Second Amendment Society chartered...

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Mar 25, 2003
North Florida
...Last night the club some friends and I are starting was officially chartered by the student gov't of the Mercer University Law School
It is called, as you guessed, the Second Amendment Society

we are uber psyched about this because there has been a lot of interest from many students in our class and I know there are older students who wanted to start a club of this type last year

members of the student gov't even suggested we do a gun safety class (absent guns of course, as per GA and Federal law) as our charity/philanthropy event!

I think they are on to something there......
anyways....we are hopefully going to change some minds as soon as we get doing stuff
BSR- Congratulations on getting your club chartered!

Maybe for that safety class you could do it off campus in order to stay happy with the powers that be?
I think the administration wouldnt mind having a safety class on campus, we could definitely get more people to attend that way, but i think it would probably be more instructive to have real guns present and so it off campus as you say
When I was in high school I was in Venture Scouts (think co-ed Boy Scouts) and knew my school's SRO pretty well and got him to get one of his LEO buddies to do a safety talk at one of our meetings that were held at the local jr. high. He had several guns but it wasn't a problem since he was LE.
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