shortage of guns

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paul harm

Mar 26, 2018
I never thought I would have seen the day that there would be a shortage of BP revolvers. Although I've only looked for 1858 Remington guns, there just aren't any. Oh, one or two of the high grade target models, but no sheriff models with the 5 1/2" barrels, and very few 8" guns. The local gun stores are out of modern handguns. Are people that worried ?
Its a perfect storm.
We have a anti gun administration.
We have stimulus money to spend
Factories and shipping are slowed due to covid
People are bored and wanting to shoot more
Factory ammo is scarce or extinct
Primers are scarce or extinct
People are stockpiling/ hoarding
Etc, etc,......
It has migrated into bp guns finally.
If we get some relief in the ammo drought, I think the bp guns will become available first. Most people want modern convenience.

Hang in there, I'm wanting a 1849 pocket, but im gonna let the silliness pass or do without.
Armored farmer hit it on the head, in my area all the gun stores are stripped of ammo, reloading components especially primers and a lot of guns.... Wally World is completely cleaned out except for a case of 20 gauge shells and no long guns in the cabinets. Folks here are really nervous and disgusted with the way things went with the election so many are hoarding and getting ready to hunker down for next 4 years.
Its a perfect storm.
We have a anti gun administration.
We have stimulus money to spend
Factories and shipping are slowed due to covid
People are bored and wanting to shoot more
Factory ammo is scarce or extinct
Primers are scarce or extinct
People are stockpiling/ hoarding
Etc, etc,......
It has migrated into bp guns finally.
If we get some relief in the ammo drought, I think the bp guns will become available first. Most people want modern convenience.

Hang in there, I'm wanting a 1849 pocket, but im gonna let the silliness pass or do without.

All those reasons are true & good but the one reason you didn't say is many gun shops are leery of stocking up on some ARs & semi autos because they don't know what the new political regime will make illegal, something they have promised they will do. The smaller shops couldn't take having to destroy half their inventory because it had been made illegal so they just don't stock up. A lot of them will order a gun if you want them to but they won't order it to stock.
When they do start producing again I will be leery of the first production's quality.

I do not see why that should be of any particular concern. Both Pietta and Uberti have utilized CNC machining since ~2002, and it takes skilled operators to run those various machines. Be mindful that if the pandemic has hit their labor force hard, they have been assembling revolvers from parts inventories for nearly a year, thus depleting their stocks.

As I see it, the real problem may be that the manufacturers' capability to ship revolvers will not keep up with the current demand due to the drought.


I think that Armored Farmer's points are also leading to a premium on used BP revolvers.
Everything seems to be selling on GB for more than I was seeing it go for last year prior to the 1st round of stimulus checks.

I totally concur. Last January I offered a Traditions Pietta 1851 Navy .36 steel NIB for sale on various BP forums and finally sold it for $200 shipped. If I had a crystal ball back then, 20/20 hindsight today, and had it in hand for sale today, I am sure I could easily get $300 + shipping for it.

As has been pointed out, just check GB every other day and look at the sold prices.


When I was looking for a Colt Walker a week or so ago I only found 1 in stock anywhere for less than $700. I read during my search that Uberti at least had production problems because of COVID. I bought the one I found giving $420 shipped for it at Midway. They are now out of stock as is nearly everyone else. I feel fortunate to have found the one I did. I’m through looking for guns and ammo. I feel what I have in stock has to last me a very long time.
I never thought I would have seen the day that there would be a shortage of BP revolvers. Although I've only looked for 1858 Remington guns, there just aren't any. Oh, one or two of the high grade target models, but no sheriff models with the 5 1/2" barrels, and very few 8" guns. The local gun stores are out of modern handguns. Are people that worried ?

Here ya go. $600 bucks. Yikes!

I just bought a Pietta 1858 Sheriffs model from Cabelas and it was a fight to get it. I had to have it shipped to my store (Ft Worth) from Hartford Connecticut. I paid $308 for mine. Nice looking gun though. I'm glad to have it.
I noticed this back in July. I was on deployment from July 2019 to August 2020. I was a reservist so coming back home to civilian life. I bragged to all my buddies about how my milsurp rifle, revolvers (C&B and modern) and flintlocks were immune to the price craziness. During the whole time.

Then in July, while on the way home, when I’m shopping for toys with designated deployment savings, I discover a run on C&B revolvers back then! I watched midwayusa sell out of Uberti NMAs. Then Cabelas. I finally bought from Dixie gunworks at sane prices (about $330 for a new Uberti NMA). Fortunately I made a large reloading order in May 2020 for thousands of primers, tons of powder, and all the bullets I will need that I can’t cast for two years. I really got lucky.

I do fortunately have a LGS that hoarded caps. I have about 700 in stock, which will last me a good while, but Perry’s in Wendell NC literally had 10s of thousands of CCI # 11 caps. They got those a couple of months ago. They probably made a wise purchase, as people have to have something to shoot and they have to have some stock to sell.
Well, I found a seller this morning with a new in box cabela's branded pietta 1858 in 44 cal with an extra cylinder with a buy it now price of 400 and I grabbed it. Would have preferred a target model with the adjustable sight, but in this market I thought this was a reasonable price. Some of the auction prices on these things are quite eye popping at the moment.
Two days after I ordered a 1858 from Jedidiah I was told their out. Cimarron doesn't have anything either. They don't tell you till you place a order. I'm looking for a sheriff model - 5 1/2 barrel in 44 cal. I have two 1858s with 12" barrels [ I think they're 12 and not 10, I'd have to measure ] with adj. sights that I'd sell. One a brasser, the other steel. Only shot maybe two clyinders through the steel frame one, the brass frame one is unfired. Anyone interested can text me at 1-810-724-5582.
Just in the last few weeks I have seen the shelves stripped bare of black powder equipment (ammo, primers/caps, powders, guns). Like all of a sudden, it was all gone. One of the Walmarts near me had a good selection of equipment and I was there to get motor oil, saw the clerk marking all of the muzzle loader stuff down to essentially give away prices. So I bought two inline rifles at ridiculously low prices and powders including Black Horn and everything else at 50% and 75% off normal retail. I lucked out and replenished my supplies enough to shoot for several years or more. But within an hour it was nearly all gone including the other rifles. The biggest hole again seems to be primer/caps, both #11s and 209s.

I already had an old Kentucky rifle .45 caliber I built from a kit as a teenager, nothing special but it is surprisingly accurate and has taken several deer and pigs. I had wanted a CVA Wolf or Optima but could not afford either, well, now I have both for way less than the price of one alone.
Midway and Sportsman’s Guide now show the Uberti Colt Walker as being in stock
Dixie Gun Works at least tells you if it is in stock before you place your order although they only have a few models left. I ordered a flask from them on January 16th and had not heard from them by the 29th so I called. They said that they were filling orders from the 1st currently. I guess business is good.
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