Ron Paul in the debate TONIGHT!

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And if Fred does not run this is exactly what Hillary wants you to do. Hell I'm sure she will even provide transportation to the polls for anyone still voting for Ron Paul.

Hahahahaha! Rudy will sign the exact same gun control bills into laws just as fast as Hillary will.
He'll also probably do away with those pesky warrants and maybe the rest of the 4th amendment while he's at it.
And I said I have a libertarian spirit, not that I VOTE that way. In fact I generally vote straight republican, because *shock* libertarians don't win elections!

Because guys like you don't have enough backbone to vote libertarian. You can't tell me that every single Repub you have voted for is 100% pro-2nd Amendment because I know that's not true at all. All you are doing with your vote is saying that you support "common sense" gun control. To me, guns is the biggest issue, so I can't vote for someone who doesn't see that particular issue the same way.

Now, you might not agree with Paul when it comes to every other issue but to me, it doesn't matter since guns should be the #1 issue.

The reason we have so many battles with gun control advocates is because guys like you aren't willing to take a stand at all. By supporting gun control-leaning candidates, you are simply giving the gun control advocates the statistics suggesting that most Americans support their cause.

You just keep pulling the Republican lever on the voting machine, expecting things to get better. It's not getting better at all. Just look at who Dubya surrounds himself with: Albert Gonzales and Conalezza (sp) Rice. That's better?
The media was biased against him.
The Republicans were biased against him.
The Fox mediator was biased against him.
All three clearly true. Even if you think Paul was an idiot, you must admit that the mediator, the other candidates, and basically everyone involved, ALSO considers him an idiot. That's "bias," and it's not bias "for" him.

So true. The black moderator (whos name I forget) asked him only loaded questions "..Youd get rid of the Department of Homeland Security in a time of war, sir?" Yes, some of us dont subscribe to the 'we're in a time of war' thought. The war on this and the war on that never does any good for America. The DOHS is the Republicans version of a feel good organization.

I know a few of you didnt like the so called 'blaming 911 on the US'. But think about it....we had some overseas adventures, that while UNINTENDED, probably was the cause of Osama's hatred. Am I saying we shouldnt go out and try to find and hang the man? No. BUt we've seen what happened when we armed religious militias in Afghaninstan in the 1980s - they came back to haunt us.
geek, thanks for posting that about Ron Paul's anti-terrorism ideas! Now there is some positive language that one can get behind and discuss. Beats (by miles) some of the caustic, sarcastic crap I've read on here by the basement dwellers who are just inches from calling Osama bin Laden a freedom fighter.

How quickly we devolve when this topic comes up. Glad I stuck around to read that.
nderstanding the Founding Fathers' intent with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights should be the #1 role of the president, not the abortion issue, not our foreign policy, not our social security issues, not our relationships with other countries, etc.

Well, the abortion issue IS a big issue to those of us who belive life starts at conception AND belive in LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

So tell me, Yamato, WHO do you support then on the GOP ticket?

I'd like Fred Thompson to run for president with Rudy as VP. I like Thompson's ideals, and Rudy is ballsy. I still wouldn't mind Rudy as president. Regardless of what you conspiracy nuts say, whoever is on the Republican ticket will HAVE to change their opinion on gun control before the presidential election. They'll probably pull a Bush and say they'll do something then not do it. If it's Rudy, they probably won't ask him twice, because he'd tell 'em to go to hell and mean it. No, Rudy isn't ideal for the 2nd ammendment. I'm aware of that. I'm aware of how he was in NYC. But having been raised upstate and seeing what Hillary and the liberals have done to NY in general, I want to make damn sure she doesn't win.

You just keep pulling the Republican lever on the voting machine, expecting things to get better. It's not getting better at all. Just look at who Dubya surrounds himself with: Albert Gonzales and Conalezza (sp) Rice. That's better?

Rice is extremely educated and a fantastic sec. of state. I like her a lot.

You can't tell me that every single Repub you have voted for is 100% pro-2nd Amendment because I know that's not true at all.

I've never claimed that they were 100%. No politician who stands a chance of winning is. And to say I have no spine is pathetic. What I have is common sense. Common sense tells me Ron Paul or a liberterian will NEVER. I repeat NEVER win a general election. Period. So it makes no sense to support a losing candidate. At all.
Defenders of Ron Paul, what about what he didn't say? Guliani threw the ball right back to him for clarification and Paul had nothing to add, which showed that he doesn't get it - Muslims want us to be a dhimmi or dead because it is scriptural. We have some choice in the matter of whether, when and where to fight, but we do not create jihad theology that has been around for 1300 years.

