Temporary cheap bench???

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Aug 2, 2005
I have all of my equipment ready to start reloading .45 acp. The room I will use with a nice bench won't be ready for another month and a half. I can't wait that long. I need something temporary and cheap.

My easiest option is to bolt the press straight to my coffee table. It is going in the trash in a month and a half anyway. Bad part is that it is low and I would have to sit on the floor.

What about a small 2x4 bench? Must be portable for storage when not in use. At the moment I would have to sit on the couch to do this. Not really a big deal.

Anyone have pics of their small bench setups. If you can't pick it up and move it by yourself every time you reload I don't wanna see it


Go down to your local hardware store and get a Black-n-Decker WorkMate 550.. the heavy duty one. Find a scrap of plywood or MDF about the same size as the top of the WorkMate, and screw a 2x4 cleat to the center. Mount your press and other stuff to the piece of plywood. Now when you want to use the press, just set the whole thing on the Workmate, and clamp the cleat in the vise portion of the Workmate. When you are done, release it, set the board w/ the press mounted up in a shelf or in a closet, and fold up the Workmate and do the same.


Thats a great idea but that's a pricey item. I have a couple 2"x12"x10' in the garage I forgot about. Should be able to build a small bench pretty easily with those. Ill give it a shot tonight and see what happens.
Yes, it's pricey. But when you have your larger bench built... what are you going to do w/ your little cobbled-together job? Firewood, I'm guessing. The WorkMate you can keep on using for various other stuff around the shop and around the house.

Anywho, it's your money/time, so good luck!

Or get two sets of sawhorse brackets, the steel ones that fold the legs and when you open them out the jaws close on a 2x4. You can make a small table out of your existing lumber, put two 2x4 cleats across, and clamp the cleats with the sawhorse brackets. I used that kind of arrangement for years in my basement. Only requires a minute to set up or take down.
Yes, it's pricey. But when you have your larger bench built... what are you going to do w/ your little cobbled-together job? Firewood, I'm guessing. The WorkMate you can keep on using for various other stuff around the shop and around the house.

I started drawing up plans to make a nice bench out of the 2"x12"s I have and I am already tired thinking about it. Im gonna swing by HD on the way home and see about a Workmate. 2x12s will work for the top and center squisher beam if I rip one in half for the squisher.
Ok. Scratch the workmate idea. I am going to mount the press to a length of the 2x12 and clamp that to my coffee table. Easy easy. Just have to buy two c-clamps.
FWIW, I routinely use a regular "Office Depot" type of folding table for a reloading bench. You only have to size the case, not the table (too many people just lean on that dang handle - once it hits zero, it ain't goin' any further...)
Here's my workmate bench. It certainly does the trick...



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I got tired of C-clamping my presses to my wife's kitchen table and drug out a little old el-cheapo Sauder TV stand I bought for $19.99 in 1995. It's just the right height for using a regular swivel chair to sit on and meets our limited space requirements. The downside to using it is that it will require some plywood bracing on the back.
Go to a used funiture store and pick up a small chest of drawers, about 3 drawers, add a plywood top and your good to go. You can use it 'till your room and new bench are ready then you can use it for storage.
Welcome to the Forum, 72V.

This thread is three years old. Some of these guys may not be on the forum any more. A good way to get feedback from current members is to start a new thread on the subject of benches.

Tell us what calibers you load.
I have my Lubisizer and a really good single-stage press mounted to a sturdy sawhorse. The sawhorse has a shelf underneath where I store a scale, box of primers, box of bullets, etc. It works great and is portable.

Progressive press is mounted to a metal folding banquet table, with box after box of bullets and brass along the back for added weight.
i have a 2x6 its 18 inches long. with felt on the bottom. Bolted on one end is my shot gun press. Bolted to the other side is press. I put a towel on the table then C clamp the 2x6 at an angle. Then just start re loading. It may be a little low. But it works good. Best part is i can watch tv and still reload some ammo.
Best part is i can watch tv and still reload some ammo.

Here we go again...

Scrat, I like you and your posts so I will turn the other cheek. Guys, be nice...


Cheers, Mate
I have a 24" piece of 2x6 that I bolted the press to and I then c-clamp it to the computer desk in my bedroom. Used to use the kitchen table but my wife didn't like that much so when my grandparents were getting rid of an old computer desk I snatched it up and mounted the 2x6 to that. It works great and she doesn't seem to mind it in the bedroom since it's in the corner and I keep it organized.
Years ago, I bought a small dresser at an Army Property Disposal yard. The top of the dresser is my reloading bench, and with the drawers full of dies and other paraphenalia, it weighs about a ton and is as stable as all get-out.
My bench is an old library table I got at a used furniture store for $20. Heavy as heck.

Mounted the 550 to it and have been cranking out .45 Colt
get a rolling microwave cart from Wal Mart for $16. Drill it and mount....then you can move it from place to place around the house or range.
Get a scratch and dent door
All our workbenches at our shop are made from old solid doors taken down in the Hospital. With new construction going on there is always a supply. We have some out back right now. Too bad you are not close by, or are you? They will last virtually forever.

Go hang out where they are renovating a business. You might get lucky.
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