So There I Was Again (Also Not Very Serious)

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If you do make it into a book of some form (maybe just one of a series of short stories with the same character?) you should put an appendix at the back with visuals of all the guns - that way you preserve the character of this original online edition where there's links to all of the guns.

do you realize that this "short story" is about 46 pages when printed out? very nice. you gotta love how the computer labs let you print off anything for free. keep up the good work nightcrawler.
[ At a later date]
Mr. Nightcrawler, do you have any reviews or references on your previous works?

" Yes sir, between February 4, and March 21 of 2004 , I received 13,203 views with 309 replies...and the work was still in progress". :D

Good Work NC
Night Crawler,
Psst You only have a couple of hours till the weekends over watch your back some of the people on this board don't understand what mid-terms are like or seem to have forgotten, how you feel like pulling every hair out of your head and screaming when you are starting your 5th test in 3 days.

BTW Small world I know a guy who not way to long ago moved from Texas and attends the same university you do..
The Conclusion, Part One (Can't fit it all into one post!)

I slept uneasily through Friday morning and afternoon. My last stand with the Luminous Path was but hours away when I awoke, and it weighed heavily on my mind.

I won't lie to you good folks; I was scared. I had a plan, but it was risky. Very risky. There was a good chance that I wouldn't live to be in class on Monday. So, I spent Friday afternoon essentially getting my affairs in order.

Ling was going to stay behind at the safehouse. She strangely didn't protest this assertion; I can't say I blame her. When the Luminous Path got wind of what was going on, they'd surely try to kill her.

Hopefully, though, when this whole mess was over with, the Luminous Path's operation in North America would be about done for, Agent French would be out of my hair for good, and I could go back to my otherwise dreary life. I had other things to worry about, after all. I mean, I had mid-terms coming up, and since this whole affair had started my class attendance had been rather spotty.

My entire plan hinged on the decisions of some friends of mine, though. I had previously called some people I know with the Feds, on a back-channel through which I do my dealings with them. I explained everything to a buddy of mine in the government, a guy I trusted.

See, it was through this network of friends that I was able to keep my operation open. I helped them, they kept the higher-ups off of my back, usually. I won't go into the extent of my dealings with the government, but let me just say this: there are a lot of guys out there just like me, too. "Gun control" is just like being pushed around; it only happens if you let it.

At any rate, I called my contact back a week later to get an update.

"Mike, you've given me quite the headache this week."

"You think you've had a headache, Bob?"

"Heads are rolling in government circles, Mike. People are talking about you."

"That doesn't sound good, Bob."

"Normally, it wouldn't be. Basically, a small circle of higher ups in the Defense Department got their eye on you now. Might even go all the way to the top. Don't take it the wrong way, kid, I didn't sell you out. I told them exactly what you wanted me to tell them. They've read the report from your buddy Mackie, too. They know about French, and how you recovered the stolen chemcial agents. They also know about the existance of your operation, though I don't think they know any particulars."

"It was the risk I had to take, Bob. The stakes were too high."

"You did the right thing, Mike. I've got good news, though. I don't think they're going to shut you down."

"That's unusual."

"Yeah, but someone at the top likes you, I guess. You're a criminal, of course, but really, you don't do anything that wasn't legal before 1934 anyways. So, technically, seventy-one years ago, you'd have been a completely legitimate businessman."

"That's how I like to think of it, Bob," I said, grinning.

"Yeah...well, you've also got a lot of dirt on the Feds, Mike. If they arrested you, or started an investigation, and squealed to the press, a lot of people would be in a bad way. Especially with what just happened recently."

"So....why don't they just kill me?" I said, chuckling. I was actually serious.

"Good question. You've been a big enough pain in the ass. I guess things just aren't that bad yet. In any case, you saved all of our asses, so they're willing to overlook your other indescretions, even to the extent of ignoring your continuing activities, provided you don't start selling to terrorists and whatnot. This is an election year, though. Policy might change if we have a new Commander in Chief next year, though given the situation, I doubt it. And this is not to say that the ATF won't still be after you. "

"Fair enough. What about French?"