Now, the same anti-war crowd that says it was wrong to attack Iraq because they had nothing to do with 911 agrees with Paul that 911 was caused by our policy in Iraq.
Ron Paul came across like a whiney kid in a schoolyard who would have been picked on by the bullies in my old neighborhood. Sorry, but the man does not look Presidential and I would have a hard time thinking of him negotiating on the foreign scene.

I didn't like Romney. He came across looking too slick.

Tancredo came across as credible to me.

Brownback and Huckabee did not look professional at all.

Rudy came across the best in my eyes, but I am nervous about what he will do in the name of "Security".

The long and short of it, is we have a poor crop of candidates, but I would prefer any of them over Hillary or Obama.
...which showed that he doesn't get it - Muslims want us to be a dhimmi or dead because it is scriptural.
That's an extreme exaggeration: there are about one billion Muslims in the world. Are you trying to say that one billion people want us dead? If so, why is the membership of al Qaeda so small?

Now, the same anti-war crowd that says it was wrong to attack Iraq because they had nothing to do with 911 agrees with Paul that 911 was caused by our policy in Iraq.
Nobody said that: Dr. Paul mentioned intervention in Iraq as only one example in a long history of interventionism dating back to WWII. The motivation of the 9/11 terrorists was retaliation for US Middle East policy, which is much broader than just the Iraqi conflict. There's also the Shah (mentioned by Dr. Paul last night), Beirut (back on Reagan's watch), and too many other examples to list here.

You know is so funny today?

The usual slime machine is trying to paint Paul as "blaming" the US for 9-11 (of course he did nothing of the kind).

At the same time, all the major Republican candidates have issued fawning obituaries for a bozo WHO ACTUALLY DID BLAME THE US FOR 9-11!

No wondering I can't stop throwing up when I consider today's Republican Party.
Well, the abortion issue IS a big issue to those of us who belive life starts at conception AND belive in LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

It's a big issue I agree but I don't think it's a bigger issue than guns. The United States never would have became free without guns. Furthermore, we can't even defend our lives from criminals or outside invaders without guns.

Not really any point having life if you can't defend it.

But since this is a gun board and I don't really have an opinion on abortion, besides keeping away from sex if you really don't want a kid with the mother, I want to refrain from further discussion on abortion.

I'd like Fred Thompson to run for president with Rudy as VP

Fred's not in the running, try again.

By putting Rudy in as a VP you are setting up a dangerous situation. Rudy doesn't need to be the tie breaker for gun control bills in the Senate.

Besides, by putting Rudy in as VP, he's going to stick around and run for president again. I don't want him in the running, period. Let him go back to New York or whatever.

I still wouldn't mind Rudy as president.

Do you even own guns, friend?

Regardless of what you conspiracy nuts say, whoever is on the Republican ticket will HAVE to change their opinion on gun control before the presidential election.

Just what we need, another politician without any spine. Once Rudy is voted in he no longer has to appeal to anyone else.

Once he's sworn in as president he has no obligation to change his gun control views since he cannot get voted out of office for such views, except at re-election.

But what in the world are these "conspiracy nuts" you are referring to? Is anyone on here against Rudy a "conspiracy nut"? He's already stated that he's for stricter gun control. Where's the conspiracy in that?

Quit throwing around the word "conspiracy nut" like Bill Clinton used to do.

No, Rudy isn't ideal for the 2nd ammendment. I'm aware of that. I'm aware of how he was in NYC. But having been raised upstate and seeing what Hillary and the liberals have done to NY in general, I want to make damn sure she doesn't win.

Oh, okay, so it's perfectly acceptable for you to allow our government to get bigger and for us to lose more of our gun rights as long as Hillary isn't pulling the strings.

Nothing personal, but it sounds like if you lived in America during the 1770s, you would be trying to compromise with King George III.
The long and short of it, is we have a poor crop of candidates, but I would prefer any of them over Hillary or Obama.

Then quit complaining about the GOP candidates. Quit expecting perfection.

The only president that came close to being perfect in the past 100 years is maybe Reagan.
No, Rudy isn't ideal for the 2nd ammendment. I'm aware of that. I'm aware of how he was in NYC. But having been raised upstate and seeing what Hillary and the liberals have done to NY in general, I want to make damn sure she doesn't win.

