Say it isn't so! Maybe move to Cali

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You folks talk about Idaho as if it were heaven. After moving here from California 14 years ago I've become familiar with the place if you know what I mean. Right to work state, translation: Right to go broke and become part of America's working poor.

So, you're in favor of some kind of Socialist "keep the workers employed at any cost" solution?

At will employment, Translation: Get terminated for any reason or maybe just the whim of your boss who has a nephew that needs a job..

Why should a business owner be forced to take you for life? That's how France does it... once you're in the door, you're in, forever. The result? Massive unemployment. Nobody wants to hire a worker unless they absolutely have to, and then they do everything they can to be sure that this is the one they want forever.

No consumer protection of any kind.

Bull. Federal "consumer protection" still applies.

Employers here in the northern part of the state think $7.00 per hour is a good job and advertise those wages on signs in front of their business

And? Either they get employees for $7 an hour, in which case that's a reasonable wage to pay; or they don't, and they'll either go out of business, live without employees, or raise the ante.

Businesses do not exist to make sure you make "enough" money. They exist to make a profit for their owners, period. If you want more "social consciousness", you're in the wrong state.
The reality is that $7.50/hour in Post Falls will get you about as far as $15/hour in El Cajon. It's neither here nor there. And El Cajon is the armpit of San Diego County, according to many.

Why did people move WITH Buck, if it was a terrible deal? (I doubt that long-term employees got $7.50 per hour when they moved, but still).

As far as a teacher making $2400/month to start, what do they make in California (if they can get a job without fluent Spanish)? What's the cost of living here? Was this high school, or elementary? Masters in what? (All that does matter, at least here).
Ya, I turned down the offer, when she asked why I just said that I have lifesyle choices that are legal here but would be illegal in Cailfornia and I do not wish the give them up. She smiled and dropped it.

Crazy John:

"Right to work state, translation: Right to go broke and become part of America's working poor. At will employment, Translation: Get terminated for any reason or maybe just the whim of your boss who has a nephew that needs a job.. No consumer protection of any kind. Southern part of the state run by certain religous interests who think we're still living in the 1800's."

This why all the animocity to Californians exsists. We like these things. I have no union dues or am told how my money will be spent on politics. I can quit whenever I want and work for who ever I want.
Nobody's looking to find a soclialist utopia in Idaho. But after you've seen what employers do their people around here I've modified my stance from what it was. That being right to work and at will employment. Yes things are getting better but are far from perfect. A decade ago it was not uncommon for working folks to have split shifts on call in other words wait around the house until we need you. I'm not particularly fond of unions either but their absence emboldens employers to mistreat employees. And I also realize that lots of states are at will employment but they have state laws on the books
that offer some protection from unjust termination and other workplace abuses, Idaho has no such laws save for sexual harrasment. One of the main reasons that jobs pay so little here is the overwhelming number of retirees here that just want part time gigs and have income from other sources so they don't need good wages. Naturally employers take advantage of that and have lots of low wage part time employees. For folks that have raised their children here thay have resigned themselves to the fact that their kids will have to move far out of the area in order to make a living. For those of you that think you can make it on lower wages here the price of gas is almost the same as Ca. and food is way more expensive. You will need two wardrobes and two sets of tires for your car one of them being snow tires. Yes car insurance is cheaper but only about 60% of people in the 5 northern counties have it because the other 40% need to buy jackets for their kids for winter or food and there is not enough money for both. BTW that figure for insurance comes from AAA and the state dept. of transportation. Many of the people that moved with Buck Knives are unemployed or took large pay cuts because Buck found the lack of worker protection laws convienient to his bottom line. I know several of these people personally and the manner in which Buck did this was shameful.Note for ArmedBear My wife is fluent in 3 foreign languages has a masters in mathematics and was applying for a position to teach high school Trigonometry for a lousy 22 grand a year and darn little benefits. I'm not saying all of this just to run down the beautiful state of Idaho but rather to inform those who would like to come that there are serious issues to consider before you come. Those of us that are here welcome all good conservative people and their families. Oh yes and their firearms. One final note. My background is very conservative as my mother was the author of Prop 13 along with Howard Jarvis and Paul Gann and I've spent the last 30 years in the ammunition business as an employer that practices what he preaches. My lowest paid employee made $ 17.85/Hr with full health benefits and matching 401K
One of the main reasons that jobs pay so little here is the overwhelming number of retirees here that just want part time gigs and have income from other sources so they don't need good wages.

That isn't why wages are "low". There's a greater supply of labor than there is a demand for it. Period.

