Sad story,what would have you guys done ?

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"There but for the grace of God...", yes?
So, I try not to presume I can cast the first stone of criticism at that couple.
(There are more compassionate ways to comment on their poor choices, no?)

Armed as I am, and as situationally-aware as I try to be when outdoors,
I can still imagine lots of ways criminals might get the better of me,
and I can not presume I've imagined ALL such ways.

None of us will stay young and strong, or wise and prepared, forever.
We all have it coming, every single one of us:
a day, an hour, a heartbeat of utterly-humbling weakness.

We all have it coming, no reason to open the door and invite it in.

Yep, they should not have been there. If you can't reason when you are tired and "in the mood" you are an accident waiting to happen in any number of ways.

It's called being an adult, you have to make hard choices and show a little self-restraint sometimes.
"I'm sorry to have to say this, but the initial responsibility for this tragedy rests with the folks who parked where they should not have parked. If they'd gone somewhere safer, they wouldn't have been attacked. And yes, I know there are those who will howl that decent folks have the right to park anywhere, anytime, and that criminals should not be allowed to dictate our actions - but this is the real world, OK? Reality sometimes bites!"

Right. Till its your daughter, or sister or close in-law that it happens to. Or your wife takes a wrong turn or breaks down in the 'wrong spot'. Then we'll see where the "initial responsibility" lies. And please dont tell me that your young adult children (if you have any) or close young adult female relatives have NEVER EVER done something not too smart or made an error in judgement. We all have. We just all didnt suffer the attack of monsters. We take care not to allow ourselves to be put in this position because we survived long enough to realize how bad it is out there in Reality. Not everyone knows what evil is out there, and make poor judgements that can result in what we are reading about now. But to say its thier initial responsibility? :banghead:

So, if you get in your car and drive on I-75, knowing its a dangerous road, and you're tooling along, legal speed limit and all, and some teens decide to race, and bump you into a flaming wreck that leaves you in a toungue driven wheelchair with no feeling below your chin, you're gonna fess up that your condition is your 'initial responsibility'?

I have a right to be anywhere its legal to be. PERIOD. It may not be the smartest of places to be. But it is still my right. :fire:
I have the right to live my life without fear of harm from others. Not reality, but not everyone has come this realization. But in all honesty, it shouldnt be a one time 'learning experience'. That couple had the right to be where they were. Maybe not the smartest choice, but not unfathomable, either.
Their attackers had NO right to do what they did. Under ANY circumstances. Period.

To be on a forum that stands for RIGHTS, such as 2a, you're losing me as to how you select what RIGHTS are ok, and what rights are not.

As to the question of 'what would I have done?'
Is this to mean if I were the male in the scenario? Then I dont know. It depends on how far back we are going? Not been there is the 'tactical - gimmee' answere. If the op means that I have been surprised, pulled out of the vehicle, stomped half to unconciousness and held/bound with a gun to my head........dont know. I would like to think i'd go all UFC and Chuck Norris on all three guys, and put some bad a$$ mall-fu gun takeaways on them before any of them could react. But, I am only , i dont know. If I had been beaten badly enough, and physically unable to do anything, I would hope I would try to memorize faces/features and then I'd pray that my (wife/gf whatever) is able to survive this, forgive herself (as rape victims will often blame themselves), forgive me for not doing more, and pray that we both survive.
If I can fight, I will.
I'd have acted like I was complying, but as I would have been getting out of my truck I would have been making an attention-grabbing gesture with my left hand, going for my .45 with the other. Simple magic trick for a simple minded idiot. It would have been the only opportunity as far as I can see.

This is why I carry. Not because I think that every time I go fill up my gas tank after dark I'm gonna get jumped. But because if something like this happened to someone who I cared about or someone who is completely innocent of the situation; I'm not sure I could forgive myself.

When I'm not carrying, I don't feel vulnerable so much as I feel unequipped. Nothing bugs me more than not have a tool I need when I need it. When I empty my pockets, I feel 20lbs. lighter. Most of the time, I don't need everything I have, but when I do need it I'm glad I have it.

No matter how or when I would have reacted, I WOULD have reacted, and there would have been lead thrown that night and hopefully the headline it the paper next day is "Man Drops Three Attackers and Defends Date!"

And if I had already been beat down, the best I could do is to ask God for the strength of Sampson, for her sake.
I have a right to be anywhere its legal to be. PERIOD. It may not be the smartest of places to be. But it is still my right.
I have the right to live my life without fear of harm from others. Not reality, but not everyone has come this realization. But in all honesty, it shouldnt be a one time 'learning experience'. That couple had the right to be where they were. Maybe not the smartest choice, but not unfathomable, either.
Their attackers had NO right to do what they did. Under ANY circumstances. Period.

To be on a forum that stands for RIGHTS, such as 2a, you're losing me as to how you select what RIGHTS are ok, and what rights are not.


What's your point? Nobody is saying they didn't have the right to be there, just, as you say, that it was not the smartest choice.

Obviously the attackers had no right to commit a crime, I'm not sure where you think anyone said that either.

You have a right to swim in a riptide, which does you no good when it pulls you out to sea. You either choose to think a little bit and not swim where it is reasonable to expect a riptide, or you take the time to train yourself in ocean swimming so if a riptide occurs, you have other options than just submitting and being swept out to sea.

Like it or not, bad people exist and bad events are somewhat foreseeable, the only thing you can control is your own choices and training. Those that think ahead, or make an effort to get reasonable training, have more and better choices.
I would be willing to buy the ammo if the system was to put down every convicted rapist, hell Ide provide the weapon and the shooter.
They need to get life in prison, then they will see what it feels like to be raped.....for the next 50 years. This story is horrible, any bastard that would do something like this to another person deserves to be shot......Its to bad they dont have public stonings anymore :fire:
The local residents of Bay Shore could take some action to help make their town safer. A nearby resident could walk his dog regularly at the bluff; even if all he has is his dog and a cell phone, it would help.

You have to be willing to defend your rights.

...there are things worse than dying...
Existence at-all-costs doesn't work for me...I think we have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and a real responsibility to make the most of it...
They got caught by surprise and flat didn't know what to do...but they lived
Educate your kids...never surrender without a fight...
If I had a gun, I'd have shot all of them involved, I can be nonlethal if you're robbing inanimate objects, but my dignity and my loved one's dignity, nuh-uh.

If I didnt have a gun on me, you'd have bet I'd gotten out my folder, disarmed the guy with the gun, then shoot at them. Even if I died or got injured in the process, it's better than waking up everyday remembering that happening.
I think this has gone on long enough.....too much political content and not enough on topic discussion.

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