Sen has poss stroke. May change Senate.

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I may not like his views on gun issues but on other issues he is A-ok.

Is that a joke? He is a big-spending, environmentalist, socialist medicine, feminist loving, open-borders supporting, loved-by-leftists, anti-military/veteran vermin.

(For those who understandably want context, go up to post 10, click the link, and pick an issue.)
Is that a joke? He is a big-spending, environmentalist, socialist medicine, feminist loving, open-borders supporting, loved-by-leftists, anti-military/veteran vermin.

You'll spend a lot less time in a high dudgeon once you grasp that not everybody on this board is a Republican or a conservative. Virtually the only thing we all agree on is that there is a RKBA, but we do not even agree on the details of that.
If you are the type who considers anybody who does not meet your standards of ideological purity an enemy, then you are going to believe you have many enemies here. OTOH, if you are able to focus on the issue of RKBA and join with others who believe in RKBA, though they may hold beliefs different from yours on other topics, then you will find THR a richly interesting and friendly place.
anti-military/veteran vermin.
Lets hope not. He has two sons who have served
honorably overseas.

I see nothing wrong with this as long as
ALL are involved. Hunting helps police the
herds which is good for the environment. I
don't hunt, but I don't hold it against anyone
who does it correctly. Meaning not tying some
creature up and shooting it like one performer
was accused of doing not long ago.

Still things don't look good for the Sen right at
this point. >*
Democratic Sen. Tim Johnson (news, bio, voting record) was in critical condition early Thursday, a hospital official said, after late-night brain surgery that followed hospitalization for stroke-like symptoms.
Time will tell. Regards to his family.
You'll spend a lot less time in a high dudgeon once you grasp that not everybody on this board is a Republican or a conservative. Virtually the only thing we all agree on is that there is a RKBA, but we do not even agree on the details of that.

I am not fond of the idea of imposing politically correct standards of reference here, since I regard those who would support the Democratic Party in its current state as having ZERO credibility on the RKBA issue. The fish stinks from the head. On the other hand, I wish those well, who would hope to change their party from within or who defiantly stand independent on certain issues.

I suggest that your point should be that RKBA is not confined to "conservatives". That's nice, but a few exceptions does not mean that the left is no longer a critical threat to the RKBA.
I suggest that your point should be that RKBA is not confined to "conservatives". That's nice, but a few exceptions does not mean that the left is no longer a critical threat to the RKBA.

Thank you for your suggestion. My point remains that this particular place is not exclusively made up of those who tow the GOP/conservative line. We have seen many with the "angry young man" persona pass through over the years Oleg has kept this board open. The ideological purity hot-heads generally don't stay long. Not because they get banned, but rather because they come to realize exacly what I've said, other than a belief in the RKBA, this is a diverse place. So, they go elsewhere seeking a board more goodthinkful by their own standards. Political correctness doesn't enter into it.
I pray that Sen. Johnson fully recovers from his illness.

I don't wish i'll will on anyone, even my enemies.

When someone tries to kill me or any innocents, I react appropriately, then I call the paramedics afterwards. If they die in the process so be it.

If you think that's soft then so be it. It's not my job to judge anyone. I'll do my job and let God handle the vengence part.
Certainly wish the Senator a speedy recovery, but from the reports in the news that does not sound like it's going to happen. That's too bad.

The reality though is that in politics, the day to day workings of our government, talking about what to do already is not "callous" since the world will continue even if the Senator passes.

It is interesting to watch this unfold as it shows how such a small thing in the world can have drastic impacts on all of us.

If the gov has to appoint a replacement, anyone know what may happen there?
Anyone in that state know who the front runners might be for that appointment?
this is a diverse place.

No it isn't, unless you want to include the drive-by pot stirrers and leftist posers we have seen in the last several months. There is good reason why NRA and GOA endorsements of Democrats are rare.
Wrong - there are plenty of liberals here. Gee - I sure hope I pass your ideological purity test so I can continue to post.

This thread has been very revealing. Nothing like reveling in the misery of others, as long as they are on the other party, that is.
Now roscoe, be reasonable. After all, it's not like you or Joe Demko or I were registered and posting regularly here before RealGun ever found out about it in the first place. Everyone knows that the only Conservative Christian Republicans are Real /A/m/e/r/i/c/a/n/s/ THR Members.

Oh, wait ...

Anyway, to reiterate, I wish Senator Johnson a speedy recovery from whatever ails him. While I may disagree with him on many subjects I hope he gets to spend the holidays with his family with a clean bill of health.
What exactly is a leftist poser?

