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Regions Bank No Guns Tennessee

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Aug 24, 2008
Regions Bank has decided to put up 'no guns' signs across Tennessee at its branches. Many of these signs are 'legal' as in we can technically get fined five hundred bucks for getting caught in TN. No one has yet to be charged under the 'sign' statute in TN, but sad that Regions has chosen to make criminals out of honest folks that are customers and alienate many business owners that are armed when making deposits. Regions Bank is based in Birmingham, AL.
They are only hurting themselves if those people who use them for banking are willing to deal with the hassle of changing banks over it and let management know that's why.

I'm aware of a lot of people that discuss this or other similar situations, but how many of us are really willing to take our business elsewhere? I know I am, and have in the past over no gun signs and the like.
jimmyraythomason said:
Well since a firearm isn't required for my banking needs I'll just continue as usual.

You're immune to being robbed on the way to or from the bank? How do you manage that? A firearm is a required tool any time you run a risk of being attacked or robbed, or similar(read: any time). Situational awareness, training, pepper spray, etc are also tools that can and should be employed at all times, but I'd rather have the firearm there in case the situation I end up in requires use of a firearm to defend myself or another.
I am not too happy because I carry a gun when making money deposits for my little business and pretty much everywhere I go. I'll just have to conceal well until I get this straightened out with my bank account. I live outside Memphis and no way can I not carry a gun when making bank deposits. I'd be a fool not to carry a gun when working in Memphis with documents and money in a briefcase. It ticks me off quite a bit what Regions has done.
jimmyraythomason said:
I AM armed to and from my bank . I don't need the arm inside the bank.

Just clearing this up... armed into the bank parking lot and leave the gun in the car, thereby walking to the door of the bank unarmed...?

Walking to the door of the bank and dropping your gun in a bush so you're armed until you enter the bank...?

I'm not sure where you live, but where I'm from the criminals don't wait until we get to our cars and guns here. I've been mugged at the bank walking from the door to my car (less than 30 feet). It wasn't a shooting instance, and didn't cost me anything beyond a new mace keychain, but I'm glad I had the firearm at hand in case I needed it.
I'm not sure where you live, but where I'm from the criminals don't wait until we get to our cars and guns here.
Where I live we don't have criminals hiding behind every bush. No bushes in front of my bank anyway. If it is a big problem,use the drive-up so you don't have to leave the relative safety of your vehicle.
jimmyraythomason said:
Where I live we don't have criminals hiding behind every bush. No bushes in front of my bank anyway. If it is a big problem,use the drive-up so you don't have to leave the relative safety of your vehicle.

You're either missing my point or deliberately ignoring it to argue semantics.

There aren't criminals hiding behind every bush, and there aren't bushes near my bank's doors either. I'd rather be as prepared as I can be at all times for any eventuality. I refuse to disarm myself to make sheep feel more comfortable, and I refuse to do business with anti-gun or anti-self defense supporters.

The problem is that you're willing to shrug your shoulders and continue to let someone tell you where you can and can't defend yourself. You're willing to ignore it while someone steps on your constitutional right to bear arms. Sure it's a small infringement, and not terribly onerous, but think about it... It's ok for them to ban guns on school campuses banks and gov't buildings, it's also ok for them to forbid that we carry in bars, theaters, stadiums etc... So now we're limited to public places that aren't listed in statute and in our home... Alright that's not so bad, we can deal with that... Ok say next year since the bans have worked so well up to now (yeah right), they decide to ban carrying on gov't maintained roadways and sidewalks... Now you're really screwed, but it's ok because you can still carry at home. Next thing you know we're living in the united states of britain and we're being sued for defending ourselves against criminals that break into our homes and attack us.
I'd rather be as prepared as I can be at all times for any eventuality.
Nothing wrong with being prepared although it is IMPOSSIBLE to prepare for EVERY eventuality.
It's ok for them to ban guns on school campuses banks and gov't buildings, it's also ok for them to forbid that we carry in bars, theaters, stadiums etc... So now we're limited to public places that aren't listed in statute and in our home...
I didn't say I thought it was okay,I merely said it wasn't going to determine how I live my life. I refuse to live a life of fear. That life is not determined by where I can or can't carry a firearm.
I didn't say I thought it was okay,I merely said it wasn't going to determine how I live my life. I refuse to live a life of fear. That life is not determined by where I can or can't carry a firearm.

My life isn't lived by where I can and can't carry, but just ignoring it (refusing to change banks due to carry policy for example) sends the message that it's ok to keep tightening the reins. This isn't just about gun rights, it's about ALL our rights, this is just the current focus right now.

