She had a shotgun and the determination.

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Jan 30, 2009
When they bring a knife, bring a gun. When they bring a gun, bring a bigger one......

From the local news in San Diego. (Union Tribune)

Break-in suspect checks into hospital with gunshot wound

By Debbi Baker

Monday, November 2, 2009

SAN DIEGO — Investigators determined that a man who showed up at a hospital with gunshot wounds Sunday had earlier tried to break into an Oak Park apartment.

He and another man, both armed with handguns, broke down the door of the a home on College Grove Drive near College Grove Way about 10:20 p.m., San Diego police said.

As they stormed into the home a woman inside armed herself with a shotgun and opened fire, police said.

The men fled and one of them later turned up at Paradise Valley Hospital, police said.

He will be arrested after he is treated for his non-life threatening injuries, police said.

The other man has not been located, police said.
I always want to call the reporter and tell him to next time include the guage/caliber of the gun, the ammo choice, and where the perp was shot!
I agree Kindrox, it would be valuable info for the never-ending HD debate. Basically the woman won the encounter, in that she stopped the immediate threat even though she didn't drop the villains. Did she have a tacticool 12 loaded for rhino? Doesn't sound like it, but enquiring minds will want to know.
I always want to call the reporter and tell him to next time include the guage/caliber of the gun, the ammo choice, and where the perp was shot!

Don't do that, they will say it was an AK 47 and the "victim" was shot in the back... you know the media :)
yea when i hear about these good guys winning stories i like to know more then just it was a gun. model, caliber maybe even a pic would be nice.
Don't do that, they will say it was an AK 47 and the "victim" was shot in the back... you know the media :)

Exactly. Know your enemy, and rest assured, this current bastardized form of main stream media is NOT firearm friendly or even ambivalent. As a whole they are decidedly against the private ownership of firearms.
The fact they did not spin the story to forward their anti-gun agenda is enough of a win for now, IMO. I am grateful they didn't tag the home invader a "victim" and the homeowner an armed gun nut eagerly waiting to shoot someone with her horrid tactical assault shotgun.:scrutiny::banghead::banghead:

Kudos to the lady in successfully thwarting a violent home invasion!:D
She should get reward money if there is any and a medal for taking a bite outta crime.:D
She had a 12 gauge pistol grip only loaded with birdshot.

I wish :D

Agree though, wonder what she used. I would be willing to bet most real HD scenarios are done with just regular plain jane 12's.
The should have included a photo of her, armed and ready, and then half of the article dedicated to when she first purchased the weapon, why, her favorite ammo choices... ok, we can dream.
I always want to call the reporter and tell him to next time include the guage/caliber of the gun, the ammo choice, and where the perp was shot!

My local newspaper is anti gun and most articles have the reporters anti gun opinion on what type of weapon was used. They insert tid bits like "it could have been an assault rifle". Sure, a lot of assault rifles are used in 7/11 robberies. The best one recently was "The robber had a weapon that was most likely stolen" yea, why not just say the knife, and not make it sound like a gun was used.
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