SHTF daydreamers

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Jan 17, 2007
Howdy, folks. I see quite a few SHTF scenarios on this site...heck, I've posted some, myself. That said, I have 2 questions:

1. What makes the idea of SHTF Scenarios so appealing and easy to day-dream about?

2. Of all of the situations out there, Skynet, Zombies, Civil War, Jihad in America, etcetra...what's the most likely SHTF in your opinion?
There are two kinds of SHTF discussion. One is people who want to be prepared for an eventuality like Katrina, where social order is disrupted for a period of time. The other SHTF discussion seems to revolve around the Zombie UN invasion of the US and tactical wheelbarrows.
1. Eliminates the necessity of going to work tomorrow and facing the boss. Also, think of all the neat, free stuff we get to pick up then, while scavenging.

2. Civil War II will be driven by the Jihad in America, fueled by a Democratic liberal majority in the White House, Senate, and House. Don't bypass a consortium of Russia, China and North Korea giving it a hand, either.

Hmmnh... I think I've covered all the bases.

I also don't really believe it will ever happen cataclysmically - it will be a long, drawn out process, over about 50 years. :(
In order most likely to least likely imo

1) Jihad in America
2) Civil War or Second Revolution
3) MAJOR natural disaster - Katrina style break down in NYC for example
4) War on our soil with another country (not the same as Jihad)
5) Pandemic breaking down the social system
6) Perfect storm of a combination of a few or all of the above, one setting off another in a downward spiral.
7) Extraterrestrial invasion!
8) Robot uprising (ala Skynet, 'I, Robot', or Cylon revolt)
9) Zombies

Think that covers it

EDIT: Forgot extraterrestrial invasion!
IMHO it's extremely unlikely for a complete nationwide social order breakdown any time in the foreseeable future. So for me, SHTF situations involve some type of Katrina-esque natural disaster where you'll be completely on your own for a minimum of a week. Though considering I live in the middle of Wisconsin, the only real natural disaster we have here are tornadoes, which while they may cause incredible destruction, they do so on such a limited area that even a week is unlikely.
The Spice Girls Reunion Tour

Dude, you just runied the rest of the day with that image. Ugh.

Anyway, I really don't think about SHTF scenarios. I have enough on my plate to think about than have to worry about doomsday predictions, or WWIII. When it happens, if it ever happens, then I will worry about it. We also don't have that many major natural disaster in New England. Besides nasty winter weather, and regional floods we don't worry about natural disasters. Though we could have a major earthquake or Hurricane it is just unlikly in the near future.
What makes the idea of SHTF Scenarios so appealing and easy to day-dream about?
It's the "Walter Mittyesque survival/pioneer self reliance, "Badges? we don' need no stinkin' badges" strong he-man "could I make it if it really happens to me and mine" sorta daydream.

And the proper answer (in my daydreams at least) is always "Yes" and "Yes again, for I am an American by Gawd!" :D

Other than that, it's just the Boy Scout philosophy of being prepared and helping others coupled with the strong individual survival of the fittest personality working away in our id/ego. It's a normal thing to ponder. Probably better not to mention it around friends without some snickering about the tinfoil chapeau mindset. I prefer to line the inside of all of my hats with the really heavy duty alumfoil as a sort of "he looks like a normal American to me" camoflage. (cuts down on unwanted snickers and "They" don't know where I'm hiding out... but I know where "They" are. "They're" all around us, even now. :p )

Most likely?

Civil unrest brought about by any one of several factors, mostly weather related I'd think... but I do remember the Rodney King riots going on in Las Vegas back in 92, thinking... ??? Las Vegas??? All this while I was stuck in Stillwater MN touring the Andersen Windows plant while a perfectly good potential SHTF storm was going on back home (where my family was doing quite well without me... darnit) about 5 miles from our house.

Oh well, better luck next time. :rolleyes:
all of the situations out there, Skynet, Zombies, Civil War, Jihad in America, etcetra...what's the most likely SHTF in your opinion?

Localized civil unrest after Some Bad Thing happens. It's the one that actually has happened, multiple times (New Orleans after Katrina, Los Angeles after the Rodney King verdict).

Spice Girls are gonna look like 50 years from now

Spice Crones?
What makes the idea of SHTF Scenarios so appealing and easy to day-dream about?

Because I've already been through it once, and will be prepared for the next one.

Of all of the situations out there, Skynet, Zombies, Civil War, Jihad in America, etcetra...what's the most likely SHTF in your opinion?