I will not financially support a business that infringes my rights. Those that do support businesses that infringe on the rights of their clients are doing nothing but helping to make the living situation worse in this country by allowing it.
For the record,my bank doesn't allow hoodies,baseball caps or sungrasses to be worn inside. Waiting for the backlash against that.
I don't believe banks are on the list of places you cannot CCW. If the gun is concealed properly no one will ever know.

Besides, I have only stepped foot in my bank once in the last two years so no biggie.
If posted you may not carry. That's TN state law and applying other state's criteria won't have much meaning.

I don't do business with companies that discriminate against me and others like me. I don't worry about whether they're "anti" or "against guns" or whether they care about crime on their premises or whether there's a reasonable concern about my being a victim of crime in their bank. What I won't tolerate is the bigotry against me when all logic and facts say permit holders are no threat.

When they post such signs they are saying that they don't want me and my kind in their establishment regardless of the fact that in TN "my kind" had to pay for a course, take the time for the course, pay the state to run a background check and await the approval of the state for a Handgun Carry Permit. Permit holders are a group with some of the lowest violent crime rates possible, but somehow a business has decided they don't want my kind around and I won't do business with bigots who want to turn their irrational and illogical prejudices against me.
Basically one has three choices:
1) Carry concealed into the bank anyway and risk fine/loss of permit
2) Take business elsewhere
3) Honor the sign and don't carry into the bank.

I can't say which one is right or wrong, everyone has to make his own decision. I stopped using Regions when they took away all the branch manager's discretion in loan making and centralized it. Now I use GreenBank and have never been happier.
Regions Bank has decided to put up 'no guns' signs across Tennessee at its branches. Many of these signs are 'legal' as in we can technically get fined five hundred bucks for getting caught in TN. No one has yet to be charged under the 'sign' statute in TN, but sad that Regions has chosen to make criminals out of honest folks that are customers and alienate many business owners that are armed when making deposits. Regions Bank is based in Birmingham, AL.
Isn't this like putting a big "ROB ME NO ONE HAS GUNS" sign on the door?
So...you never go to the courthouse or the post office or (some) emergency rooms?

TN only expressly prohibits carry during judicial proceedings and on school property.

The post office near me isn't posted so I haven't encountered an impediment.

Not having been in an emergency room in nearly 20 years I'd probably have to be transported by ambulance to enter another and I'll probably be too preoccupied to check the door going through. The one closest to my home, where my wife works, isn't posted.
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jimmyraythomason: I have no need to go to the courthouse or hospital on a regular basis, but again neither here nor there. I'm sure if I have need to go to either of those places I would disarm but that doesn't have anything to do with my rights, it has to do with common sense. You go there with a gun you get arrested... You can twist my words and imply all the meanings you want, but that doesn't change the fact that "ignore it and it will go away" doesn't work.
Government facilities aren't businesses and don't have the option to post or not.
You still are free to go there or not as you choose(except when called for jury duty).
that doesn't have anything to do with my rights, it has to do with common sense.
It doesn't? or is it just an acceptable violation of rights?
You can twist my words and imply all the meanings you want, but that doesn't change the fact that "ignore it and it will go away" doesn't work.
I don't think I twisted your words or anyone elses. Every post is there open to review. The fact remains I don't carry in my bank,I have NO NEED to carry in my bank. Posted "no gun" signs have no effect on me. If it does to you then do as you feel proper. I merely tried to point out that other places are also "no firearms" regardless of commercial business or government building. If it is a rights violation at one it also is at the other. Use them or don't it's your choice.
We are all on the same side here. I hate gun control in all it's forms. Some we can fight, some aren't worth the effort it would take and some we have already defeated. We have to pick our battles and not waste valuable resources where the outcome doesn't accomplish very much.
I'm not sure if we really are - you are basically derailing a thread about a bank discriminating against those who choose to exercise a constitutional right. Sure, it's private property and they can do whatever they want, but I don't see how you can claim to support the 2nd amendment as an individual, natural, basic human right, and not get upset when a company does something like this. If they discriminated based on other rights (1A, or how about sex, race or heritage) would you be upset?

Also, protesting with your wallet isn't a waste of time. Didn't Marriot change its policy recently when they posted several hotels (albeit, they picked a really bad time and place to do it :) )? Did a large grocery store chain also recently change after posting a no-weapons policy? There are plenty more examples out there. Taking your business elsewhere in protest actually is ONE OF THE BEST ways to effect change.
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