"Do you have him?"

"Maybe, maybe not. What are they going to do with him?"

"A warrant has been issued for his arrest. He's a wanted man. Him and his cronies. I heard that the President quietly fired the director of the ATF over this, though the press will report that he resigned for medical reasons or something. French is in deep [EXPLETIVE DELETED]."

"Excellent. He'll be at the meeting point, then, along with the Luminous Path, if you'll agree to have your guys ready to go then."

"It's all been worked out, Mike."

Bob and I worked out the details. Essentially, the crucial element of my plan was now in play. I was going to put all of my eggs in one basket, and smash them all against the wall. In other words, I was going to make sure French and the Luminous Path members were all in one spot, and then the cavalry was going to come in and arrest them all. I arranged for French's cronies to be dropped off seperately; they'd just get in the way.

The question, of course, was whether or not I could get my own ass out of there without getting it shot off. That was what was especially concerning me, now that I didn't have to worry about spending the rest of my life in a federal penetentiary.

As night fell, I began to get ready. I got my gear together and started to load it all up. I had a special suprise in the trailer of the semi truck, that hopefully would help me escape. I had spent the previous week in a crash-course of learning how to drive the truck (it was, after all, a stick-shift), so I was about as ready as I was going to be, without going to trucking school.

I was going to be in full battle rattle for this one. It'd probably look suspicious to the Luminous Path, but I figured I'd just say that I was being careful. I'm sure they'd be there in force anyways.

So, over my coat I placed my special combat vest. It was a combination of body armor and load bearing vest for my FAL and revolver. It had level IV rifle plates front and back, a protective collar, and a lot of pockets and pouches.

My trusty S&W 625 went into his speical holster on my left thigh. I had no less than six spare speedloaders for it. I also had six spare 20 round magazines for the FAL, the usual mix of soft points and armor piercing. I had my bayonet in its sheath on my right hip, along with a Sykes-Fairbairn Commando Knife on my left ankle. I had a few hand greandes, too, as well as an M72 LAW rocket launcher, which I slung across my back. All in all, it was a weighty combination, but I felt more secure with it all.

As I made my final preparations, one issue did come up. Corwin wanted to come with me. His loyalty to me is laudable; we've been friends since way back, and he didn't want me going on this one alone.

But, some things a guy's just gotta do for himself, you know? Corwin and I actually aruged about this; my plan was essentially for me to arrive, prove that I had French and the truck, create a diversion, and escape while I called in the Feds. There was a good chance that I'd be killed, and a good chance that Corwin would be too, if he came with me. Since my whole plan was to cut and run, I was thinking (rightly or wrongly) that it'd be simpler if I was by myself.

Eventually, though, I got my point across, and he agreed to stay behind.

So there I was, folks, trucking down the darkened highway in the tractor-trailer, sitting uncomfortably in my combat gear. Agent French was next to me, conscious now, but tied up, gagged, and buckled in. My FAL was on my left side, between me and the door. A couple times I thought I was going to leave the truck's transmission laying on the highway (damned stick), but I got the hang of it was was on my way.

"French, when we get there, I'm going to untie you. I'm going to create a diversion. When you see a good opportunity, you go find cover and stay there. The Feds will be along shortly to take charge of the situation. Do try not to get shot." French mumbled something. I leaned over and, against my better judgement, removed his gag.

"What are you doing??" he asked.

"You're a wanted man, French," I replied, relishing every word. "The FBI has a warrant for your arrest. The Government wants you in a bad way. You're a traitor, French, and they know what you did. Personally, I think you oughta be shot."

"You're lying."

"Have it your way, Frenchy. But you're going to have to accept it. I won."

"So you're driving us off to meet the Triad?? You're going to get us both killed!" I could see veins bulging in his forehead. His face turned red.

"Pretty exciting, hey? What's the matter, Frenchy, your'e not scared are you?" He swore and cussed at me in response.

"I'm giving you a chance to live, though, French. If I wanted, I could just let the Luminous Path have you. But I'm giving you a choice. You can either go with them, if any of them escape, or you can go with the Feds. Personally, I'd take the Fed Pen over whatever the Triad has in mind for you." French was now strangely quiet. I could tell he was up to something, but with him, that almost goes without saying.

