Teen Protects Mother, Shoots Abusive Boyfriend

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What most Americans think should be done....
*bang*...*bang*...*bang* Stop!! I have a gun! ........*bangbang*.............*bang* *nudges body with foot* *bang*

I agree with all but the last... *nudges body with foot* *bang*

You're too close and there'll be too much GSR and burns on BGs' corpse.
I agree with you 76shuvlinoff, If it were me he wouldn't have time to get to my mom or wife, he would have got all 20 rounds from my M14.:D
"put a woman beating psycho in his place. (apparently that place is in the hospital)"

If he was beatin on my mom, the only room at the hospital he'd check into would have been the morgue
Well, I'm one man the defense would really, really want on the jury. No way I would convict given teh information at hand. Hell, I'd clap him on the shoulder, say good job, and give him some advise for better shot placement if it happens again.

You and me both buddy.

It takes a real man to hit a woman, let me tell you.:barf:

thanks for reviving this thread, and i'm glad to hear that you and your husband have moved on from this incident. i truly hope all is well with both of you. sorry to hear that this "man" never received what he deserved.

That's the most poorly written article I've ever read.
Did the reporter even graduate elementary school?

seriously. aside from several other issues, they spelled the perp's name two different ways...
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