So, we won for now, but what are we going to do when officials come for re-election?

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Bruno2 said:
I heard Lautenberg is not running again after this term. So he will be out of the picture pretty soon.

He's suffering from complications of the chemo treatment for his stomach cancer. He made a special trip into Washington this week in case his vote was needed to pass the measures. But he's done. He's a non-entity in the Senate right now. Has been on and off since he began treatment.

The "old guard" Gun Control Democrats are all on their way out. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland will turn 77 this summer, and I think she began going senile nearly 5 years ago. She's got 3 years left on her 5th term.

The Senate Democrats are all getting old. Harry Reid is 73. Even John McCain is long in the tooth at 76.

All these people look at each other and realize if they don't get the gun control they want done soon, they'll all go the way of Ted Kennedy without seeing the object of their desires come to pass.
Our real fight has now started anew.

We need to start planning for these elections now.

And the NRA needs to start explaining the truth, in a way that the general public can grasp, about UBC / Dr-Patient privacy, the true numbers behind denied BC checks, the lack of enforcement of existing laws and all of Their Lies.
McCain's name is mud in Arizona.

To say they're furious with him would a be a gross understatement.
Now come the Executive Orders, and nobody with balls enough to oppose them.
Our real fight has now started anew.

We need to start planning for these elections now.

And the NRA needs to start explaining the truth, in a way that the general public can grasp, about UBC / Dr-Patient privacy, the true numbers behind denied BC checks, the lack of enforcement of existing laws and all of Their Lies.

This. This fight will never end. We must never give up, and always be vigilant. The thing is this: You never just 'win freedom' and then let it ride. It's always a constant fight. It NEVER stops. Ever.
I am in total agreement with kwguy. We have won a battle but the war will go on. We need to get ready for the next battle, because there will be one.
Now come the Executive Orders, and nobody with balls enough to oppose them.
But what can he do with EOs? And if he could do something to prevent guns from falling into the wrong hands, why didn't he do it with his last round of EOs?

He's butthurt and blowing smoke. He will throw his widdle temper tantwums, make threats and say how ashamed he is of the Senate. He knew gun control was DOA in the house, but now he really can't blame the GOP for failure to pass gun control. His agenda is falling to pieces around him and he doesn't know how to react the defeat. Hopefully we give him plenty of practice so he can get used to it.
The key to getting pro-freedom people into office is to get the voters to pay attention to what the anti-freedom crowd wants to accomplish.

Sure, there will always be people who don't mind having everyone else tow their weight and prefer being fed government gruel from the trough over working hard to feed themselves as they see fit. But many of us are working hard to hold onto freedom, and many of them can be swayed.

Our votes should always be for those whom we believe--by evidence--will actually do what they swear to do: support and defend the Constitution.
We need to self regulate so the government or the people don't feel like they need to step in.
Sell guns to responsible people, MN we have a permit to purchase so it makes it easy to be sure they are legally able to buy a gun.
Take someone out to the range and spread knowledge and dissipate fear.

I believe this philosophy reinforces what the gun grabbers think. I dont see how practicing what they were trying to force down our throats is helping our cause. I have to disagree!
The main thing is to not accept what ever talking heads the two main parties put up for office.
Most are cut from the same special interest cloth.

Start at the local level with like minds and start running your own candidates under what ever umbrella you want.

Its really hard work, but it can and does work. The more people involved the easier it becomes.

Don't accept the same old trash.
Don't wait for general elections. Start paying attention to the primaries. That how we can start to get better choices.
The anti-gun movement is hurt and demoralized over the failure of their national-level grab at gun control. BUT, they made big, huge gains on state-level fights.

If you think you're exhausted over the e-mails, phone calls and letters, imagine how the opposition feels after working so hard, spending so much money, and coming away with nothing.

They continue to nibble at pieces of flesh on the state level. They'll lick their wounds, tell each other they're on the right side of history, re-energize themselves, and come back again.
We need for a time to be sure who we vote into every office that has any input into the gun control issue. To the point of calling the candidates offices and asking where they stand. Perhaps doing homework on anyone up for election for anything that you are casting a ballot for. Then of course see how they stand on other issues. But I for one won't vote for anyone anti gun for any reason, even f they are vague about their answer.
It's too bad it has to be this way, but for now, "the next few years" we have to be very careful who we elect in a state or local election for anyone having any input on the subject of Gun control.
If the 2nd amendment is allowed to fall, we have no country left, we become hamsters that will be told where and when to eat and sleep, tracked and photographed every ware we go it's tragic but we have seen what the Obama administration is capable of doing. If left unchallenged we would all be living a life far different than we desire.
Don't forget, It's all for our own good, as we aren't able to make these difficult decisions ourselves, according to them.
Here in Austin Texas we have a rabid anti named mike martinez on the city council. He publicly stated his intention to ban all firearms and confiscate them right on film last week. He is already running for mayor and people need to know where he stands. This attack on the 2nd along with the proposed one billion dollar bond issue about to forced down our throats does not sit well. The morning paper "hinted" at yet another property tax hike. BOHICA!
Don't forget that the political party to which they belong has additional gun control measures embedded into the party plank/goals statement. There will ALWAYS be somebody willing to volunteer to carry the banner for additional gun control so long as their political party will reward them for it.

That's the key. The only way to stop this attack is to vote every last member of the Democrat party out. Your Democrat Senator/Representative may "be an exception and actually support 2A" but if they are elected, they help the Democrat Party hold on.
Every one of these gun grabbing schemes is initiated by a Democrat. That's not to say that there aren't RINO's joing in-(My senators are Durbin and a Republican (Ho-Ho), Mark Kirk. I'll never vote for either of them.
It's crazy but in order to protect the 2A you sometimes have to be a single issue voter.
Works for me.
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