SWAT team shoots suicidal Fla. student

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The 5:30 news had him in critical condition, but that it was a pellet gun, not airsoft.
ka50 said:
why didn't they just taser him or throw in a tear gas inside?

If someone points a gun at you, and you have a gun in your hand, aimed-
Are you going to back up, and toss teargas into a classroom full of targets?
Are you going to rely on a taser that has a 50/50 failure rate?

Or are you going to take the shot, knowing that by killing the target you could be saving several kids lives?

THINK, man!
Point is it was not a firearm. I have an airsoft USP. It don't look much like the real thing. But if someone pointed it at me suddenly in a high stress environment such as today's, I'd cut loose and feel bad later. Definitely SBC .02$ Joe
KriegHund said:
If someone points a gun at you, and you have a gun in your hand, aimed-
Are you going to back up, and toss teargas into a classroom full of targets?
Are you going to rely on a taser that has a 50/50 failure rate?

Or are you going to take the shot, knowing that by killing the target you could be saving several kids lives?

THINK, man!

They had him cornered, alone, in a boy's room. No excuses; just makes it worse for the officer who took the shot.

In my day, we called it "Blue Suicide."
They probably refrained from the tear gas because they considered him more a suicide risk than a danger to others... and they guessed wrong. (or were they right?)

we'll find out more.
A person that commits suicide doesn't always mean that they're killing themselves. Take someone with severe depression for example who commits suicide. It's most likely the illness that killed them.
ceetee said:
They had him cornered, alone, in a boy's room. No excuses; just makes it worse for the officer who took the shot.

In my day, we called it "Blue Suicide."

Mm, i should be the one to "THINK"

Teargas was more plasuible in that situation. Taser....not so much.

Though a rubber bullet (which is often fatal) or those rubber ring things, may have been more plausible yet.
The news today had Eslinger holding up the gun next to a Beretta to show the similarity and called it an Airsoft a couple of times, they also announced that the kid had died
I almost never assume anything

From the link I provided
The boy's Airsoft pellet gun had been painted black to 'look like a real gun', Eslinger said, adding that pellet guns are usually pink or red to set them apart from more dangerous weapons.
They may not know the difference between airsoft and a pellet gun.

You know. "They all look alike. Just another reason why all guns (even things that just look like guns) should be banned..."

Well he was holding it none of us were.
And I know Eslinger well enough to know that he knows guns
You guys are absolutely right, there is more to it than just tv. Parents are to blame for allowing tv to raise their children. They are to blame for not correcting behavior problems as they arise. It used to be the punishment at school was nothing compared to what awaited a child at home when dad got out the 'board of education'. Now in many places, neither amount to much.

Specifically, I meant that tv on numerous programs act out various dramatic situations with someone commiting or attempting to commit suicide. Although there is a disclaimer for the appropriate age that can handle this, I question whether or not such shows are suitable or anyone(I am not suggesting censorship). I know personally such shows benefit me none, I doubt they are useful for anything.

This was truly a tragic situation. I hope and pray that future situations like this can be prevented.
I'm sure the assault lawyers are already putting the finishing touches on the law suits against the police department for using excessive force, failing to consider the youth's age, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
FWIW, I've seen some instances where as local juristictions learn what "Airsoft" is, they are starting to write them into their codes regarding BB gun,s pellet guns, etc., as equivalents.

SWAT, HRT, Air marshalls = firemen. They're called out to deal with an identified threat. They are not there to negotiate, psychoanalyze, counsel or coddle, they're there to neutralize the threat.

This is a sad situation for many reasons, but the kid managed to get himself identifed as a legitimate threat, and he was dealt with accordingly. I infer, from the story, maybe they could have waited him out, but I wasn't there. One would like to think that if they had him cornered in the boy's room, there would be little rationale for storming in and wasting him, but I wasn't there.

Maybe an operative lesson on why one shouldn't point any kind of gun at another unless you're willing to shoot, and just another good reason to teach & practice muzzle control from an early age, eh?
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When I saw the story at work, the part I noticed was that the police representative didn't know yet whether it was a real gun.

How hard is that to check? I could verify in about 10 seconds.

It's too bad the body died, but I'll agree "Suicide by blue".

If I was a cop, I wouldn't keep trying to talk anybody down when they go to point the gun at me, a fellow police officer, or an innocent.

They were being cautious and allowing when they failed to shoot on sight and proceeded to try to talk him down. According to reports, at one point he had the gun pointed at himself.

edit: How much you do want to bet he was on some kind of anti-depressant or other psychotropic drug?
15 year old 8th grader?

Yeah, I didn't notice that at first, but now that you mention it, that is a little old for the 8th grade. The kid sounds like he more problems than suicidal tendencies.

the news is now reporting that he is alive and on advanced life support and that the family does not want his medical condition released

They showed the pellet gun next to a real Beretta 92 and there is no way you could tell the difference enough to bet your life on it.

Friends say that he was supposed to get jumped today by a group of kids when he picked a fight with one of them

Best friends said that he said he hated his life and wanted to die

Has a history as a runaway, was quiet and stayed inside mostly playing games when he wasn't target shooting.

I think he was a troubled kid that was trying to get out of a beat down the coolest way he could think of and things didn't turn out the way he planned so he went to plan B

Another newspaper is reporting that he threatened to blow up a school bus last year
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Sad Case for Parents, Police, School Friends

This was a sad case indeed. I'm sure the officer feels terrible, even though he probably did exactly what the protocol says to do when someone appears to be raising a firearm towards you.

Maybe tear gas into the restroom would have worked, maybe not. The news indicates that after the incident was over, it was discovered the boy had a gun that appeared to be real, although it turned out it wasn't.

I'm sorry for the parents of the boy as well as the officer. Tragedies like this seem so unfortunate for everyone involved.
I don't see how tear gas would have been a better option.

He was threatening to shoot himself, if they had tossed tear gas in he might have just done it.
If that had happened the police would be damned for pushing him over the edge, instead of talking to him

As it is there is a chance that he will live

I wouldn't have your job at twice the pay
joab said:
he the pellet gun next to a real Beretta 92 and there is no way you could tell the difference enough to bet your life on it.

Just saw one of these at Dicks Sporting Goods this evening


Semiautomatic, CO2, even had a laser on the accessory rail, 8 gr, 400fps, ~3 ft/lbs

Seems this:


Has a bore diameter just a shade over a millimeter larger...28 gr, 2300fps, 320+ft/lbs
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