Robert Heinlein and guns

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Jul 1, 2005
Austin, TX
It seems like there are a lot of RAH fans on this board. How influential has his work been on your ideas regarding RKBA and related topics of self-reliance and responsibility.

It seems like his themes and ideas run pretty contrary to our present culture...
As much as I love Heinlein (the juveniles, the stories, the novels) and admire him for his technical background, I was really disappointed to learn that he owned a Remington .32, possibly the most over-engineered gun of its time.
Never have read any of his work. But from what I've seen quoted on this board, he agrees with me in most all respects.
Henry Bowman,
You have no idea how much I envy you.
You still have in front of you, Time enough for love, Moon is a harsh mistriss (Origin of TANSTAAFL?), Stranger in a strange land, and all the rest... OMG! Save To Sail Beond the Sunset for last...

You have yet to be introduced to some of my best and oldest friends... :)

His are books you can read when you just don't have the energy to start a new book.

Open one you've read 12 times, to any page, and you fall right into the story.
KNOWING every plot turn, but not minding that, turn the page!

Most of the Heinline quotes are from his main character, Lazarus Long.
He (Lazarus(or R.A.H. himself)) would fit in well, here.

As for the .32 Remmington, Mr. Bruce, R.A.H. was an engineer, too. That might JUST be why he had it - BECAUSE it was so over - engineered. But it still worked!

I'm not sure why. but I keep rereading Friday, even though it isn't a lazarus long book. It seems such a part of that future earth world, and the SHTF storyline. Seems familiar these days, no?
I went through the permissive/Liberal stage and got bright by the time I was 10.
Didn't come across any Heinlein till I was 12 and well set in my ways. He didn't influence me a bit, but her d@mn sure reinforced it! Didn't miss a single one.

Heinlein had the secret for SF, the stories were about people, space aliens, rockets and time travel were background. That makes them good reading for anyone.

I'm not sure why. but I keep rereading Friday
'cause you're a dirty old man, thats why ;)

Friday is a fun read ... and it stands alone so you don't have to read 3 other books to know what all's going on.
It's GROK not GRONK!

And +1 on Starship Troopers. It and Time Enough for Love are my favorites (probably read ST at least 5 times and TEL 3).

Another favorite though hard to find is Glory Road which is I believe amongs the very first of the analyze humans and their culture novels. (Heinlein was really a preachy guy but he did it so well).

Another favorite but I can't remember the name had to do with a revolt to a theocracy in the US.

I discovered Heinlein in the 6th grade when I read Red Planet. Since then I believe I've read at least 95% of everything he ever wrote including some non-fiction stuff.

They teach Heinlein in universities now don't they? How do those literature professors read him without having heart attacks?
Personally, I'd put Starship Troopers as the first book of his to read.
Yes, and the political background would have worked in the movie too.

The movie SUCKED, compared to the book. And it is a preaty good movie!

Does kinda set the stage (politicly) for most of the rest of his books...

Though, I pray Nehmiah Scudder is never born. Theocracy is just not my cup of tea, whether christian, or muslim.

Come to think of it, does not the Wahabi muslim (Shi'a law) sect sound a bit like the prophet? :what: :eek:
I believe amongs the very first of the analyze humans and their culture novels

Jerry was a Man was copywrited 1947, long before Glory Raod (I CAN'T FIND IT!!! :fire: ), the last short in "Assignment in Eternity", "Published as a Signet Book by arangement with Fantasy Press, 1953"

Good Lord! Cover price $1.95!


Methuselah's Children, Door into Summer,The Green Hills of Earth, Beyond this Horizon, Puppet Masters.... Yes, Friday,
We Also Walk Dogs... Revolt in 2100, The Cat who Walked through Walls...

I lost SO much in that fire ten years ago... :(
"The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" is my favorite. "Beyond This Horizon" has a great character (Hamilton Felix) who loves his ancient .45 auto repro. heh. :)
marchenco(sic) wrote a bunch of "SEALS are gods" books. he does point out the enormous amount of time one has to devote to physical conditioning. practice,practice,practice is a big point too.

not bad books but not my cuppa tea.

The book you couldn't remember was "If This Goes On".

I pretty much run contrary to the present culture.
Thank God!

Starship Troopers, Glory road, Tunnel in the sky, Have space suit will travel, Rolling Stones, any Lazurus Long, Friday, Waldo and Magic Inc.

IIRC Lazurus carried a Bowie knife and a 1911 strapped to the insdie of his thighs under a Kilt... talk about chafe..
We have Neahiah Scudder as a member.
Ask Pax about Heinlein influence.

Coventry, Citizen of the Galaxy, I Will Fear No Evil, Life-Line

An Ordinary Control Normal
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