Geister, Condoleeza Rice is quite pro-gun.

My dislike for her has nothing to do with firearms. I just think she's a poor Secretary of State; she seems like a puppet for Bush.
I've never claimed that they were 100%. No politician who stands a chance of winning is. And to say I have no spine is pathetic. What I have is common sense. Common sense tells me Ron Paul or a liberterian will NEVER. I repeat NEVER win a general election. Period. So it makes no sense to support a losing candidate. At all.

This is load of horse manure. This kind of thinking is why we are having our rights eaten away with every new president. What we need is a candidate that sees that most issues would be best left up to the state, we need people in state government that see that many issues need to be left up to local government, and we need people in local government that see that some issues should be left as individual decisions. Above all else, we need them all to treat us as adult capable of taking good enough care enough of himself and our families to be trusted with the rights given to us by the constitution.

Paul may not be charismatic, but he "gets" the ideal that this county was founded on, that people should be able to decide what is best for THEMSELVES.

I'm done with this discussion, I see no point in restating my opinion over and over. Agree, disagree, it is your right as an American to do so.
I just think she's a poor Secretary of State; she seems like a puppet for Bush.

She is a cabinet member.

Do you expect the Secretary of State to formulate and execute her own policies, independent of her elected boss?
I'd like Fred Thompson to run for president with Rudy as VP. I like Thompson's ideals, and Rudy is ballsy.

Rudy is a Rude jerk, He would take your firearms away in a heartbeat. All he does is whore out the fact that he was "MAYOR" of NY during 911.

He is not Ballsy he is a jerk.

I'm involved in this discussion, and I normally don't like to do moderatorial stuff in discussions I'm involved in. However I think I'm the only one reading this.


Please don't make me delete any more of your posts. This is THR, not the Stupid Innuendo Road.

Now back to the discussion.
But then you guarantee Obama or Hilary in the white house.
And your point is?

There is simply NO meaningful difference for me between Giuliani and Clinton. The latter is an incompetent wouldbe tyrant. The former is a competent wouldbe tyrant. What makes you think I want ANY kind of tyrant?

Obama is a Chicago politician, which means he's got more skeletons in his closet than Jeffrey Dahmer. And now Romney has come out of the closet so to speak as an ACTIVE gun banner.

You have not (and I'm sure CANNOT) explain to me why I should vote for ANYONE eager to send armed men to my house to take my AR15, and if necessary KILL me to get it.

If someone is offering you a choice of Sarin, Tabun, or Soman, only a FOOL participates in his own extermination. Nerve gas is nerve gas. Why lend credibility to the process by being a willing participant?
Rudy came across the best in my eyes, but I am nervous about what he will do in the name of "Security".

He said he would issue a national ID card to everybody. That is exactly what he will do in the name of security. So much for land of the free.
Do you even own guns, friend?

Yes, as stated before all AWs and semi-auto pistols. Concerning guns, I would have a lot at stake in this election. I also love full-autos and class 3 guns. I'm dying to get my hands on a Krinkov. To imply that I don't own guns or that beause I don't support a nut-job, that I'm anti-liberty is silly. I never stated that Rudy is the best politician since George Washington. Rudy is far from perfect, but he's probably the best candidate for the 2A that actually has a chance of WINNING...anything. Ron Paul wins NOTHING. He's done. He had his John Kerry moment.

Paul may not be charismatic, but he "gets" the ideal that this county was founded on, that people should be able to decide what is best for THEMSELVES.

But last night showed that he can't even engage in a debate with fellow party members. He's done.

There is simply NO meaningful difference for me between Giuliani and Clinton

Really? Because I bet I could find a couple million New York Republicans who'd beg to differ.
Fred Thompson IS running. Anybody with any observation skills can see that. And he's been very effective, running third or second place in most polss without haveing spent a dime. BTW all the Ron Paul supporters here should disown him just for the fact that he was dumb enough to give the response he did in a Presidential debate. Talk about lobbing a nice big softball right over the plate, it was just a question of who was going to seize on it first which was what Giuliani did.
All this doesn't really matter anyway, Once Fred officially declares, then this primary race will be over.:D
BTW all the Ron Paul supporters here should disown him just for the fact that he was dumb enough to give the response he did in a Presidential debate.
Dumb enough to tell the truth?

Sigh. That's American politics in a nutshell. We can joke about lying, pandering campaign speech, but the fact is we'll "never forgive" the politician who fails to serve it up, fresh and hot.

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