Natural Disaster.

What makes the idea of SHTF Scenarios so appealing and easy to day-dream about?

Because I've already been through it once, and will be prepared for the next one.
Quite seriously, I think that's the root of it.

Rhetorical question: Have you ever been through a really bad hurricane and was the hero of your family/friends/neighbors because you were the only one who had plenty of water, nonperishable food, full tank of LP for cooking/hot water, electricity from a generator, etc? It's a good feeling when you are able to be there when folks you care about need you most.

Some folks think about this stuff way to much. Some folks don't think about it nearly enough.

I for one actually love a good hurricane or snowstorm where the power goes out, streets are somewhat impassible, you're on your own without today's niceties for a week or two. Freinds and family share what they have. A little bartering goes on. If people would prepare just a little, this generally would be no big deal.
1. What makes the idea of SHTF Scenarios so appealing and easy to day-dream about?
"There is nothing so exhilarating as being shot at and missed." - Churchill

People are naturally drawn to the idea of reaching the brink of existence and surviving through their own abilities. Flip side: people are naturally scared of being overwhelmed by circumstances unto death, and want to do anything they can to avert tragedy.

People are also bored out of their minds with their daily routine, and pine for some kind of unavoidable excitement. Being unable to choose dramatically different lifestyles (thanks to debts, needs and social ties) people dream of something outside their control compelling them to sever ties and live excitement. Hence the popularity of TV/movies.

Being a long-term Boy Scout as a kid, the "be prepared" was ingrained (not that it needed much help to). Preparation can only be ongoing if you believe it will be needed eventually.

Most people live on a razor's edge: cut a power line, cancel a credit card, and/or stop a paycheck and personal collapse is imminent. Turn off the TV and half the population would be zombified. Most couldn't survive on their own for more than a few days ... at which point they, potentially in large numbers, become YOUR problem. Last summer there was a run on gas in this area; no gas meant no getting to work (or more precisely, no coming home from work - much worse), which soon could lead to no paycheck, no grocery store restocking, no electricity, and finding myself in an apartment complex with a thousand comparably unsupplied and distressed people.

Finally: S does HTF at times. New Orleans flooded - 80% of a major city suddenly underwater. NY blacked out - a million people per square mile with no functioning infrastructure. LA riots - city on fire, police/fire/military pulled out. Indonesian tsunami - quarter million people dead in minutes. ... and so on, overlooking the overlooked incidents which did not involve newsworthy populations yet affected the residents just as much.

2. Of all of the situations out there, Skynet, Zombies, Civil War, Jihad in America, etcetra...what's the most likely SHTF in your opinion?
Grand scenario? Civil war. Methinks we're approaching a point where political issues have been clearly divided, and dialog is becoming pointless as those on each side have little interest in mutual understanding with their demonized opponents. Personal and national debt is heading toward the breaking point. Fiat currencies tend toward hyperinflation. Illegal immigrants feel just as much a right to be here as anyone else - by the tens of millions, multiplied by their friends. City cores rotting out. some point, enough people will simultaneously find reason to stop cooperating, and quickly learn that power comes from the barrel of a gun.

Personal scenario? Environmental disaster or financial breakdown. One well-placed tornado and my world reboots. Paychecks stop for too long for whatever reason and I'll face not having a self-sufficient homestead.
1. It's an excuse to buy more guns (like we need one) and offers a target rich environment.

2. Zombies, because, man, everyone hates zombies.
IMHO, the most likely scenario would involve a partial breakdown of social order following a well coordinated series of terrorist attacks with nuclear, biological or chemical weapons. The most likely bewing radioactive "dirty bombs" and not a true nuclear weapon. Although those "true nuclear weapons" can't be completely ruled out. Do I think it's likely?? Well........maybe one chance in a hundred in our lifetime.

Secondly, it causes us to do something that AMERICANS TRULY HATE!!!:mad: It forces us to THINK!:eek: And hopefully to prepare, so that a minor disaster like a hurricane, earthquake, etc won't catch us with our pants completely down.

And, MOST IMPORTANTLY BY FAR it gives us a logical:)confused: ) excuse to buy a whole lotta guns and other really neat stuff and squirrel it away!:D :p :D
Mt. Rainier becoming (even mildly) active, and the lahar that will follow if it does. That’ll be on par with, or worse than, Katrina. I figure there’ll be a serious breakdown in the social order for a while as the dirtbags crawl out of the woodwork like roaches to prey on the rest of us, while the police are overwhelmed.
To me there are three types of SHTF daydreams.

