bought it for $100. Like new...maybe 50 rounds through it. I'm thinking I got a good deal on this one!
$100 sounds like a nice deal to me. They are fine little handguns. I sort of collect Stars. They are made as well as any gun and often you can find deals like the one you came upon. That is not a bad price and you shouldn't feel guilty either. They are an odd type of gun because not everyone knows enough about them to value them highly. If you find the right person, you could sell it for top dollar but most often, they sell pretty cheap and deals can be had.

I have:
Star Firestar 9mm
Star HK Lancer .22lr
Star Model B 9mm
and 2 Star BM 9mms

Every one of them is accurate and reliable. I need a .380 Star like the one you got to add to my Star stable. They are really a neat size and feel good in the hand. Lots of fun.
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