proposed federal high cap. mag ban

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I have a CCW and carry everyday. I own shotguns, rifles, pistols and revolvers. I'm an ex- Navy Submariner and I believe in the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. And believe me, I surely don't want my rights trampled on by a bunch of do-gooders. But, for the life of me, I can't figure out why we need a 33 round magazine for a handgun that is specifically designed for self-defense. Someone want to enlighten me?
So is your EDC a semi-auto with a double stack mag, a single stack mag, a revolver with 6 shots or five, a 2 shot or one shot derringer ? Do you carry ammo to reload ? Do any of these things make you shoot up a crowd ? Why don't people stop blaming an inanimate object, a tool for an act of violence ?
Not a good answer at all. So is a vehicle but who drives a tank!
There are actually a lot of privately owned tanks in the US. When was the last time you heard of the owner of one of these going on a killing spree with it ? It is not the tool being used, it is the tool using it that is most dangerous.
I carry a SA EMP 9mm, and before that a Para P-12 double stack 45acp, and before that a Ruger .357. I don't see how that pertains to my question, which was, what is the purpose of a 33 round mag for a Glock. I could see you using it at the range, but of all the times I've ever been to the range, I've never seen one used. And I do fully agree that the magazine is not to blame for the carnage in Arizona, but some person who is apparently mentallly unstable (to say the least). And I do agree with the comment of the slippery slope theory... I'm just saying, 33 rounds for a handgun? Really?
There are actually a lot of privately owned tanks in the US. When was the last time you heard of the owner of one of these going on a killing spree with it ? It is not the tool being used, it is the tool using it that is most dangerous.

Not the point about the tank, when was the last time you saw a private owner of a tank driving one down the road. What is the use of it in private hands?

I carry a SA EMP 9mm, and before that a Para P-12 double stack 45acp, and before that a Ruger .357. I don't see how that pertains to my question, which was, what is the purpose of a 33 round mag for a Glock. I could see you using it at the range, but of all the times I've ever been to the range, I've never seen one used. And I do fully agree that the magazine is not to blame for the carnage in Arizona, but some person who is apparently mentallly unstable (to say the least). And I do agree with the comment of the slippery slope theory... I'm just saying, 33 rounds for a handgun? Really?

This is getting to the point.
But, for the life of me, I can't figure out why we need a 33 round magazine for a handgun that is specifically designed for self-defense. Someone want to enlighten me?

I suppose you could also ask why anyone would need a 30 round magazine for an AR/M4 kept for defense?

The Glock 19 has been my primary defense pistol for over 10 years. I carry a 33 round magazine in my car, in case I might need one.

Given mass-shooting terrorist threats, I carry a 33 round magazine on my person while shopping at the mall during the holidays in case I need to use sustained gunfire to create an opportunity for me and my family to escape.

I'm speculating here but there are probably a million or more Glock 33 round magazines presently in the hands of private citizens. It was criminally misused by a single person in a single incident. It's not a national problem requiring government regulation.
Large capacity magazines can be real handy in a home invasion. I wrote an article for Buckeye Firearms back in '09 about the home invasion in Florida where seven men broke into a home and killed the parents. My suggestion that had the parents kept arms handy, something with a relatively high capacity like a Glock was met with some derision here.

Sadly we have too many supposedly on our side, wanting to protect that part of the gun culture important to them and nothing more. They are quite willing to toss red meat to lions whose appetite will never be satisfied until everything is devoured.
"Clips"...shows how ignorant she is. Something else I read sounds like they want to ban assault weapons, while they're at it.
Hey, I got an idea! Let's blame the guy who DECIDED TO KILL PEOPLE, and then went out and KILLED PEOPLE. Not the inanimate objects he used as weapons.
sometimes its fun to hear 33 bangs instead of 1, 2 or 10, especially if you have the money to be rattling off 33 rounds in quick succession. I'll be the parrot here and repeat a couple of points I thought were very solid, and add my own for what they're worth...may end up just being some rambling...
1) Someone who was trained could have done much worse with much less
- great point, but in this case, an untrained individual was able to inflict massive damage because he had the capacity to do so as a result of his equipment
2) The magazine is a tool, a means to accomplish a goal. to 99.9999% of us civilians that goal may be enjoyment, convenience, piece of mind or self-defense, obviously military applications differ.
- I have hi-cap mags, mostly for my .22- they're a blast, literally. I have no military training, but I can swap out a 10 round clip plenty fast when I need to. A 30 round mag or 3-10's, still 30 shots in my eyes... hell, the kid could have just brought 2 guns...
3) someone mentioned that we take away guns, we're going to get more homemade bombs etc...
-agreed, entirely. the motivated deranged individuals who are intent on harming others are going to find a way to accomplish their goals. In the case of this latest tragedy, this kid was clearly way off of his rocker, but seemed to be very intelligent judging by some of the comments I've heard about him.