He was quiet for the rest of the trip. It was long, but eventually we reached the turn off. I made a left hand turn, and headed down the long dirt road, towards the camp where the meeting was to be held. The moon was bright overhead, and my heart was in my throat.

TO BE CONTINUED (working on part two immediately after this; just can't fit both parts into one post.)
The Conclusion, Part Two

It wasn't long before I turned off onto another road, and then another. The old prison work camp was indeed deep in the forest. Thanks to logging operations, the dirt roads were plowed, well kept, and panked down enough (that's packed down to you non-Yoopers) for big logging trucks to pass, so I had little trouble getting the big semi in there (except for, of course, some grinding of the transmission).

Before long, though, I arrived at the camp. French remained strangely quiet, and seemed to almost be in a state of shock. I guess I would've been too, had I been in his shoes. It helped, too, that I had replaced his gag. Heh.

As I turned off the road onto the trail that led into the heart of the camp, lights came on. I counted at least four cars waiting for me amidst the cluster of barracks-like buildings, and I couldn't tell how many people there were. I pulled the truck right up to the line of headlights, not ten feet away, and cut the engine. Leaving the lights on, I grabbed my rifle, opened the door, and slung it as I got out. The LAW was still slung across my back.

"You're most punctual, Mr. Nightcrawler," a voice said, in heavily accented english. In the headlights of the truck, over the glare of the headlights facing me, I could see at least fifteen guys, almost all armed, though they didn't seem to have their weapons at the ready. Fortunately for me, what used to be a guard tower had fallen down from lack of maintenance; good, I thought.

"I try to be. I have French and the truck, as promised."

"Why are you so heavily armed, Mr. Nightcrawler?" The speaker finally stepped forward. He was an incredibly well dressed, lean and mean looking Chinese fellow with a big scar across his left cheek. He had a cocky half smile on his scarred face, and an evil eye.

"Why are you here with so many men?" I retorted. "I'm just being careful. I think you'll agree that you can't be too careful these days. There a lot of weirdos out there." He actually laughed at this comment. My heart was racing, but I did my best to keep my cool.

I carefully surveyed the territory around me. The trail that led to the camp was lined on both sides with snowbanks and pine forest. The camp was a plowed-out area in the midst of the forest. My best bet for escape was to make it into the woods and crash through the snow. Or, I could run down the road and leave a less easy to follow trail. I'd be able to move faster that way, but would have no cover until I rounded the corner, a good hundred yards away. A hundred yards is a long way when people are shooting at you.

"Very well, then," my well spoken friend said. "Please get Agent French." Okay, I thought to myself, this is it. My heart rate felt like it broke three hundred beats per minute as I slowly walked around the front of the truck. I opened the passenger's side door, and helped French down. With him in front of me, I turned back towards the row of cars. Many eyes were on me. As I walked French forward slowly, I undid the binds that held his hands behind my back.

"Get ready to hit the dirt," I whispered into his ear. I could scaracely believe I was helping this asshat stay alive, but what the hell. Using some sleight of hand, I removed on of my frag grenades from its pouch, and pulled the pin. Holding the grenade in a death grip, I slowly marched French forward, with my right hand on his right shoulder, my left hand concealing the grenade behind his back, until we were lined up with the front of the truck. Many headlights were on us, so they could see him clearly and were convinced that he was who he was. It was time.

I noticed a few of the goons had clustered around the scar-faced honcho. They were standing in between two of the black sedans, about fifteen feet in front of us. That was the best place to throw the grenade. Now, as I've said, I can't throw a ball worth a damn, but I'm an absolute bastard with hand greandes. Still, I was scared, shaky, and I only had one shot at this. I made my move.

I tossed the frag grenade over French's head, right towards the cluster of Triad guys. It was dark, so many of them had only seen me throw something. They didn't see what or wear it went. As soon as it had landed, I turned and ran in the opposite direction. French flopped to the ground as I had told him too, sort of taking cover behind the front right tire of the truck.

