Really---why do you carry

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The hidden gun does one critically-important gives me OPTIONS in possible bad situations.

Those options could save the lives of myself and/or the people I care about. The gun is not a magic wand, but it IS a powerful tool. Not having that tool when it is legal, seems to be the height of foolishness in my eyes.

This opinion comes from someone who lived fifty years in Canada, where legal concealed-carry is non-existent. I REALLY appreciate living in Nevada!
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"When the time for action has come - The Time for preperation has past!"

Abraham Lincoln

1) 2nd Ammendment
2) Preparedness
3) There are those that believe the harder you work the more they should have!

The facility I work at has been vandalized 4 times in last 2 years for theft of copper wiring. (It is somewhat remote and police response is 10-20 minutes)
***Insert good news here***
(there last attempt was 2 weeks ago when they cut into a live 600 volt wire!...they have not been caught yet but there is evidence of severe burns to whoever had hold of cutters!)
Not to mention there are not enough deputies to cover the county.
Unemployment hovers just at or near 10%
Foreclosures still abound!
Home Invasions are on a constant increase (replacing bank robberies actually).
I tried to find numbers on home invasion, however those statistics do not seem to be readily available.

If we watch news out of our major cities across the U.S. it is nothing to hear of a home invasion every week if not every other night!

All crime on the employed rises when the economy falters, its just plain simple facts.

But "Why" I carry is to avoid making the decision to do so "after" such a crime happens to me or my family. I learned the above quote from Abe in a martial arts class in the early 90's and it has affected me ever since then and just makes plain common sense to be prepared in life!

It has in fact helped almost every aspect of my life and applies to daily life as much or more than self defense.

Good Thread...Why Do You Carry?

- I have accepted responsibility for my own safety and security.

- I’m convinced that if you don’t exercise a right, sooner or later someone will decide you don’t really need it.

- While I am not my brother’s keeper, I’d feel pretty awful if I could have done something to help defend a friend or loved one but wasn’t properly prepared.

- It drives one anti-gun friend of mine right up the wall. OK, that one is mostly a joke. Mostly…

- And of course: Irrelevant – I don’t need a reason. It’s a right, not a privilege (Not bagging on you BigBay, just sayin’).
Thanks to MD laws I'm unable to carry, but when that changes, I plan to carry because I can and because it's my right to.
Because I can

(and because my OWB matches my boots)

kingpin - I retired from USN out of ft.meade when I lived in columbia MD - also lived in ellicott city for a while after.... NEVER recalled seeing a gunshop...... but that was between 1985-90. I doubt it's changed.
Surprisingly enough, mostly for stray dogs nowadays. Way more likely for me to have to deal with an animal attack, given the number of loose dogs and how often I walk my dogs.
Because, as a computer geek, my life is dedicated to avoiding "single point of failure" so the more layers of "insurance" I can have (within reason) the better.


Because I have a lot to protect and care for and I took those vows very seriously.


Because at this point in my life I've had several major abdominal surgeries that have left me very vulnerable physically. So I'm not going "mano e' mano" with anybody anymore!
See my signature line.

Someone posted this on another forum and I thought it was good enough to save.

<<Originally Posted by Seawolf
Sorry if this is too lengthy, but I thought it worth telling.

I have never been caught by a stranger and had to explain why I was carrying, but I was at a get together one night with family and my Wife's Godparents who are hardcore Libs and big time anti gun.

Somehow the topic of firearms came up because my Father in law had won a couple of nice rifles in a raffle the night before. Immediately the Godparents went into thier anti gun tyrade on how guns are evil and nobody needs a gun, blah blah blah. This went on for a few minutes while my Father in Law tried to hold back a smile because he knew I was carrying at the time.

After a few minutes I had heard enough of the Liberal talking points and I smacked my hand on the table really quick and asked the question, "A masked man has just kicked in the front door and is now threatning you with a gun, what do you do?"

Of course all I got was blank stares so I asked again a little louder, "What do you do!" The response I got was call 911 of course. I then said, "the Police are at least 5 minutes away and that's being generous, what do you do?" and before her Godfather could get a word out I smacked the table again and said, "BANG! he just shot your Wife, now what do you do!" I never got anything more than a blank stare after that.

I then began to explain that there are 3 types of people in this world. There are Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs (direct from the famous speech we all love). I said, "I have been sitting here eating dinner with you folks not more than 4ft away the entire night carrying a gun". I said, "You had no idea I was carrying a gun because I am a sheepdog and not a Wolf. Those of us who are dedicated to protecting ourselves and other "Sheep" from the Wolves are not the ones to be concerned with. It's the Wolf you need to worry about and if you choose to not protect yourself and rely on someone else, ie the Police then that is your business, but it is not your business to tell others whether or not they should protect themselves."

The subject quickly changed and that was the last thing I said all night, but I am pretty sure I got my message across that night. Incidentally I have not seen them since so either it's a coincidence that I haven't seen them or they are now scared to death of me. lol>>
Because I don't intend becoming a victim, at least without a fight.

Thanks to MD laws I'm unable to carry, but when that changes, I plan to carry because I can and because it's my right to.
Good luck with that, it will never happen as long as the criminal politicians run the state.
I was a Baltimore Policeman. I knew people that carried. My Wife carried. I figured if you didn't carry in many sections of Baltimore you were a fool.
The question is wrong. It implies that I need some justification.
Regional and local restrictions aside, Why shouldn't I?
Do I need to justify my execise of any other constitutional right?
It's just one more option for safety. (No particular incident made me decide to carry)

And like some others above, I believe that if you don’t exercise a right, someday someone may decide that you don’t really need it.

Signed, Democrat, social liberal, fiscal conservative :uhoh:
Toforo - thanks for your service. I live in Columbia, and while it's not my favorite place in the world, it'll do for now. As far as gun shops, there are quite a few - one of them is right across the street from Ft. Meade. We also got another Class III/SOT dealer recently.

M2 Carbine - you may be right, but luckily we've finally got a lawsuit in the works to find out. Google "maryland CCW lawsuit" and you'll have plenty to read. Thanks to a great plaintiff and MD's ridiculously vague CCW law, we have a pretty good chance at a favorable verdict.

Even if this particular case doesn't pan out, we've had the anti's on the run for years. A little more work and we'll get things back on track for good.
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