Some people just should not have guns. (Me)

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Was it an unavoidable, or "inevitable" error? -No.

Will you be doing it again? -HELL NO !

Did you make sure that those at the range knew that YOU knew that you messed up big time, and you apologized? -Yes.

So please take our advice and return to the range with a freshly bolstered state of safety and situational awareness, with tail tucked firmly between your legs and dining on humble pie as penance until you feel "redeemed".

(I think from your stand up and seriously self-critical behavior after your admittedly negligent blunder, the folks who were there at the range that day would probably feel bad to see you give up shooting over it).

I'm neither going to scold or to pat you on the back and tell you all is fine. My observation is that if this story had been told from the point of view of one of those down range, the average THR comment would have been much different. Yes, the reaction of the transgressor (humility) does make a difference. But so many other stories posted here that draw so much ire rarely disclose the post-transgression attitude of the offender.

My point being that the newbe offender deserves even more forgiveness and tough compassion if we ever hope to enlarge the fold of the American "gun culture." Granted, having the lady in the next lane piont her misfire at your crotch and repeatedly pull the trigger would be unnerving. However, this thread will be cited the next time so many choose to "pile on" the mistakes of the "moron at the range."
HBowman excellent observation,

I touched on this very idea in my original post. One of the things that has made this humiliation so total and life changeing for me is the kindness and compassion that has been extended to me after my horrible error.

I would not have extended this understanding to anybody that did that to me! Nor do I expect it from the range personel or wittnesses at the range. Yet there it is.

Another thread I could compare this to are the cop bashing threads where people get livid at the idea that a mistaken no knock warrant service on the wrong house is excused by a simple I am sorry.

I think there are some things that you can just not say your sorry for. My conflict revolves around that.

Never the less on some level way down below embarrassment and anger I am grateful for the understanding being shown here. I am just not so sure I have it coming.

Perhaps Mods it is time to end this thread. I don't want to lose what ever shreads of dignity I have left by dragging this on forever. I think I posted it as part of my self imposed punishment.

Thanks again

Thankfully, no one was hurt.

I do know what it is like to mess up on range commands. 'Lock the bolt' sounds an awful like 'Lock and load' when you have ear muffs. Granted, it was no where as serious as what you did, but the point is people do make mistakes. Just a moment of not paying attention, and it serves as a reminder to me.

I think if I were you, and feeling real guilty, I'd offer the range to help make sure the situtation never happens again. I don't know what your range is like, but go and propose some sort of safety feature. Lights that signify when it is safe to shoot, maybe a bar that comes up when the range is cold, etc. Offer to help with the project, or to help raise funds. I know my range would probably take me up on it.
80 posts .. not bad!!! Somewhat at Jim's request I'll close this down. I think he is right to wish that this does not drag on ad infinitum, tho I hardly need say, any further posts would be almost guaranteed to add the huge measure of support he has already had.

Bottom line - we are all fallible. He has I think learned several things here, the most important of which is that he is in very select company - a family of shooters who all realize their limitations and who maybe sometimes have thought ''There but for the grace of God, go I" ..!! We identify, but do not judge too harshly and have all I daresay learned from Jim's courage and candor in bringing this to the forum.

Thx Jim ... We'll now let this rest - but remain as a tribute to your honesty, and to many very understanding and sympathetic folks. :)
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