A couple seconds later, the grenade detonated. I didn't see if I had gotten anybody, I just heard a loud whumpf come from behind me as I ran along side of the truck, unslinging my FAL as I did so. Once I was behind the trailer, I crouched down, and leaned around the other corner, so my weapon was aiming up the left side of the truck. I could see guys running around, and a few shots had been fired. I wondered if they had gotten French. I fired five or six shots into the crowd, and ducked behind the truck once again.

Then all hell broke loose. Gunfire errupted from both sides of the truck, and puffs of snow appeared all around my only avenues of escape. They basically had me pinned down, and were probably advancing on both sides of the truck. Aw, hell, I thought.

I peeked around the right corner of the trailer. I spotted French low-crawling towards the camp, around the edge of the plowed area, and the Triad guys were apparently ignoring him. Good, I thought, he was away from the truck. Before I ducked behind cover again, though, I saw two Triad assassins come running towards me, Uzi submachine guns in hand. I fired another five or six shots at them both, rapidly, and they both dropped. I ducked back behind the rear of the trailer. I turned around just in time to see another Luminous Path assassin round the left-hand corner, and he was right there, folks. We almost crashed into each other. He tried to bring his weapon up, but I swiftly butt-stroked him across the face with the stock of my FAL. He recoiled from this, and slammed into the back of the trailer. I then smashed him right in the nose. He fell on his rear. I shot him three times right through the chest while he was down; with the third round, the bolt locked back on my FAL. I had expended an entire 20 round magazine, it would seem. I guessed that I had fired more rounds than I had thought.

I realized I HAD to get away from the truck and into the woods. The gunfire had more or less ceased, but I could hear a lot of yelling coming from the front of the truck. I had just killed three of their guys; they were undoubtedly going to try to flank me on both sides now, instead of just bum-rushing me. I didn't have but a few seconds.

I slung my FAL rifle over my left shoulder, and unslung the LAW launcher. I extended the tube, and the sights popped up. Leaning around the left corner of the trailer again, I fired the rocket at a pair of headlights. The car errupted into a ball of flames, and I saw a guy go flying through the air. Now was my chance to escape. I dropped the launcher and bolted down the road.

I make it, though. I was about to round the corner, to safety, when I felt a stiff thump in the center of my back. I heard a loud clang as a bullet struck the steel plate in my vest. It didn't penetrate, though it hit a lot harder than a 9mm bullet should've. Somebody must've had a rifle back there. I stumbled at the impact and slipped in the snow, falling on my face. Puffs of snow appeared all around me, and then I felt a sharp, burning pain in the back of my right thigh. I was certain I was dead, but a muffled secondary explosion behind me seemed to distract them for a second. I guess the gasoline from another one of the cars had just combusted. Once again, dumb luck saved me. I stumbled to my feet and essentially hopped towards the corner. I fell once again, and great pain shot up my leg.

So I crawled like mad, bleeding like mad as well. I had to get around the corner before I passed out. Finally, I was far enough away from the truck, and more or less out of direct line of sight of the Triad guys. I rolled onto my back and pulled a small garage door opener looking thing out of a pouch on my vest. I flipped up a safety cover, and pushed the one button on the control.

The truck then exploded. The large explosive device I had planted in the trailer ignited. The trailer itself split open in a ball of flame, and fragments of metal went everywhere. Thousands of stainless steel spoons shot all over the place, and rained down from the sky a second later. The explosion was deafening, and I hoped that it'd distract them enough to keep them from pursuing. It was then that I remembered my radio; I was supposed to radio the Feds. I didn't bother, though, as I heard choppers approaching as my hearing returned. I guessed that the series of explosions had tipped them off.

I sat up, leaning against the snow bank, my FAL in my lap. I was just barely around the corner, and the Triad guys could be right there, for all I knew. I still heard a few shots as the choppers got closer. I knew that I should've been crawling away, but my leg was shot clean through; I couldn't walk, and I was bleeing badly. I felt very tired, and things began to sort of get dark. I knew I was about to pass out.