I've spent the last 30 years in the ammunition business as an employer that practices what he preaches. My lowest paid employee made $ 17.85/Hr with full health benefits and matching 401K

Not when your competition was paying $7 an hour with no bennies, you didn't, or you'd have gone out of business. Unless you were able to sell a product that was so spectacularly better than the competition that people would gladly pay twice as much, or more, for your ammo. And if you could do that, your competitors would increase their salaries to attract and retain better labor capable of turning out the higher-quality product the consumers demanded.
I live in the Seattle area with a low $100k income. Do just fine, although couldn't move here now and buy a house for what I make. A few years back I was offered a job near SF. I decided I could double my income and still not afford to have a decent life style in the area. Seriously, you better be making $350k plus to even think of living the Bay area.
JNOJR: The large supply and availability of labor is exactly why wages are low that and the fact the folks that work these jobs derive most of their income from retirements or other sources. They are not trying to earn a living with these jobs they're just looking to keep busy. It's humorous that you seem to know more about how to run my business than I do especially since I ran it for 30 years without going out of business. There is no local competition for what we did and not much nationally. When I decided to slow down and stop manufacturing I put very large sums of money in trust for my main dept. managers who stuck with me through thick and thin and even paid for a college education for 2 of their kids. And as far as our product was concerned we still do think it was pretty spectacular for a company our size to whip the crap out of much larger competitors on quality whose R&D budget was larger than our entire gross business proceeds many times over. Just in case you're interested my company was Pro Load Ammunition Inc.
You do see some decent tech/electronics jobs around the Boise area.

However, the fundie biblethumpers seem to have gotten some slot(s) on the BoD/regents/etc of the Univ of Idaho and appear to want to force creationism/"intelligent design" into the system.

There goes any chance of any biotech industry locating there - religious stench like that travels fast. Oh - maybe they'll put a pill factory there as "biotech" with Walmart-grade workers, but that's it.

Bill Wiese
San Jose CA
I'm not sure what's already been said...

because I don't have time to read all the posts here, so I apologize if I repeat anything.

Anyway, I live in SF, and it's not nearly as bad as so many others seem to make it out to be. Here's a link you might like:

As far as laws go, it isn't illegal to own a high capacity magazine, it's just illegal to sell one. I don't know how that affects bringing one into the state, but I don't see why it would be illegal to bring one in if it's perfectly legal to hang onto one that you bought before the sales-ban went into effect.

California isn't as bad as they say when it comes to gun laws. Yes, it is illegal to own fully-automatic assault rifles out here. Semi-automatics are OK, though. Pardon my blasphemy, but what do you need a fully-automatic assault rifle for, anyway?

There's also a 10-day waiting period between when you purchase a firearm and when you can take it home. That's kind of annoying, but you'll forget about the annoyance after your pick-up date.

There aren't a lot of places to buy guns and supplies in San Francisco, but there are plenty of shops in the surrounding cities and towns. Check out Big Horn Gun Shop in Placerville if you ever decide to take a trip to Lake Tahoe (it's on the way).

Personally, I love California. I'm from here and the notion that climbing housing costs will probably drive me out some day saddens me.
traveler, you are either mis-informed or just don't know what's going on. If you bring in 30rd mags it is illegal and to suggest otherwise is just bad advice. Semi-autos are ok, eh? Try buying a AR. Try buying any of the semis that aren't on the CA "approved" list.

Wow - why do I need full auto? I'm glad you like it there, and please stay. We don't need that attitude in the free states.
Just to refine Valkman's reply......

CA Penal Code 12276.1(d) made importing or transferring magazines > 10 round capacity illegal as of 1 Jan 2000. Anything already here can be used, but transferred only out of state, or loaned temporarily.

California's AW law, consistent with most places, does not refer to machine guns; it is even theoretically possible to get a Machine Gun Permit, but the hoi polloi seem to have no access to such privileges. Full auto firearms are not banned - illegal - just very difficult for most folks to own. PC 12230

There is no 'approved list' of CA AW's. The list refers to handguns, deemed 'safe' after testing and added to the list at this link. Unless a handgun is C&R, a CA FFL dealer cannot sell a handgun that is not on the list. (Private parties may.) PC 12125 and following.

If a weapon meets the definition of an AW, folks in California generally cannot inherit it, buy it, sell it or bring it into the state permanently. PC 12275 and following

The CADOJ maintains the Dangerous Weapons Control Laws on line here.
Librarian, how is Concord? I started with PG&E there on Detroit Ave. in '79! That's er- a long time ago! Jeez I'm old, but at least I have 27 years with them and it still counts since I went on disability in '00. Lived in Walnut Creek, and I'll bet that's a madhouse of traffic now!
Move to California? I'd take unemployment first.

Oh, and as to someone elses comment regarding hybrid cars. I've had two. They get great fuel mileage when you drive like a sane individual, and the money saved is more money to buy ammo. :neener:
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