So what is your take on Gay Marriage??

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There is no way in hell I will ever fight for my rights while fighting to limit somebody else's rights. Ain't gonna happen.

I completely agree.

Speaking of Pink Pistols, I think they're a wonderful organization that not only does a good thing in advocating the right of self-defense, but helps the rest of us as gun owners out on PR--if they were more known, it would be harder for the media to stereotype all gun owners as homophobic racist hicks.

I just can't wait until the debate over legalizing poly marriages comes into the national limelight. I know I'm just having loads of fun with gay marriage discussions right now. ;-)

(Personally, I support both gay and poly marriages.)
Vicious, stupid, nastygrams instead of reasoned discussion.

Accusations of narrow-minded bigotry and intolerance (oddly, from both sides... hmmm).


Wild-eyed, mouth-frothing claims that the End is Near -- and that it will be brought about either by Lascivious Promiscuity, or by Prudish Puritanism. Or maybe by either Christianity or paganism. Or something. Anyway, the World is Coming To An End and it's all the fault of those people!!

Rants with bad grammar, poor spelling, and worse logic.

Mud-slinging, rolled eyes, and general ugly behavior.

All that, folks, is why THR generally doesn't allow discussions of religion, sexuality, or abortion.


A loud voice cannot compete with a clear voice, even if it's a whisper. -- Barry Neil Kaufman
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