It was then that I heard the crunch of footsteps in the snow. I looked up just in time to see French round the corner. He looked tattered, and was bleeding. I was shocked to see that his left eye was apparently gone; he covered it with his left hand. In his right hand he held a Beretta 92 pistol that I guessed he'd picked up off of a dead Triad guy.

My impulse was, of course, to shoot the SOB once and for all, but my stomach lurched as it hit me; the bolt on my FAL was still locked back. I had forgotten to reload, in the commotion and the trying (unsucessfully) not to get shot.

Well, [EXPLETIVE DELETED], I thought to myself. I looked up at French, breathing heavily and in pain, and he looked down at me. He aimed the Beretta at me, and fired twice.

CLANG CLANG! I cringed as both rounds hit my chest plate. It hurt like hell.

"That's right," he said aloud. "You've got that vest on, don't you. Sorry about that, I'm not seeing so good right now." The hatred just dripped from his voice; I could tell he enjoyed having me at his mercy. He pointed the pistol right between my eyes, and my guts twisted. This is is, I thought.

The helicopters began circling overhead, and a loud voice over a speaker called out French's name. He looked over towards the burning truck, and where the choppers were hovering, before looking back at me. As soon as he looked at me, I shot him.

The .45 caliber bullet entered French's abdomen, and exited out the back. It appeared to be a grazing wound, not a solid hit (I did kind of shoot from the hip; I had just barely gotten the revolver's muzzle clear of the hoslter when he turned towards me again). He looked stunned, and kind of stumbled back a few steps. He took his left hand off of where his left eye had been, and I could see the bloody mess there. I fired again, but missed, and he turned and ran back towards the camp, leaving a blood trail as he went.

I exhaled heavily. I heard footsteps crunching in the snow once again, this time from my right, from down the trail. I tried to ready myself, but everything went dark.

I dreamed. Strange dreams. I felt like I was moving, and could faintly hear someone talking to me. The dreams seemed to go on forever, too.

The next thing I knew, my eyes opened and I didn't know where I was. I was looking at a gray ceiling with a flourescent light. For a moment, I thought I was back in my dorm room, and this whole episode had just been a dream, like that whole season of Dynasty or Dallas or whatever it was. But I looked around a bit, and realized I wasn't in my own bed. In fact, I didn't know where the hell I was.

An old man in a white lab coat entered the small room from an adjacent hallway. He had a white mustache and a bald head.

"Welcome back, Mr. Nightcrawler," he said, not quite smiling.

"W...where the hell am I?" I asked, raspily.

"You're in my clinic," he replied. "You were in pretty bad shape when your friend brought you here." A moment later, Corwin entered the room, and stood beside the doctor.

"You didn't really think I was going to let you go by yourself, did you?" he asked, smiling. "Don't worry, you're in an, uh, underground clinic. Nothing reported to the police here."

"What happened?" I asked finally.

"Not sure," he said. "Call your Fed friend when you're mobile again."

"How long?" I asked of the doctor.

"You can leave whenever you're ready," the doctor replied, "provided you've paid the fee."

It wasn't a few hours before I was out of there. It would turn out that most of the Luminous Path guys had been killed in the truck explosion. A couple were found with stainless steel spoons embedded in them.

I was most disconcerted to find that French had escaped somehow, despite being wounded and in the middle of nowhere. My friends had delivered his cronies to the other pick-up point without incident, and they were taken into custody.

And so I had survived. Since the incident had started, I had been shot twice (five times if you count rounds that didn't penetrate my vest), my car had been demolished and repaired, and I had been under more stress than I could ever remember.

But I made it, and that was a good feeling. I'd be on a crutch for a good while, but I was told that I would probably recover fully.

There was only one matter left to attend to, but I wanted to get some rest first.

TO BE CONTINUED (Just the epilogue...)

A day or so later (Monday afternoon...I did miss class after all), I hobbled back into my safe house, Corwin helping me along. Ling came up from the bunker and greeted me. She seemed genuinely concerned that I had been injured, which was a nice suprise.

I wanted some alone time with Ling, so I shooed Corwin off, and limped down into the bunker with her. We sat down on the couch, her next to me, and awkardly didn't talk for a few minutes.

