Senseless Violence

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Jul 10, 2007
Sorry, I don't have a point or question with this....but here goes.

This morning I found out my best friend (known him since I was 13) was shot 16 times in the back (9mm) in what police have described as a random act of violence. My friend is alive and luckily enough NOT in critical condition.

Basically he was shot in the evening walking to his apartment complexes laundry room. Where his wife watched him fall to the ground and bleed out. The police believe the gun used was an automatic pistol.

It would be needless to talk about how I feel about this, I imagine you all can imagine or know how it feels when a loved one is sick or hurt. I dunno, it's just frustrating, scary, angering, and horrifying all at the same time, and that's just me, I can't even imagine how he feels (maybe a few pounds lighter right?) I joke, but it helps.

Anyway, I guess i'm saying you never know. Bad things happen to good people, which sucks...but it's the way life goes sometimes. Anyway, stay safe, I just had to say something to someone I guess.
Welcome to THR!

Sorry to hear that your friend was hurt. What state did this happen in? Do the police have any leads on the shooter? I would be very suprised if the weapon used was an automatic - more likely to be a semiauto. That's of little comfort I'm sure. :(

I hope he makes a full recovery and justice comes swiftly to the miscreant responsible.
How do you get shot 16 times with a 9mm and NOT be in critical condition?

Your friend should get some lottery tickets, immediately.

Right now.
Well, they believe it was an auto simply because the reports of the gunfire sounds that the residents heard.

It was in CA. And I don't think they'll ever find the guy, unless the trace his weapon. My buddy (who was pretty out of it when I finally got to talk to him) think it might be the guy who asked for a cig. moments before he went through the laundry room door, only he didn't look at the guy or even think twice about him. The cops believe it might even be a gang related initiation or something.

All I keep thinking is "GODDAMN, 16 BULLETS! ***!" I mean who the hell, even if it was gang initiation shoots 16 bullets into someone?!? Only 10 round clips are legal in CA anyway, not to mention why shoot a married man with kids?

I don't know if I should say he was lucky for surviving because I keep thinking if he was lucky, why did he get shot? So strange I guess, the way things work. Good thing the shooter was a horrible shot, or a guardian angel was watching over my buddy. Either way, I'm happy he's alive.
Standard-capacity (over 10-round) magazines may be illegal for Proles to posess in California, but then of course attempted murder is illegal too...

'Automatic' is a term often applied to pistols (as opposed to revolvers), mainly now considered antiquated. Most are in fact semi-automatic in operation meaning that the trigger must be pulled once and released for each shot to discharged, as opposed to full automatic weapons where the gun will continue to fire multiple shots while the trigger is held down. In an enclosed space with people surprised and possibly inexperienced with firearms, it may have sounded like full auto when it was not.
16 times and not dead? I'm willing to bet that your buddy will be used in future arguments on why a 9mm isnt an effective round.
sounds more like multiple guns (semi auto), at least 2 anyway.
"Sounded" automatic may indicate such. 2 + shooters unloading from 10 rnd mags.
Really sorry to hear that happened. Hoping for a quick and full recovery.
Maybe the assailants mistook him for someone else? It wouldn't be the first time that's happened.

Yikes though! Glad it turned out somewhat OK.
16 9mm and still lived...

WOW. Hope your buddie recovers fully and quickly. Where in CA was this? Does he live in a bad area?

WOW... Just wow...
Senseless Violence is an unprovoked attack on your friend. Prayers that our Heavenly Father (the Great Physician) may speed his recovery.

Sensible Violence is the execution of the shooter(s) following their arrest, trial & conviction.
He was "interviewed":

might be the guy who asked for a cig. moments before he went through the laundry room door, only he didn't look at the guy or even think twice about him.

Clearly a pre-assault cue. Keep your eyes and ears open.
(maybe a few pounds lighter right?)

You mean heavier? 16 rounds?!?!?!?!? That should put an end to all those 9mm vs. .45ACP threads:evil:

I'm sorry for your friend. Glad he's OK. Hope there was no serious injury... 16 rounds in the back begs the question of hitting the spinal cord.

I don't know what else to tell you men.
I highly doubt that anyone related to the crime is on this board, for the sake of anonymity for my friend and myself I don't want to give an exact location.

Some updates I found out...not 16 bullets as I was told earlier. 8 bullets, 13 rounds total. It wasn't random, after hearing more details from my friends who were there, I think he was specifically targeted. Don't know why, but I've got a feeling I know who and why. (Lets just say the person I think is behind this is someone who treats a woman like dirt, slaps her around and gets genuinely surprised when she leaves him for a nice guy.)

