Smart, if "shifty" Wal-Mart Buying

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I'm just guessing that WM has procedures in place to tract special orders on merchandise, especially firearms. Probably something a little more detailed than writing a person's name on the box at the DC, or loading dock. Surely there'd be some paperwork involved. Maybe it's changed in the past 20 years, but the largest loss to theft at WM used to be attributable employees. Unfortunately if you don't keep a tight rein on them they'll steal you blind.
Maybe it's changed in the past 20 years, but the largest loss to theft at WM used to be attributable employees. Unfortunately if you don't keep a tight rein on them they'll steal you blind.

I'm sure that's still the case. I know a Wally World where I used to live in Mississippi stopped staying open all night and started like 6:00 am to 11:00 pm because they were being stolen blind by employees in the night. Big screen TVs were leaving via the loading dock.

However, in this instance, nothing was stolen. Wal Mart lost absolutely nothing. The retail price was paid. I would have done it.
Alrighty....take it from a recently retired Walmart sporting goods dept manager.....This is pure BS and did not happen.
Didn't say WM lost anything in this instance, if it did happen, but give em an inch and they'll take a mile. Seems like I've read about that happening somewhere recently. Predict closure of this thread in 10, 9, 8, 7, ... :)
Obviously he lied - the only way he obtained the gun was through deceiving the employee by claiming to have pre-ordered it. Otherwise, do you think he would have been able to get it without claiming that one was "supposed to have his name on it"? I dont think so.

Why shouldn't he have to stand in line like everyone else? Clever, but not exactly ethical.
I looked all through the special order book and didn't see any ARs in it.
It is a cute story......

I have ordered a couple of guns at Walmart. Both were basically treated like a lay-away. You pay them at least 50% of the total price as a down-payment, then you are given numbered paperwork with all of the details. They call you when it comes in. That varied from 3 day in one case to 5 days in another.
Point is: In both instances I was provided with paperwork for the order. The store had duplicate paperwork. When each of my rifles arrived, I provided my copy of the paperwork to the man behind the counter. At no point was there 'one with my name on it'.
well, one of them is supposed to have my name on it

That was a lie. The guy is no better than any other liar out there. Unethical, lowlife scum. Because he lied someone else who waited in line (ie the right way) to have a chance at getting the gun got screwed. I hope the gun falls apart in his hands.

If you agree with the guys actions then you should be ashamed.
I agree with "whatever"! To me this (if indeed this really happened) is no different than an illegal imigrant sneaking into the country and then using his/her (suddenly aquired) "legal right" to appeal deportation (time after time), taking away a space intended for someone who waits his/her turn. If I had a "friend" with that type of morals I would watch my stuff real close when he/she was nearby!
Alrighty....take it from a recently retired Walmart sporting goods dept manager.....This is pure BS and did not happen.

Please elaborate. I'm not being smart - I really want to know. The story sounds a little off but I can't put my finger on it. It does seem unlikely that the folks unloading the truck would put his name on the box for him, but I'm not sure that's what's bothering me. And I could probably believe that a clerk might see the name on the box and not look for other paperwork - especially if folks have been unofficially holding items for friends.
take it from a recently retired Walmart sporting goods dept manager.....This is pure BS and did not happen.

Howzabout "if this happened, it wasn't normal Walmart policy" or "..violated Walmart policy".

I personally do not believe this happened, but... I suspect that it would be possible to slip a couple of bills (not sure what size) to some Walmart sporting goods counter guy and ask him to hold the next AR/bulk .223/whatever for you and call you when it shows up. I suspect that guy might even make a deal with the guy who unloads the truck (probably not the truck driver, but one of the guys who gets paged when the truck shows up to help unload). Maybe "supposed to have my name on it" is "I'm the guy that bribed Joe to put my name on it" or even "Put my name on it and I'll slip you a bill". I agree it probably didn't happen, and isn't likely to happen, but it certainly could happen
How the hell would the sales clerk have known about it? All he was told was that there was a box with someone's name on it.
I think we are dealing with 'faux event' aka non-event here. I have never seen AR-15 rifle for sale at any Walmart I have ever been to. OK, I admit I have never been at 'Cowtown Walmart'.
'Shifty' buying of AR-15 at Walmart by guy from Georgia USA. A 'Chomolungma Height Tail' if you ask me. Do I believe this event actually took place? yeS.
I want see your friend take the Kobayashi Maru test, and see if he gets the same result as Captain Kirk!

He's very creative and quick thinking!

That was a lie. The guy is no better than any other liar out there. Unethical, lowlife scum. Because he lied someone else who waited in line (ie the right way) to have a chance at getting the gun got screwed. I hope the gun falls apart in his hands.

If you agree with the guys actions then you should be ashamed.

You must be a lot of fun at parties. ;)
Alrighty....take it from a recently retired Walmart sporting goods dept manager.....This is pure BS and did not happen.
I was thinkin the same thing. I worked the night crew at WalMart just after graduating high school a few years back, and there are a number of things in this story that make no sense whatsoever.

First of all, WalMart trucks are unloaded exclusively by WalMart employees, who have zero way of knowing whats on the truck until its completely unloaded. There's no paperwork that says exactly what's on the truck. WalMart orders what it needs. The trucks come in and inventory is taken box by box in the back of the store after its all unloaded.

Second, the trucks aren't unloaded outside. The pallets are put on a conveyor and taken inside, where they're broken down. Inventory takes place after this. This guy would have had to park out back, walk down the truck ramp, and climb up into the truck's rear before he could even see an employee to ask about the inventory. Any such action could only be interpreted as a threat of theft.

It would be comparable to me seeing new neighbors moving in next door with a Uhaul. I walk over, let myself inside the front door, and find someone rummaging through boxes. "Whatcha guys unloading over here?!"
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Maybe... but every loading dock I have ever worked on ( I am a freight manager currently) has had very little room between truck and dock. This is to keep employees honest, and reduce chance of truck break ins. If this story happened then the "friend" very well would have been placing everyone involved jobs at risk. This kind of behavior on my truck crew would get people moving on down the road w/ a pink slip real quick. The response he would get at my dock would be from security letting him know he was welcome to come in the store, but hanging out in my dock is dangerous and would be considered trespassing. In any case it was dishonest, and certainly something I would not advocate anyone attempt to repeat.
I think we are dealing with 'faux event' aka non-event here. I have never seen AR-15 rifle for sale at any Walmart I have ever been to.

I suspect you are correct on the first part.
As for the 2nd part, yep they have them here, or did before the craziness. I do know that's not the case everywhere though.
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