I think a lot of the more progressive, educated supporters of the RKBA tend to be turned off by the mindless ranters that act like schoolyard bullies.
Too often, they're posing as "true conservatives" in the Michael Savage/disaffected white male mold.

For example,
1) It's impossible to post anything here that's even slightly critical of American policy (or even just stating a historical fact), without being attacked as an "America hater", "commie", or worse.
2) Too many people cannot grasp the fact that it's possible to be liberal and support the RKBA.
3) There's so many people here that cannot understand being politically incorrect for no other reason than to be politically correct can make someone look like a fool. This thread is a perfect example, with people declaring someone's serious illness to be a good thing! Do you think that helps
anyone view the gun owner as being sensible, or compassionate?

I really wish THR and TFL could be a place that could prove to the fence sitters that the media stereotype or the gun owner is bull.
anti-military/veteran vermin.

That's just blatantly false. You can say what you want about Sen. Johnson, but he's been a steadfast champion of servicemembers and veterans on many issues. And for context, look at the numerous pieces of veterans legislation he has sponsored as well as awards he's received from groups like the DAV, Non-Commissioned Officers Assoc., etc.
Cheney might hold the key.....

Scarey thought ehhh? The great hunter Cheney will have the power to shoot down any US Senate progress, just like he does his hunting buddies. SOB!
If the good SD Senator regains 1 % of his previous cerebral function, he will still possess a higher IQ than Prime Minister, War Lord, George W. Bush. Let's hope that the senator is able to return to his post, giving this great nation a chance to curtail wreckless, wild Republican agendas as the US continues to fuel the civil war in Iraq and dumb down our children.
Why can't you all see that the gun issue for Democrats is just like the abortion issue for Republicans. Votes! Nothing more. Votes! Ted Kennedy and Nancy whats-her-face no more give a damn about your guns that W cares about abortion. Votes, brother. Votes. Remember, the wig wearing lacy shirts that gave us gun rights were Democrats. Those rights were given so we could shoot political tyrants. Are we there yet? Get smart.
JD, Independant, owner of many firearms (one's loaded)
Bad Kharma

Dharma has an H, Karma just has a K.

And for the record, I'm damn glad that Castro will soon be dead. I was quite happy when Al Zarqawi bit the big one.

I doubt that many here shed a tear for Al Zarqawi.

So where does one draw the line? Clearly there is a line somewhere.
I'm with those who said, never wish ill on anyone, for what goes around, comes around.

I try to adhere to that practice, even when it involves those who oppose causes I believe in. There's a big difference in my mind between wishing he would just go away and shut up, and wishing him dead. I can't do the latter with a clear consciense. Not even when I personally or some cause I believe in stands much to gain by the occasion.

Now, having said that, no dark cloud goes without it's silver lining... ;)

Anyway, seeing as how there is mucho political capital in play hinging on whether or not he will be able to resume his Senatorial duties, does anyone besides me think this comes pretty closely on the heels of the radioactive poisoning of the Russian operative? Makes you wonder whether his "brain hemmorage" was a naturally occuring event, or if it was somehow precipitated by external causes. Hmmmm. <adjusts tinfoil beanie> Wouldn't surprise me if the head x-rays that convinced his doctors they needed to perform brain surgery turn out to have fillings that don't match the senator's dental records.
Political correctness doesn't enter into it.
Except for the individuals you were describing. Case in point:
No it isn't, unless you want to include the drive-by pot stirrers and leftist posers we have seen in the last several months.

Senior Member
Join Date: 03-21-04

Joe Demko
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Join Date: 12-30-02

Malone LaVeigh
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Join Date: 12-24-02
Media Control now!

+1 El Tejon

Thanks. Just thanks a whole bunch. You've got my synapses in hysterics.

Just trying to think of a decent parody/satire line for MEDIA CONTROL.

Gotta do it for the children, though.
"environmentalist "

I see nothing wrong with this as long as
ALL are involved. Hunting helps police the
herds which is good for the environment. I
don't hunt, but I don't hold it against anyone
who does it correctly. Meaning not tying some
creature up and shooting it like one performer
was accused of doing not long ago.

You seem to be confusing three different groups here. Environmentalists are different from animal rights activists. Different from both of the aforementioned, conservationists are the good kind (that would be us responsible hunters).
I wish the senator a full and speedy recovery. If you can't beat him and his followers at full strength, you don't deserve a win by fate, wrath of God, or however else you'd describe it. Wishing ill upon folks is weakminded and tasteless.

That said, EttenBoom wrote:

What exactly is a leftist poser?

Accurately put, the term would be leftist poseur. If you have not been able to discern what type of poster that would be here, in your proclaimed long tenure, you haven't been paying attention.

