Retired marine shoots and kills armed robber.

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Where are the kids parents? Behind bars?

Too bad he only had one head shot...

Would be a shame if the second one survives and sues... and wastes every ones time.


Good for the marine.
Would be a shame if the second one survives and sues... and wastes every ones time.

Dead men may tell no tales, but, rest assured, dead men family members will sue.

I am sure many vultures, I mean attorneys contacted both families to talk about a civil suit.
Fortunately, people have started to fight back and kill these crooks as they should be. Joe Horn and this old marine are great examples of how they should be dealt with.

As things are going right now between gas and the lack of money, we can't really afford to allow criminals to rob and kill us anymore. Their violent actions used to be case studies for apologist liberals in training; fortunately common sense state legislatures have seen fit to allow us to deal with them directly.
Lovell was wrong

But everybody excluding the perp/perps are alive. Good shoot & thank God he was armed. Goes to prove that "If you mess with the bull, you're gonna get the horn." Risk & retribution are inherent to committing crimes . . . "Don't want to die? Don't try." Pretty simple concept . . . "Retired marine" . . . Marines never retire, they just quit being deployed . . . perhaps the grandparents/parents should have done a better job of raising/instilling ethical & moral values in the kid. His action resulted in a final and devastating reaction . . . the buck stops with the perp.
makes me wonder what the old Marine was carrying. I'd be willing to bet the guy who got it in the head was simply pronounced at the hospital but if the other guy caught one in the chest and was able to go hide in some shrubs, it sounds like the wound either wasn't exactly in a critical spot or the caliber was mighty small.
Makes me wonder why the police saw the wounded perp hiding in the bushes. Maybe if they had walked on and come back another day, he wouldn't have required all that paperwork.
News flash, Mrs. Jones:

When a robber points a firearm at someone, said robber most assuredly DOES deserve to be shot. That's what the law says, that's what common sense says.

Deal with it. I'm sorry you raised your grandson to be a thief and criminal rather than a productive member of society, but that's not my problem and it certainly wasn't the Marine's problem when the gun was being pointed at him.
Note the obligatory reference to his military experience. We can't just have a non-former military or non-former policeman out there with a firearm defending himself. He doubtless shouted "I am a Retired Marine!" as he shot the unjust aggressor, because it was so integral to the act of self-defense with a firearm.

It's just a reasonably mentionable detail about the man, SA. I think you're just seeing malevolent motives where none are actually there. I suggest your comment here is a bit, um, paranoid...a bit odd.

This was a clear case of self-defense. Mr. Lovell, the retired Marine, acquitted himself very well. He probably saved his own life and maybe that of the store employee. He is, in fact, a hero. He is, in fact, a retired Marine. Deal wit it, SA. Besides, there is no harm in mentioning it...:)
We had a similar situation in the Cleveland area. The difference was, virtually the entire community told the mutant family and "posse" of the dead robber to pound sand. When the dead robber's (on probation for armed robbery) friends vandalized the victim's home, it was guarded by volunteers from the Cleveland Police Department and the NAACP.

EVERY armed robber should expect to be shot dead.
This is the kind of junk that the black community in this country needs to deal with. It isn't racist to say it is a black culture problem, it is a fact. I'm not saying that the black culture in America is the only group to have this problem, they are not, but they for the most part refuse to acknowledge that it exists. Blaming guns and rappers is a ruse, the real cause is the lack of parenting that leaves kids with no role models other than the thugs. Peers that mock education doesn't help either. It isn't a race problem for sure (race is made up anyway), the black kids I know from Africa are deeply respectful of their elders and have a wonderful work ethic. As long as the leaders of the black community stick their heads in the sand they are also part of the problem. The end result of all of this garbage is going to be that an entire generation of young black Americans will be lost to prisons, slave-like jobs, or gunfire. No amount of feel good drug laws, gun laws, throwing federal money away on welfare, or food stamps is going to solve this problem. The real men in the community need to step up to the plate and take back the culture before it nosedives further than it already has. Dr. King is spinning because the content of the character is what is being destroyed while the color of the skin is being held up as a crutch that must be compensated with welfare.
Note the obligatory reference to his military experience. We can't just have a non-former military or non-former policeman out there with a firearm defending himself. He doubtless shouted "I am a Retired Marine!" as he shot the unjust aggressor, because it was so integral to the act of self-defense with a firearm.

