Rock Island 1911 - Parkerized or Nickel Plated?

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If anyone is interested, I can contact my shop and see if he will ship the satin nickel models. PM me if you would like me to.
lawyers tend to claim in court that shiny guns are owned by people who fantasize about killing someone... if you ever do have to defend yourself the jury looks a lot kinder on an old park or blue pistol
My only acceptable purpose for using a firearm against a person would be for me to defend myself. At that point, I'm not going to care who sees it. It may actually be better that they see it as soon as possible. A gun may make someone retreat and, if they see the gun earlier rather than later, they may run off that much more more quickly. I think it'd be a good thing that they know real soon that there's real, live gun pointing at them.

True enough. I just like the option of stealth, not as an offensive tactic, it's just that you never know what the situation may bring, and being unseen and unheard mgiht have advantages.

You can always show them the gun if you want.

Peace, John
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