"So..." I finally said.

"Yeah," she replied. We didn't look at each other.

"'re welcome to, um, stay," I said at last.

"I think that that would be nice, Michael," she said.


"But I can't. I can't stay here, living at your expense, depending on you for everything."

"But where will you go?" I asked, genuinely disappointed.

"I have distant family in California. Perhaps they will take me in. I'm here illegally, so I need to go where I won't stand out, and where people will take me in."

I sighed heavily. "I can arrange for you to go there," I said. "I know a guy out there who'll help you along."

"Thank you," she replied, touching my hand. Then something weird happened. She leaned over and kissed me on the corner of my mouth. She quickly pulled away, and looked at the floor, seemingly embarrassed or something. I looked over at her, smiled, stood up, and made my exit as cooly as I could (I was on crutches, after all).

So there I was, a few days later, standing in the warehouse with Ling at my side. Corwin was there, too. I pressed the button to open the door, and a Honda CRV drove in. My friend, who had arrived to take Ling to California, got out and greeted me.

"Hey, homie!" he said, beaming. "Wow you guys get a lot of snow! There are piles of snow fifteen feet high!" A skinny Chinese guy himself, he was decked out in some kind of weird vest with lots of pockets, and khaki pants. He noticed Ling immediately and began gawking. She looked over at me one last time, squeezed my hand, and walked away. She opened the passenger's side door of his car, and got int, without a word.

My buddy looked over at me wide-eyed.

"I'm going to drive her all the way to California? Just the two of us?" I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Don't say I never did anything for you, Jeff." We said our goodbyes, and they were off. I closed the door of the warehouse behind them, and turned around.

I sighed to myself. Corwin, too, had to be going; he had been away from his area of operations down by Detroit for far too long, and within a few hours he too had left.

It was Friday night, a few days later, and I was laying on my bed, turning it all over in my head. My crutches were leaned up against my bed, and my dorm room door was open. People occasionally passed by my door, and said hi, or gave me their sympathies on my injury (of course I didn't tell them how I actually got it).

I stared at my ceiling and reflected.

"Ah, to hell with it," I said to the ceiling. I admit it. I had become somewhat infatuated with Ling, and as is usually the case when I get these feelings for someone, I was left feeling somewhat confused and none too happy. My leg hurt. My arm hurt. I had a big welt on my back and two smaller welts on my chest. To top it off, I was limped up to the point where I couldn't even head out to the club and make another futile effort a picking up a girl. Yeah, I was prettymuch miserable.

But life went on, and returned to normal. Business was good, the bills were paid, and things were generally uneventful.

Naturally, though, they didn't stay that way for long...

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It's done. This whole thing was written rough draft, with little editing or proofreading. As I finished each chapter, I had little idea how the next chapter was going to proceed, and practically no idea on how it was going to end.

I hope you all liked it, though. Thanks for the many many messages, PMs, and e-mails of support. It's greatly appreaciated; this is the closest I've come to "publishing" any of my amateur writing, and I'm happy to see that a lot of people like ti. It's encouraging.

I don't think you guys know how much I've put into this rough draft, though. The three segments I did tonight? I spent more than two hours on them. It's now almost four in the morning and I've got class too.

I'm off to bed shortly.

So once again, thank you all very much. You've been great readers. :cool:
All told, this "short story" is something on the lines of 31,000 words. Not bad, consdiering I started as a half-hearted attempt at killing time. LOL

Hopefully, I've finally done something to get me into the High Road Hall of Fame...:D
Let me be the 1st one to the guy at the end Skunkabilly???Do I smell a sequel with the Skunk????:cool:
Great stuff, thank you!

Even aside from the pleasure of reading your story, your speed of production is very promising too.

Remember Robert Heinlein's rules for writers:

1) You must write.
2) You must finish what you write.
3) You must submit what you write.
4) You must keep submitting it until you've exhausted your possible markets.
5) Do not rewrite except to a buyer's specific request.

You seem to have 1 and 2 down, now keep after the rest!
I look forward to buying your work for many years.
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