Reactive target. A bad idea.

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Cheap shaving creme cans (full)

Take and old sheet and lay it on the ground. Hang balloons filled with left over paint over it. Shoot the balloons.

Necco wafers for a challenge.
it don't blow up but T1 1/2" steel plate painted white so you can see hits works good at longer ranges [500 to 1000yrds] ...have some that have been hit thousands of times with 300win. mag on down to .223 & no damage other than paint...won't let my buddy shoot his 50 at them....up close [500yrd down] I cut out 10" high PD, hog & chickens out of 2" T1 plate & at 100yrds the 300mag will put just a slight dimple in them but mostly I use .22, 44mag. or .223 at that range...I like the ice idea but don't have enough freezer space to make many at a time ...take care
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