1) Realistic- Things that are quite likely to happen and are serious and SHTF, but not end of the world SHTF. Katrina style stuff and the most likely to happen.

2) Non-likely Realistic- Things which could realistically happen and are serious SHTF but not so likely to happen. Second civil war, new revoloution, actual invasion of America by another country, massive civil breakdown due to whatever reason, etc. Agian things within the realm of possibility but not to likely to happen.

3) Non-likely Non-realistic- Things which are neither likely to happen and are non-realistic without some maaaajor change in our knowledge of the universe lol. Zombies, vampire armies, alien invasion, judgment day, skynet, hordes of rabid gerbils, etc.
Aar, it's escapism. The day to day grind of life is so dull that many engage in Peter Pan Syndrome and dream of bears, pumas and shtf.

Those who seek to be prepared simply do it and do not spend hours preparing against fictional bears, pumas, unicorns and, as was said on TFL, "mutant zombie bears that know ninjitsu".:D
Most survival situations fall into two categories:

1. At home -- Hurricanes, Ice Storms (common here in the Ozarks), riots, and so on.

2. Travelling -- getting stuck on a back road, falling and breaking a leg while hunting, and so on.

To be prepared for the first category, study past incidents. Here in the Ozarks, I keep my basement stocked with canned goods, lanterns, and so on and have a Buck Stove in the basement for heat. The wife and I have lived in the basement for a week at a time when ice storms knocked all the power out. We also have a chainsaw (and have had to cut our way out through fallen trees) and tire chains.

For travelling, we keep flashlights, first aid kits, maps, cell phones , GPS and so on when venturing off road in unfamiliar territory.
Playing the whatif's in the SHTF derby is an amusing mental exercise. It's a variation on the Pentagons wargaming. Most military contingency plans have a way less than 1% chance of actually being needed. Same with the SHTF planning. But it is a useful mental exercise in that it causes people to evaluate, reevaluate and refine plans for their future. Most scenarios as
have been stated are remotely possible at the moment. The only credible threat that is a virtual guarnatee at least on localized levels is weather.

Terrorist attacks are probable. We have to catch them 100% of the time to stop them, they only have to get lucky once so the odds are sooner or later another significant attack will occur. Civil unrest is also possible. It has happened before, it is happening elsewhere right now and we are not immune to it.

Zombies, aliens not likely. Zombies are a metabolic and physiologic impossibility, as for aliens I heard a quote once that stated that "the surest
evidence that intelligent life exists in the universe is the fact that they have
not announced their presence to us."

Skynet, I Robot scenarios are not possible now. 50 years from now they will be possible. 100 years from now they will be extremely possible. Computer science is advancing at such a rate that we will likely see sentient machines by the end of this century, perhaps by mid century. After that all bets are off. Think M5 from Star Trek....."this unit must survive".

All these make good excuses to buy it cheap and stack it deep. If you can find it. Now where was that sportsmansguide catalog?
Don't get me wrong folks. I think daily of SHTF situations...actually mine is more TEOTWAWKI. NOT FANTISIZING about it, but more...thinking "what if" to what I see around me.
In order most likely to least likely imo

1) Jihad in America
2) Civil War or Second Revolution
3) MAJOR natural disaster - Katrina style break down in NYC for example
4) War on our soil with another country (not the same as Jihad)
5) Pandemic breaking down the social system
6) Perfect storm of a combination of a few or all of the above, one setting off another in a downward spiral.
7) Extraterrestrial invasion!
8) Robot uprising (ala Skynet, 'I, Robot', or Cylon revolt)
9) Zombies

Think that covers it

My list In order most likely to least likely :
1) MAJOR natural disaster - Katrina style break down in NYC for example, Earthquake in California
2) Weather related, heatwaves, electrical shortages, water shortages, food shortages.
3) Gasoline prices, I think they get so high that crime prevails as less fortunate try in every way possible to get money for gasoline. more home burglaries, home invasion robberies, holdups.
4) Terrorism related, use your imagination. Maybe the pet food scare is the canary in the coal mine and we are already experiencing food and agricultural terrorism by food poisioning. We've already had spinach?
5) Disease Pandemic breaking down the social system
6) A combination of a few or all of the above, one setting off another in a downward spiral.​
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