This is all leading idea I guess...
as parents, children, as members of a society we need to more clearly identify the individuals with problems, not remain one step behind by taking away one of the thousands of ways they can find to kill others. This is especially true of our community as gun owners, a group that prides itself on the discipline and self restraint necessary when handling equipment capable of taking lives. Every time we see one of these shootings the anti gun nut-jobs come out of the woodwork and place the blame on the guns, and from what I see, in almost every one, multiple people come out saying how they knew it was going to happen or the kid was scary, or an outcast or something to that effect. As a society, we need to be more proactive in identifying mental disorders, and my opinion is that may be as a community of gun enthusiasts we might need to stop fighting back and start working to find the causes of these slayings instead of only rallying behind our desire to keep guns after these events....just my 2 cents,
Not the point about the tank, when was the last time you saw a private owner of a tank driving one down the road. What is the use of it in private hands?

This is getting to the point.
Actually , that's getting AWAY from the point. The OP is Banning of HiCap Mags. Not the NEED or practicallity of tanks or 33 rounds in a handgun. Just because you don't see a need doesn't matter. A ban on owning them will not reduce crime. Making them illegal will not stop criminals from committing crimes. Criminals do not follow laws, that's why they are criminals. This has nothing to do with need, or practicallity, or whether you agree or not.
how about we access and pick out the nut job before he goes off and does all this? no red flags went off anywhere in his entire life as a nut job? my bet would be yes several did and everyone just blows them off.
As has been said so many times, people, not guns, are the issue. Having acknowledged that, does the solution then become one similar to how hunting licenses are handled? If you were born after XXXX you must complete a safety course to purchase a firearm. Is that something that you think is stepping over the line?

I would find that situation much more preferable to an assault weapon ban. The safety policy could actually save lives without restricting rights.
making it mandatory to take a firearms ownership class would have some positive aspects, but its much the same way hunter safety stopped all illegal poaching.... errrrr thats right

not to crush your idea, i do see some positive aspects in it, but a motivated criminal does not follow the law, because they are just that A CRIMINAL
Actually , that's getting AWAY from the point. The OP is Banning of HiCap Mags. Not the NEED or practicallity of tanks or 33 rounds in a handgun. Just because you don't see a need doesn't matter. A ban on owning them will not reduce crime. Making them illegal will not stop criminals from committing crimes. Criminals do not follow laws, that's why they are criminals. This has nothing to do with need, or practicallity, or whether you agree or not.

Remember you live in the state that bans the carring of a double edged knife. Personnally I believe it should be lawful to carry with no restrictions switch blades. And as I said in the last sentence of my first paragraph the mag capacity had nothing to do with the crime. With that reiterated again I still wonder about the extended mags.
A good excuse to buy them up

When will they learn? Every time they start this rhetoric, people react by buying guns and ammunition, magazines and gear by the truck load. I started buying up hi caps last month and am ready to get some more. Thanks to all the leftists who give me the excuse I need to buy more toys :)
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Even if you can't see the logic in a 33 round handgun magazine, why would you be ok with your rights being trampled on? If the glock 33 round magazines go, so will the glock 17 round magazines, as well as AR 30 round magazines, M1A 20 round magazines, and countless other STANDARD CAPACITY magazines.
The problem is the mental health system here. Flag these people from being able to buy guns. They need help.

Where do you draw the line here people. The only good it will do is keeping stuff out of a law abiding citizens home. Then guess where all these 33 round mags will go? The black market and then the law will fail.
Finding the "nutjobs" before they harm people is a slippery slope as well. We're pitting second amendment rights against civil liberties. It's an unfortunate side-effect that because we enjoy the rights that we do in this country, this kind of act can occur. Until someone does something threatening, you really can't do anything to them. I can be perfectly "normal" one day, and snap the next. How can you prevent me from harming someone, no matter what my weapon of choice is?

I can see both sides of the argument on this. Without a 33 round magazine, this guy probably wouldn't have shot as many people. But there wasn't a gun used in the Oklahoma city bombing, and many more people died in that.

Political assassination attempts have been going on since the beginning of man. There is no easy or quick answer here.
If this issue is viewed as a game of Let's Make a Deal to look 'reasonable' and appease the gun-grabbers, we have already lost. We either have a right that does not depend on somebody else's ideas about our 'needs' or we only have a privilege to be revoked bit by bit as each new incident occurs.
The statement that "gun control has no national support and won't happen" is nonsense. Look at the National Healthcare thing. No national support. More people were against it than for it. They forced it through anyways.

With that said, fear is big business. We've always known that.
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