Voting Democratic knowing full well that the leadership consists of the same old Kerry, Kennedy, Schumer, Clinton, Feinstein, McCarthy, Durbin, Levin, cabal of gun grabbing politicians is a picture perfect parallel to chickens voting for Colonel Sanders.

I think a lot of the more progressive, educated supporters of the RKBA tend to be turned off by the mindless ranters that act like schoolyard bullies.
Too often, they're posing as "true conservatives" in the Michael Savage/disaffected white male mold.

Having so-called "progressive, educated supporters of RKBA" is not only the same old elitist and derogatory tripe that "progressive, educated" underminers of RKBA use to stereotype conservative gun owners, those self-congratulatory, preening avia rara of the liberal persuasion--the progressive supporter of RKBA--has accomplished exactly SQUAT for the cause.

For example,
1) It's impossible to post anything here that's even slightly critical of American policy (or even just stating a historical fact), without being attacked as an "America hater", "commie", or worse.

What American foreign policy has to do with RKBA other than how the topic is broached at the UN is, or properly should be, as off topic here as a discussion of the merits of soy in a latte. Perhaps "progressive, educated" RKBA supporters would miss baiting folks with such "discussions?"

2) Too many people cannot grasp the fact that it's possible to be liberal and support the RKBA.

While anything under the sun might be theoretically possible, the above is a gleaming example of impracticality. Bringing along a liberal to lock horns with The Swimmer, raises echoes of Patton prefering a German division in front of him to a French division behind him.

3) There's so many people here that cannot understand being politically incorrect for no other reason than to be politically correct can make someone look like a fool. This thread is a perfect example, with people declaring someone's serious illness to be a good thing! Do you think that helps
anyone view the gun owner as being sensible, or compassionate?

To too many on your "side" we are already wrong, and damned, no matter how much we "moderate" our collective image as gun owners. Genteel gun owners get trampled into effective non-participants regarding any RKBA--see Australia and the UK for details. Being too reasonable and accommodating nets no results, so why bother? I agree that crossing the line into wishing one's foes just drop dead is unseemly, but so too are the motives of our foes, so while I don't condone being crass, I can understand not being too sympathetic to the Senator's future as a politician.

I really wish THR and TFL could be a place that could prove to the fence sitters that the media stereotype or the gun owner is bull.

I could care less about the media stereotype. As amply demonstrated by the national jackass never changing its braying about guns, having liberal supporters or converts is totally overrated and probably not worth pursuing. True RKBA supporters put the 2A first, branding many as single issue voters. By their very nature, so-called "liberal RKBA supporters" will back burner their gun rights for a myriad of reasons that pay scant heed to collateral damage to RKBA in this country.

Actions speak louder than words, and to my eye, some liberals talk the talk, even fewer walk the walk, and none of them has the stones to tell Sarah's political buddies to get bent--and make a bit of difference.
Scarey thought ehhh? The great hunter Cheney will have the power to shoot down any US Senate progress, just like he does his hunting buddies. SOB!
If the good SD Senator regains 1 % of his previous cerebral function, he will still possess a higher IQ than Prime Minister, War Lord, George W. Bush. Let's hope that the senator is able to return to his post, giving this great nation a chance to curtail wreckless, wild Republican agendas as the US continues to fuel the civil war in Iraq and dumb down our children.
Why can't you all see that the gun issue for Democrats is just like the abortion issue for Republicans. Votes! Nothing more. Votes! Ted Kennedy and Nancy whats-her-face no more give a damn about your guns that W cares about abortion. Votes, brother. Votes. Remember, the wig wearing lacy shirts that gave us gun rights were Democrats. Those rights were given so we could shoot political tyrants. Are we there yet? Get smart.
JD, Independant, owner of many firearms (one's loaded)
I guess there are reactionaries on both sides. :)

The founding fathers were not Democrats any more than they were Republicans. I thought they Federalists. The Democratic Repubican party didn't start up until Andrew Jackson formed it after losing to John Quincy Adams, and the Republican Party formed in the North out of the Abolitionist movement. I think the Whig party died out before the War Between the States.

I agree about party and political labels. Too many people throw them out without really thinking. I have noticed that definitions like "liberal" vary quite a bit depending on who you ask. In Texas as least, there are a lot of Democrat candidates that get good ratings from the TSRA on the state level. Fewer on the national level. I have yet to see a Democrat on the national level recently who took a stand on gun rights. Few Republicans do that as it is. A lot of people didn't like Tom Delay and for some good reasons, but he was the only one I saw who said publicly that the AWB would not get through the House.
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