Should someone who carries never get drunk?

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Mr. Ready
Should someone who carries never get drunk?

I know the first rule of concealed carry is always carry because otherwise carrying is pointless. But at the same time i know its wrong to be carrying in a state where the decision making complex and motor control are adversely affected. So is it as simple as dont go out and get drunk or high if you are someone who carries?

Yeah, it's that simple. To all the naysayers, gawd help you if you needed to shoot someone in self-defense and were found to have even .01 in your blood. So much room for the lawyers to work with in a civil suit.

Get high, yeah - plain stupid in the first place. Even dumber when carrying.
Actually, I am going to close this. This is an argument that is whipping up bad feelings and really has no clear resolution. Don't get drunk while carrying, we all agree on. Whether you have a beer or wine or a shot of brown liqour.... well, that varies from person to person and I don't think it boils down to a right or a wrong answer.

For the record, I know a beer isn't going to alter me, but I still stay away from it in public while carrying because if I should need to shoot, I want zero witnesses coming forward to talk about my boozy dinner, nor do I want any trace, under the limit or otherwise, in my bloodstream. If your with me and carrying and drink a beer, fine. For most people, you can drive legally with a beer in you, so no reason your judgement is any worse carrying. It's just not my choice.

And with that, lets call it a day on this topic.

sent from my Galaxy Note II.
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