Replacement bead on an NEF shotgun... or maybe real sights?

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Jan 20, 2003
I got this little NEF single barrel 20 gauge a couple years ago and originally filed the bead down to get it hitting closer with slugs. However, that did put the pattern with shot like a foot high at 25 yards. It is noticeable. You can hold low and hit with it but I don't want to.
So I'm wondering if anyone knows where I can find a replacment bead? It looks like a little hex nut to me so I'm thinking I should be able to get it screwed in without too much difficulty.
Also, I'm just sort of wondering... I know that there are some smoothbore flintlock fowlers that are built with rear sights (historically innaccurate). Anyone know if it would be possible to put maybe a fold-down rear sight on a smoothbore shotgun and whatever height front sight.
The idea being that I could fold the rear sight down and use just the front sight to shoot shotshells, then flip the rear sight up to be able to hit with a slug.
FWIW, I realize I'm talking about a $60 gun here so it might not be worth it to do more than just stick the right size bead back on it. I'm just looking to see if it is even practical first.
Check with Numrich for the bead. Lots of after market sights around, Brownells might have what you want.
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