My best friend is a good man, straight A student in high school and would have been Straight A in college with me. His mother died our freshman year in a car accident, so he went back home to take care of his siblings and father. I wish I could do more for him, I all I could think of doing is buying $100+ worth of comic books to ease his recovery time, LOL!

The rest of his family is safe so no worries there. I talked to a cop buddy of mine who used to work undercover NARC and he basically said "don't expect for this to be over. No one shoots you 8 times for you to survive."

I'm going to see my friend this Friday and let him know what I've heard from my cop friend, and that he should still be careful.

If I find the article I'll post it here...there was supposed to be one. I'll black out the things I think necessary of course, but at least you'll get an idea of what happened according to reports.

Take care! And good advice about the setup. I'm going to keep my eye on people asking for cig/money/change etc.
I highly doubt that anyone related to the crime is on this board, for the sake of anonymity for my friend and myself I don't want to give an exact location.

Some updates I found out...not 16 bullets as I was told earlier. 8 bullets, 13 rounds total. It wasn't random, after hearing more details from my friends who were there, I think he was specifically targeted. Don't know why, but I've got a feeling I know who and why. (Lets just say the person I think is behind this is someone who treats a woman like dirt, slaps her around and gets genuinely surprised when she leaves him for a nice guy.)

My best friend is a good man, straight A student in high school and would have been Straight A in college with me. His mother died our freshman year in a car accident, so he went back home to take care of his siblings and father. I wish I could do more for him, I all I could think of doing is buying $100+ worth of comic books to ease his recovery time, LOL!

The rest of his family is safe so no worries there. I talked to a cop buddy of mine who used to work undercover NARC and he basically said "don't expect for this to be over. No one shoots you 8 times for you to survive."

I'm going to see my friend this Friday and let him know what I've heard from my cop friend, and that he should still be careful.

If I find the article I'll post it here...there was supposed to be one. I'll black out the things I think necessary of course, but at least you'll get an idea of what happened according to reports.

Take care! And good advice about the setup. I'm going to keep my eye on people asking for cig/money/change etc.

Want to help your friend? Go to the local PD and ask how he can get a carry permit ASAP!!! I think he has a darn good case for it.

I am sorry for your friend and you come to THR under such sad and serious circumstances.

I used to work in a Main OR, and we had one patient, in his 20's get hit 14 times, with a variety of handgun ammunition. He survived . He just happened to walk out of store, and not be aware of his surroundings, and when two cars came by slow and yelled obscenities , he shrugged, gave the universal middle finger, and then gunfire erupted. He froze, and kept taking hits, until the two vehicles sped off.

-Senseless is Politicians denying citizens the Right To Keep and Bear Arms.
-Senseless is Politicians denying citizens the Right to carry concealed.
-Senseless is Politicians prostituting themselves to Tyranny in exchange for Votes, Campaign Contributions, Abuse of Office elected to.
-Senseless is Anti-Gun Groups Skewing Facts, Data, and Brainwashing The Masses.

Often times it takes someone "hitting bottom" before Reality set in.
Sometimes another person close hits bottom, and Reality sinks in.

Pro-Gun Folks, involved in RKBA, Introducing new folks to the Firearm Community , CCW instructors, Trainers and all , already know and pass forward.

You and your friend, and his family have all hit a "bottom", this very well could be that one wake up call for everyone involved and near.
It may be the wake up call for someone reading this thread.

Take the negative, and turn it into positive.
Take the lemons and make lemonade if you will.

Skip Gochenour has interviewed over 500 hardened criminals.
Murderers, Serial Killers, and the like.
Senseless? Criminals are wired different from Law Abiding folks.

Do a search under him and learn from him, and others like him about Reality.

Street Smarts -
South Narc is a good one to learn from.

Now taking a class from him, or someone like him in your area would be wise.
Fact is, Internet is full of BS advice, Chest Thumpers, Tough Guys in their Figment of Imaginations.

I do not mean to come across "cold" and "heartless", the fact is, I do care.
I spoke with some THR members today, they care as well.

See it is the intent of a person with a "tool" not the tool itself that does anything.

Your friend could just as easily been seriously hurt with a piece of pipe, busted broom handle, scrap piece of 2x4, instead of a firearm.

Here is the kicker and what angers me and others around THR.
Firearms themselves are NOT magic talismans.
The Reality is, your friend could have defended himself with a hanging rod for clothes in the laundry mat. A cigarette butt can, a 20oz plastic bottle of soda, if, if he had been a bit more street smart, aware of surroundings.

Assist your friend and his family in recovery. Get some knowledge on legislation getting changed. Learn about the criminal mind, ways of the streets.
Defensive training, and preventive measures.

Thank you for sharing, yes I know how tough it was to do so.

Wishing a speedy recovery for all.

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