I don't think it's that at all. It's that America loves its Marines. When I was in boot camp they told us over and over again that if we ever do something stupid (like drive drunk and kill somebody) and hit the headlines, even twenty years after we're out, the headline will read "Former Marine does so-and-so"
I applaud the fact that Mr. Lovell defended himself and put an end to this crime but some of the comments here are pure crap!

Where are the kids parents? Behind bars?

Deal with it. I'm sorry you raised your grandson to be a thief and criminal rather than a productive member of society, but that's not my problem and it certainly wasn't the Marine's problem when the gun was being pointed at him.

Seems like some of you are awfully quick to judge the grandmother or the parents when you have absolutely no knowledge of how the kid was raised. Did it ever occur to anybody that she might be grieving over the loss of her grandson and is letting her emotions rule? The High Road? Not in this thread.
Seems like some of you are awfully quick to judge the grandmother or the parents
Seems like the grandmother is awfully quick to accuse the man who defended himself from her little monster.

Sounds like she's always been defending him, making excuses for him, and that may be the reason why he turned out like he did.
Sgt Sabre-"even twenty years after we're out, the headline will read "Former Marine does so-and-so"

It's true. I was in boot camp in 2005 when IIRC someone in the government sold secrets, and was found out. The headline was that he was a former Marine.

They pounded that point into us pretty hard. That and if we ever got into a fight and did damage there's no doubt our service would be brought up.

Have you ever said something in the heat of the moment that you regretted later, or that you knew to be wrong? It may "sound like she is always defending him" but you really don't know that do you?
The one thing that "color" and "crime" have in common is the letter "C." Granted, statistics may suggest higher percentages assigned to different ethnic groups, but I was raised to judge a man as a "man." We are all rational beings, aware of "right" and "wrong," guilty of varying degrees of laziness and desire . . . come at me with intent to inflict harm or divest me of what I worked hard to own and I'll defend myself and my possessions, EVERY TIME . . . circumstances will dictate the "how," but I really don't care if the opportunist is white, black, brown, green, purple, or multi-hued . . . I WILL FIGHT BACK! I am neither responsible for his/her motivation, need, nor upbringing . . . I am, however. responsible for my life and the safe-keeping thereof.
Donico was going to turn his life around as soon as he robbed and murdered that old Marine. Too bad he will never realize his dream of becoming an airline pilot. :evil:
Since this is such an old case, how did the civil trial go? Was the former Marine awarded a judgment for the psychological damage done by these two perps forcing him to shoot them. He could have been psychologically damaged for life and may have required compensation to pay for trips to the shrink.
This shoot happened over a year ago, and was seen on THR

And it's still a most appropriate discussion, thank you very much . . . methinks those of us currently involved may not have seen the previous posts, but thank you for the historical reference . . .
Donico was going to turn his life around

One more helpless victim and I'll be a clean, responsible, citizen, a veritable pillar of the community . . . I will likely discover the cure for cancer, and be revered by all forevermore. This really isn't my fault . . . I'm a victim of societal injustice . . . or, I have ZERO motivation to better myself!

Stealing from others appears easy . . . stealing from others equipped and prepared to defend themselves is a harsh reality best avoided, More of this equals less of that. The kid received EXACTLY what he deserved. I'm sincerely sorry that a life was wasted . . . the Marine was not in the least responsible for that waste.
Would be a shame if the second one survives and sues... and wastes every ones time
Not going to happen.
Perp or family cannnot file suit if the shooting was deemed justifiable...and it was. Gotta love the Gunshine State :D
remember the Castle Doctrine. No criminal or criminal family member can sue for any injury sustained during the commission of a criminal act.
tntwatt: remember the Castle Doctrine. No criminal or criminal family member can sue for any injury sustained during the commission of a criminal act.

Yep, I remember and commemorate it, but, but, but, attorneys are made to see around the rules.

A wrongful death suit can always be filed.

NO matter what.
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