"Red Eye" 4/14 - "Good People Need Guns"

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Dec 28, 2002
Minnesota - nine months of ice and snow...three mo
Todays' Ray of Hope:

Greg Gutfeld on Red Eye on Fox News tonight had a monologue ("Greg-a logue") arguing that arming ships to fight pirates is no different than arming ordinary citizens to fight crime.

He pointed out that:
-He works in a NYC studio that is protected by armed guards - why should ordinary citizens not have similar protection for themselves?
-Just because we may be proud of our military for taking care of pirates does not mean that ordinary citizens can't protect themselves
-A 3", 50-caliber pistol looks great with a P-Coat :) Not sure where he got that one, but it's certainly the opposite of most media hype about "big, dangerous guns used only for killing people".

One of the guests pointed out that the reason that bad guys attack schools is the same reason the pirates attack freight ships...they know the victims are unarmed.

Good stuff.
Red Eye is probably the best comedy/news show ever.

"With just 2 bucks worth of ammo, there are now three vacancies in the world of piracy..."
Yes, I do enjoy Red Eye when I am up to see it! He makes some good points in his Gregologue. I have to take your word for it cause I missed it. What was the Billabuster? haha!
I HATE Red Eye, it makes me stay up until 4am, then I sleep till 9am, it just ain't right...BEST late night show on television.
I saw this episode as well and was extremely impressed with Greg's and the guests' comments. I think Bill may have had a dissenting opinion but can't remember. Something about the show's time schedule that allows me to forget quite easily what was said/discussed....
I'm nocturnal for the most part, and I've flipped past it a few times. I'll have to check it out some night. Thanks for the heads up!

Sure beats infomercials!
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