Terrorists Win - Prime Minister Orders Spanish Pullout from Iraq

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This is just going to encourage the terrorists. Strike a few days before an election, and the terrorists win.

They will get what they deserve in the end.

Hey i've got it. We'll just lob a cruise missile or two at there trains during rush hour & say more troops into Iraq or else. Butthead scum sucking socialist vermin. Just my 2 cents:D
In a related note:

Following Spain's acquiescense to Muslim demands to leave Iraq, the Moors have demanded that Spaniards vacate, within the week, the land which the Moors once controlled, the Iberian Peninsula. The prime minister of Spain has steadfastly refused this demand and stated that his people would need at least a month to leave Spain. "We won't be pushed around, but we're willing to do whatever they say in order to be safe." said Prime Minister Zapatero.[/sarcasm]

That's right Agricola. Reagan made a mistake. We appeased the terrorists.....Look where it got us.
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I hate to even say it, but my first thought when those Spanish trains were bombed was that this is an election year in the U.S., and it's likely going to be close, and there is a public debate going on about our troops in Iraq, and that terrorists might try the same ploy here in the weeks before the November elections. It wouldn't take another Sept. 11, just some trains, or bridges, or some federal buildings, etc. etc. Enough to send a message that Bush cannot keep Americans safe, or whatever, and that could swing the election.
doesn't seem all that long ago that everyone here was all falling over themselves singing the praises of the Spanish snipers.
I, too, was deeply disappointed to discover that the Spainish are apparently having back trouble, namely that they're suffering from a severe softening of the spine. Worse still, far too many of our fellow countrymen seem to be coming down with the same disease, though just how widespread the affliction has become no one can say for certain. Symptoms include enuresis, mood swings, and irrational fears, leaving most of it's victims with a ferverent desire for appeasement. Although some experts at the CDC have speculated that the origins of the American strain, now referred to in medical circles as "candy @ss", can be traced to a Dean rally, it has also appeared in the Kerry camp - leading others to suspect that it is actually a much older virus that had been previously misdiagnosed. Work on a cure is slow, and attempts at treatment using logical reasoning have thus far failed. Medical experts say they'll have a better understanding of the scope of the outbreak by early November.

I think Regan was one of our better presidents overall, but relenting to pressure from congress and pulling our military out of Lebanon was a huge mistake.

It's a mistake I hope we learn from, but it sounds like a number of members of congress didn't learn the lesson, and obviously Spain didn't.

I hope they start learning quickly, because it's a mistake that costs lives.

Let all these panty-waisted countries show who is weak and can be manipulated. They'll draw the terrorist attacks like moths to a flame, which will make us safer.
Before we get too holier-than-thou about Spain ---

Be very quiet and listen carefully. Hear that sound, off in the distance? Do you know what it is? No? Wait a second -- there it is a little louder now. Still don't recognize it? Well, my friends, that is the sound of the American sheep getting restless. Soon the stampede will start, demanding a pullout, and the spectacle of American troops running home from Iraq will make us all forget about Spain.

I hope that this does not happen, but listening to the incessant bleating from the radical left (including some of our favorites here on THR) and their friends in the media makes me fear it.

General Giap and friends may have it right -- the American people may no longer be willing to sustain significant loses anymore, no matter what the cause.
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